TOP 15 foods that prevent cancer

Until now, the factors that provoke cancer are not reliably known. There are only a few unequivocal opinions about this or that lifestyle that will help not to provoke the development of cancer. Among them – proper nutrition and the use of those foods that reduce the likelihood of cancer.


Cabbage contains many anti-cancer substances – they block the development of the disease at any stage, prevent tumor cells from growing and suppress the activity of genes that are responsible for its development.

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are considered the most beneficial from this point of view – eating them in an amount of 100 grams is enough to minimize cancer.


Onion and garlic

These foods prevent gene damage that can lead to cancer. Garlic reduces the risk of bowel cancer by 70 percent. In this case, garlic is consumed raw and in a sufficiently large quantity.

Green tea

Leader among antioxidants. Green tea contains an important anticarcinogen that prevents tumors from growing and makes them less likely to develop. It is important for a woman to drink green tea daily in sufficient quantity – a few cups, to avoid breast cancer.


The pigment of red tomatoes, as well as red peppers, has anti-cancer effects. Red tomatoes can be eaten fresh and canned all year round, in ketchups, juices and sauces. Daily consumption of red tomato pigment reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 20 percent.


A product that will help cleanse the intestines and prevent cancer in this place. Bananas are easy to digest and are a good source of energy and good mood. Bananas are high in vitamin K, which has a beneficial effect on kidney function, bone and connective tissue health.

Blueberries and raspberries

Blueberries are a concentrate of many antioxidants, and therefore doctors of different directions love them very much. It prevents cell destruction, strengthens vision, and, like raspberries, contains acid that will prevent the tumor from growing into the blood vessels, and therefore weaken it, depriving it of the source of life.


It has been scientifically proven that eating soy reduces the risk of breast cancer in women by 35 percent, and also prevents the tumor from spreading and supplying blood to it.


Legumes contain a lot of phytoestrogens – these substances can prevent the onset and development of breast and lung cancer. Also in legumes there is a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and the functioning of the human immune system. The risk of bowel cancer from eating legumes drops 40 percent.


Daily consumption of walnuts has an impact on the development of neoplasms – in particular, prostate cancer. According to research, its risk is reduced by 40 percent. Walnuts contain healthy fats that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.


Indian spice orange curry due to turmeric in its composition not only helps those who lose weight lose weight, but also prevents the division of cancer cells. Scientists today synthesize curcumin artificially, which makes it a more effective substance against cancer. It is planned to use it in the composition of drugs against cancer.

bitter chocolate

It is rich in antioxidants and therefore prevents the formation of cancer cells and supports healthy growth. This effect is provided to chocolate by cocoa beans, and therefore the higher their content in chocolate, the better.


Daily coffee consumption reduces the risk of developing cancer by 16 percent. The opinions of scientists, however, differ, despite the obvious benefits, it is believed that some types of cancer can provoke coffee, therefore, as in the rest, it is not worth overusing coffee, as well as completely abandoning this drink.


Moderate consumption of red wine is widely celebrated. It is recommended by cardiologists, physiologists, nutritionists and oncologists. Wine contains antioxidants that also help the body during radiation therapy.

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