Top 15 Blanket Manufacturers

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

In the process of life, a person spends one third of his time in a dream, so it is very important to choose the right quality bedding. For a good rest and recuperation, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the purchase of a mattress, pillow, but also a blanket. It’s no secret that soft and pleasant to the body fabric gives maximum pleasure and allows you to relax during sleep and rest. When choosing a model, it is best to be guided by the advice of professionals, pay attention to your feelings. Our experts have developed a list of criteria based on which you can choose a high quality blanket.

How to choose a blanket

The choice of a blanket depends on many parameters, but the main ones are:

  1. Filler. It will be easy even for an amateur to understand the difference in the material – cotton and duvets are lighter than woolen ones, and silk ones are smooth and hygroscopic. Synthetic materials do not create a favorable environment for insects and parasites, therefore they are considered easy to care for, unlike natural fabrics. Bamboo models appeared on the market recently, but quickly gained their fans due to their airiness, strength and ability to quickly absorb excess moisture.

  2. Case material. Whatever raw materials are used to make blankets, the outer case is of no small importance. A person, when covered with a blanket, does not feel the filler, but the touch of the outer material. Manufacturers try to make covers from soft, pleasant to the touch fabrics with good breathability and hygroscopicity. These characteristics are characteristic of natural fabrics – cotton, satin, teak or silk.

  3. Blanket size. The parameters of the model must match not only the length and width of the bed, but also the personality of the buyer. It is better for tall people to purchase a blanket with a margin in length so as not to feel discomfort during sleep, but you can choose the standard width of the model. The most popular sizes: one and a half standard and double models from 1,7 m x 2,05 m to 2,2 m x 2,4 m, options for children and newborns do not exceed 1,2 m.

Guided by these criteria, comprehensively observing them in the process of buying a blanket, the likelihood of a successful purchase of goods increases significantly. Our experts have analyzed the blanket manufacturers market and ranked the best of them.

Rating of the best manufacturers of blankets

Nomination Place Manufacturer Rating
The best manufacturers of blankets in terms of price-quality ratio      1 Walters      5.0
     2 Goldtex      4.9
     3 Nature’s      4.8
     4 Couch potato      4.7
     5 Ecotex      4.6
     6 AlVitek      4.5
     7 Don Textile      4.4
     8 Spring      4.3
     9 SN-Textile      4.2
     10 Ol-Tex      4.1
Top Premium Blanket Manufacturers      1 TOGAS      5.0
     2 German grass      4.9
     3 Charge      4.8
     4 merchant      4.7
     5 Three Crowns      4.6

The best manufacturers of blankets in terms of price-quality ratio

In the process of choosing, it is important for the consumer not only to be sure of the quality and safety of the product, but also that he does not overpay for the purchase. Therefore, the ratio of price and quality is one of the important criteria for buyers. Our experts have analyzed the market and selected the best manufacturers, the cost of which corresponds to the declared properties.


Rating: 5.0

The Walteri brand has been manufacturing not only blankets, but also other types of home textiles for more than ten years. He managed to establish himself as a competitive product. It takes the rightful first place in the ranking of manufacturers due to a whole range of advantages. His blankets have been winners of many domestic exhibitions more than once. Models made using a unique technology from the lightest duck down are especially popular. Its density is 600 g/sq. m, which is a rare ratio for other manufacturers.

The common eider is a species of feathered bird that, due to its unique plumage, is able to survive even in the most severe weather conditions in the north at a temperature of minus 50 degrees. Walteri blankets use eiderdown raw materials to create both a light and warm product. The color scheme of the product is made in pastel colors, and the dimensions vary from 145 x 220 cm to 195 x 125 cm. This allows you to purchase a copy that is convenient for the buyer. The cover is made of satin-jacquard material, which is silky and durable.




Rating: 4.9

The young Russian manufacturer of blankets managed to win the trust of consumers and the right to take a place in our rating. The brand is famous for its wide range of models. In the production of Goldtex resorts to the use of only natural materials, including swan and goose down, bamboo, cashmere, sheep and camel wool, cotton, silk and modern FINEFILL. The company’s assortment includes more than a dozen collections that are created using unique technologies.

In most of its models, Goldtex resorts to the manufacture of a cover made of a special Microfine fiber, which is characterized by high quality, good air conductivity and a pleasant, velvety finish. This material is stain resistant and easy to clean. Blanket fillings are clinically tested and processed so that they can be used by people prone to allergies. The quality of the model is perfectly compared with the cost of goods, which is available to almost all consumers.




Rating: 4.8

The domestic brand Nature’s is an excellent manufacturer of quality products at reasonable prices in the market. That is why it is in our rating. The main difference of the company is the raw materials used, which it purchases from special farms. All materials go through several stages of processing: cleaning, washing and drying. The result is a material close to sterile quality. Bamboo is used as raw material, which gives the product lightness, breathability and hygroscopicity.

The design of the duvets has been noted by consumers more than once – it is made in a pleasant bed color with a neat edging and even, well-stitched seams. The cover is made of natural cotton, approved for allergy sufferers. To the touch, the blanket is quite soft and pleasant to the body, without a specific smell. After washing, the material does not lose its shape, pellets do not form on it – the presentation is preserved for many years. The filler contains synthetic impurities, which is not suitable for all consumers.



Couch potato

Rating: 4.7

The Lezhebok brand conquers with its goods not only the domestic market, but also many European countries. The company has been manufacturing blankets for over 15 years, successfully competing with other representatives in our rating. The main focus of the company is on high-quality natural materials purchased directly from manufacturers or farm owners. The brand is famous for its variety of collections, but the all-season line “Sheep” has gained particular popularity, the products of which use natural 100% sheep wool. The sizes are presented in 4 different options. The design looks interesting thanks to the image of small sheep on the models.

Material density 300 g/sq. m. Wool with the addition of quilted cotton allows you to give heavy raw materials both lightness and low thermal conductivity during sleep. Despite the manufacturer’s official statement about the all-weather blanket, we recommend using it in the cool season. The product is ideal in terms of price and quality in this category.




Rating: 4.6

The Ecotex brand, known in all retail outlets as Ecotex, is rapidly developing in the Russian market and in neighboring countries. He takes a worthy place in our rating. The company manufactures the entire range of bedding. She uses wool, cotton, down as the main fillers. Before sending goods to retail or wholesale, all models undergo strict quality control for compliance with GOST.

The style of the specimens surprises with its simplicity and uniqueness at the same time. Various color shades will help to choose a product that is ideal for the buyer. Due to the use of a variety of raw materials, the brand offers many options for sale, depending on their lightness and warmth. Among affordable and high-quality products, we recommend the airy and soft blanket “Golden Fleece”. The company does not leave you without attention and premium series – they are produced regularly and come to retail and wholesale stores. These products are easy to wash in the machine, do not stray, do not form spools.




Rating: 4.5

The AlViTech brand has established itself as one of the most reliable blanket manufacturers. Products are durable and strong. The slogan of the company: “Even the most demanding consumer must be satisfied with the quality of products and their service life.” A distinctive feature of the design is a bright label made in the colors of the flag of the Russian Federation. The technologies used undergo mandatory quality certification before being introduced into production.

The range is divided into several lines, one of which is the downy Dolce series. It includes subspecies “Lux” and “Extra”, which are presented in 3 sizes 140 x 205 cm, 172 x 205 cm, 200 x 220 cm. A mixture of natural 100% goose down and feather is used as a raw material. The materials are subjected to thorough heat treatment, after which antistatic and antiseptic properties are generated in the products. Thanks to this, the blanket does not accumulate dust and bed insects. Models “Extra” are presented in pleasant blue and bed tones, and the “Lux” series – in snow-white color. The cover is made of teak with a high density of fluff-proof fibers.



Don Textile

Rating: 4.4

Donskoy textile has been produced since 2000, during which time it has managed to gain unprecedented popularity among manufacturers of camel blankets in Russia and neighboring countries. Given the naturalness of raw materials, the prices for the company’s products remain affordable for the consumer. A significant plus is a wide dimensional grid in 10 variations. The manufacturer does not hide the fact that the composition of the filler contains not only camel wool, but also 20% sheep raw material, which acts as a natural connecting element.

Don Textile sews products in two different versions – the first is designed for all seasons and is characterized by a density of 300 g/sq. m, and the second with a density of 600 g / sq. m is ideal for cold periods with temperatures up to +18 degrees. When washing, the product does not lose its shape, does not roll, but it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and the rules of care. The cover is sewn from teak, it passes air well without losing heat saving.




Rating: 4.3

Primavelle is one of the best manufacturers of wool filled duvets. The company uses in the process of creating raw materials cashgor, alpaca, merino and sheep. For the manufacture of covers, preference is given to European fabrics such as percale, batiste and satin. In production technology, they resort to impregnating materials with oils, most often Aloe Vera, – blankets become a grant for a sound and healthy sleep. For this development, the company was repeatedly awarded diplomas and cups at domestic and international exhibitions.

When choosing a blanket based on the principle of optimal price-quality ratio, we recommend paying attention to the Apollina model. The weight of the blanket does not exceed 2 kg, and the low density allows the product to be used in cold periods. The cover is made of the softest satin, and the filler is kashgora wool. Some consumers prefer the Lamb model, which features good thermal conductivity, a unique design, and a clasp neatly sewn into the satin case.




Rating: 4.2

SN-Textile is included in the rating for the constant modernization of technology and the use of know-how in production. The company is a wholesale supplier of sleep products in the domestic market. It is characterized by courage in ideas and lack of fear of the latest technologies. The raw material for production is wool and synthetics. Prices for products vary from the composition and additional elements in the models. The design of the blankets is bright and memorable – this distinguishes the company from its competitors.

The buyer can choose a blanket for any period of the year. The bamboo model from SN-Textile is ideal as a summer option, and for winter it is worth choosing a woolen version. Product packaging deserves special attention – it is a durable case that will allow you to store goods between seasons. Consumers note that the choice of a blanket is complicated by the lack of a percentage of the types of materials used on the label.




Rating: 4.1

The Ol-Tex brand is a young but well-established enterprise. Its range contains more than 1000 models of blankets in a variety of colors and sizes. Product parameters correspond to standard one and a half, double and euro models. Depending on the season, the company offers different degrees of density from 200 to 300 g/sq. m. The manufacturer offers blankets for all ages. Many types are used as materials, some lines are made entirely of synthetics and are budgetary. Sheep wool is used as the main raw material, which is purchased directly from production farms. The quality of the models has been repeatedly confirmed by certificates of conformity, as well as awards from Russian and foreign exhibitions.

The Nano Silver series demonstrates the optimal ratio of price and quality. Its advantage is enrichment with silver ions, which not only improve the structure of the product, but also add protective and antibacterial properties to it. The process of creating goods is controlled from the stage of purchasing raw materials to the delivery of models to the shelves of retail outlets. The production technology uses hypoallergenic fibers, thanks to which the shape and structure of the blankets can be preserved after repeated washings.



Top Premium Blanket Manufacturers

Premium duvet models are designed for the right consumer who prefers a high price, the same level of quality and a famous brand. Manufacturers of the luxury segment value their reputation and name, so they create high-level models. Their products are usually sold in piece copies and do not repeat each other.


Rating: 5.0

The best among the manufacturers of premium segment blankets is the TOGAS brand. This is a domestic manufacturer who created a real empire of home textiles just over a dozen years ago. The company has several own factories, large-scale warehouses and a VIP studio. TOGAS products are supplied not only to Russia, but also to neighboring countries and Europe. The network of luxury brand stores has retail outlets in all regions. The manufacturer carefully approaches the choice of materials and the further sale of products. The creation of blankets is based only on new technologies and high-quality raw materials. To get into the TOGAS team, you need to have high skills, be a professional in your field and go through a thorough selection.

The range of goods is wide, but each model is made in piece circulation, which ensures individuality for the consumer. The price category, as it should be for premium segment products, is quite high. One of the budget options is the Libro blanket. It is distinguished by excellent quality and functionality, despite its belonging to not the top production series. The cover is made of materials treated with silver ions. Each stage of work meets not only domestic, but also international quality requirements. Products are safe, easy to wash at home.



German grass

Rating: 4.9

German grass is a leading Austrian brand for luxury home textiles. All manufacturing processes are subject to strict quality control and testing for compliance with international requirements. Products are the epitome of aesthetics, safety, convenience and uniqueness. All designs of blankets are developed by skilled experts. The catalog of goods is quite wide, it includes models for any season and temperature regime. Each collection has its own material. So, for the Camel Grass line, the brand resorted to using exclusively 100% soft fluff of small camels using hand-combed technology.

The down filler is lightweight and breathable. To preserve their qualities, the materials are interconnected into special layers of biological components that are thermally processed. But the components still remain 100% natural and environmentally friendly. The cover is made of satin, which is very soft and pleasant to the body. The material is often used for the production of children’s bedding.




Rating: 4.8

The Russian manufacturer Kariguz has been manufacturing down and feather blankets since 1991, constantly improving the technology of creating products. The company went through several crisis moments, but after that it only improved the quality of its products. Today in the catalog there are models of goose feathers and down. Kariguz products can be an ideal gift option thanks to their beautiful packaging with handles. The production has developed several collections, which are divided not according to quality or design, but according to the age category: Baby Dreams for kids, Smile for teenagers and several series for adults. The latest lines are presented in 3 sizes.

Down models are light weight and pleasant fabrics that are barely noticeable when in contact with the body. Consumers note perfectly executed internal and external seams that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The price category is high even for premium segment products. Despite the downy raw materials, the products are easy to wash and retain their basic properties even after repeated use.




Rating: 4.7

The brand of upscale blankets and pillows for the sleeping space rightfully takes a place in our rating. The history of production begins back in 1823 with the process of processing down and feather mixtures, obtaining luxury raw materials. Today Kauffmann is the best supplier of recycled down in Europe. The brand combines quality, innovation, development and unique technologies. The company produces hypoallergenic blankets, is the author of the Climabalance system, which eliminates excess heat and moisture, contributing to the creation of an ideal space for a cool and comfortable sleep. The German-Austrian brand not only supplies products to the territory of the Russian Federation, but also has its own factories here. Goods meet more than one number of international requirements, have numerous quality marks.

The product range includes more than 5 variants of dimensional grids. The design is classic, made in soothing bed shades, which gives the models a nobility and aesthetic appearance. The consumer notes a complex manual for washing products, which includes several sequential steps and temperature regimes. The price category is high even for the premium segment.



Three Crowns

Rating: 4.6

The Swiss brand has a rich history with its ups and downs. For perseverance and quality, he was awarded a place in our rating. Despite the problems in the early 2000s, the company was able to achieve worldwide recognition. Today, products are delivered to all points of Russia, as well as to Western countries. Blankets are suitable for use in both summer and winter. The raw materials used are distinguished by environmentally friendly components and meet all international safety requirements. The production technology allows us to produce hypoallergenic models that are suitable for both adults and children. A wide dimensional grid in various variations allows you to choose a product for any parameters.

The covers of the goods are made of high-quality satin and cotton, which are characterized by a high level of breathability and moisture absorption. This allows you to create comfortable conditions for a safe and restful sleep. Considering the premium segment, the price category still remains quite high. The color scheme is light and beige, so it is necessary to use products carefully and carefully. The washing process is quite laborious and includes a number of rules and recommendations.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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