Hello dear blog readers! No matter how fantastic it may seem, but the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought is quite real and feasible, you just need to know the subtleties and nuances, as in principle, in every business.
1. Awareness of your desire
You must clearly understand what exactly you want. It seems to sound ridiculous, but mostly people make mistakes right in this place. If you have identified the image of your desire, you should give it the maximum shape. Think over even the smallest nuances in order to concretize and clarify.
Therefore, a visualization method is used, which you can read about here. In addition to the fact that the Universe becomes clearer what needs to be materialized, it also gives a hint to the subconscious. He needs to be guided in order to take steps directly in favor of the plan when making any decisions. And it is also useful in that it helps in the future to understand that the desired has come true, such an internal litmus test.
Do you know such stories when a person longs for something, and spends a lot of time and energy searching, to the point that he goes on long solo trips or leaves the city or country for a long time? And then something happens to him, and he realizes that what he was looking for all his life turned out to be very close, “under his nose”, but he simply did not notice? For example, a girl is looking for love, gets disappointed, despairs, and then it turns out that the same one is her classmate or childhood friend, in whom she didn’t even notice the male part before. And I noticed when I tried relationships with different men. I gained experience and began to understand what exactly I want in my life, that there are no ideal people and so on. The image became very specific and detailed.
2. Formulations without the use of the “not” particle
The fact is that the subconscious, and the consciousness, too, do not take this particle into account, therefore, what usually comes true is what was most feared or avoided. In addition, usually a person understands better what he does not want, because it is easier, so less energy is spent on awareness. You can even experiment with people you know by asking two questions: «What do you dislike the most?» and «What do you like most?» and by comparing which of them you will get more answers, moreover, detailed ones.
3.Time frame
It is also necessary to formulate in the present tense, as if it has already come true, and you are the happy owner of a dream. You just need to wait a bit and put in the effort. Otherwise, the execution will be postponed indefinitely. It is also important to set a clear time limit. In general, if you want a quick fulfillment of your dream, set realistic deadlines that the Universe and you will definitely meet.
4.Financial situation
I recommend asking directly for what you get with the money. Because there is a risk that you will receive them again in the wrong way, and will bring more loss than good. Even a banal payment for insurance, in connection with an injury at work or in the event of an accident. Better not take risks, and if you want money, use the recommendations of Valery Kharlamov, which you will find in an article about financial independence.
5. Energy should be conserved
Do not waste it in vain, daily paying a lot of attention to thinking about it, and even more so, you should not worry and worry about when, finally, everything will happen and how it will be then. Therefore, as soon as you have formulated, set a goal, a time frame and defined tasks for accomplishment, let go of this desire, leaving space for the work of the Universe.
6. Priorities
We are all living people and have an insane bunch of ideas and fantasies in our heads, but remember — you should visualize one at a time, otherwise there will be chaos. Until the one that was desired first comes true, it is forbidden to move to others. In extreme cases, it is possible to overlap desires from different areas, only so that they do not contradict each other.
7. Circle of initiates
Try to resist and especially do not share your plans with anyone. It is not in vain that a sign about the evil eye appeared among the people. Stories about the intended goals really distance us from their implementation. And it’s not all about mysticism. And the fact that we waste a lot of energy while explaining the nuances, that not everyone around knows how to cope with their envy, which is why they may attempt to interfere with you or devalue the idea itself. Unfortunately, in real life, it happens that even your own parents do not always wish well for their children, so be careful in choosing those people whom you decide to devote to the details.
8.Environment friendly purpose
A very important rule — in no case should your idea be related to harming someone close or familiar. The danger is that you will deal with the consequences. The law of the Universe — do no harm, otherwise the evil that you are plotting will return to you many times more. So, at least for the sake of your safety, for the sake of the safety of your parents or children, in no case do not present illnesses, lack of money and other negative things to other people.
9.Execution tools
Thinking through a dream, be sure to specify the moment with what and how it should be fulfilled. That is, you will be given a promotion because you turn in a project that you finish and present at the highest level. You will have an apartment because you work hard and make savings, connect passive income resources and so on. The fact is that the Universe does not care how to materialize your desire, if you did not give a hint how exactly it should be fulfilled. And then a side effect is likely to occur, for example, in the form of the death of a close and beloved relative, after which the apartment will be inherited. And then the thought may appear that it would be better if this living space did not exist, if only this person were alive. Thoughts have energy, remember? Therefore, at one moment thieves climb into the house or a fire occurs. Dream fulfilled! So be careful and attentive in your “wants”.
10. Deal with your fears
You will not believe it, but there is practically no such person who would not like to have a lot of money. But for some reason, many of them treat rich people with contempt, considering them greedy, inhuman, cruel, and so on. So how then will they become rich if they are afraid of it? It is rare for a person to strive for such a characteristic consciously, right? So don’t forget to think about what will change once you get what you want. How will you become, how will relationships with others change at work? Weigh all the pros and cons, perhaps thanks to this you will realize why nothing has come true so far and what exactly are the true obstacles?
11. Engage in spiritual practices
Meditation will have a positive impact not only on your well-being and health, but will also help you get your plan as quickly as possible. But because it teaches us to concentrate and reach the state that is used in alpha rendering. Check out the details here. And it will not be superfluous to learn how to breathe correctly in order to bring maximum benefit to our body, the main effective techniques are described in this article.
12. Actions
Do not forget that you should not just relax and wait, you must make an effort to get closer to what you planned at least in a small step. Every evening, conduct a so-called reflection for yourself, that is, remember what exactly you did today in order to make your plans come true faster. Not necessarily something large-scale, even meeting a person who will later help at least with advice, sharing experience, is already an achievement.
Reception Zeeland
Vadim Zeland is the founder of such a trend as “reality transurfing”, he described one interesting method, during which you can just apply your practical knowledge and experiment. It is called «Glass of Water», and for good reason, because the main role is played by just a glass of water. Preferably thawed, in extreme cases, you can pour spring water.
Take a sheet of paper and write down your cherished dream, as accurately and concisely as possible. Place a glass on it, and place your palms on the sides, concentrating on your sensations. When you feel warmth in your hands, say out loud what you have written, slowly, feeling confident that it will work and soon your plan will come true. It would be nice to use the visualization method in the complex. The number of times is not limited, as soon as you understand that enough is enough and it’s time to stop, just drink this water.
It is better to carry out this procedure before going to bed or early in the morning, when your body is relaxing or still relaxed, at this moment the brain sends impulses at a reduced frequency, which is just what is needed to materialize thoughts. The time of day is chosen according to your biological rhythms. If you wake up late, being an «owl», then it is better to start in the evening, but for «larks» in the morning.
By learning to manage your thoughts, you will receive a very powerful tool, thanks to which you can achieve your goals much faster. So keep going and you’ll be fine!