TOP 12 recommendations for reading books

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! Today I want to share a list of literature that is worthy of the attention of each of you. If only because it has already helped a large number of people to change not only their outlook on life, but also to make it more harmonious, interesting and happy.

A lot of such lists have already been created on the site, but what can you do if so many creations have not yet been studied, and very, by the way, in vain.

So, recommendations for reading books, prepare a pen with a notebook to write down. Or open an electronic notepad, which is more convenient.

Top 12

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey

This is a desktop guide for such an important process as self-development. Bill Clinton himself singled it out among the rest of the bestsellers, considering it the most effective and versatile. Since it can help absolutely every person who “works out” the skills necessary for this to achieve success.

Steven is an expert in solving problems, complexities, both in business and in interpersonal relationships. Clearly enough, with examples, describes his experience and understanding of the principles and rules that exist in society. And also how to adapt to them and achieve what you want.

GTD. David Allen

Getting Things Done, which in translation means «How to put things in order.» This book is for those who are constantly under stress and do not have time to solve work and life tasks.

Who has already forgotten how it is to enjoy the process of work, and not to rush to finish it as soon as possible. Or if the problems literally snowballed on your head, and there are no ideas on how to deal with them.

Or how to allocate your time and resources so that you really manage to achieve what you want. That is, to get the result of their activities, and exactly the one that was previously planned.

Here you will find practical recommendations and various tools that will facilitate processes such as time and task planning, goal setting and prioritization.

Awaken the giant in you. Anthony Robbins

If you understand that it is time to take control of your life into your own hands, then feel free to start reading this creation. Since in it you will find strategies and techniques that will allow you to gain inner freedom and confidence in a bright, wonderful future that you will create on your own, not relying on miracles and favorable combinations of circumstances, other people.

This is a great motivator to act, and not to put off until later, happiness and troubles, plans and dreams.

The art of making deals. Donald Trump

Donald talks about his own experience of building a business. About ups and downs, the intricacies of overcoming bureaucratic difficulties. But the most important thing is how to make deals and find a common language even with those who are initially skeptical about the idea of ​​cooperation.

But this book is not just a collection of recommendations, in it Trump talks along the way about his personal life, the curiosities that happened in it. That makes it quite accessible to a wide range of readers. Both businessmen and housewives, students and even schoolchildren will find valuable information in it.

By the way, you will learn more details about his biography from this article.

TOP 12 recommendations for reading books

Road to the future. Bill Gates

This book is not about how to make millions, it is more for dreamers. Because it tells what technologies await us in the future.

Could you have thought in the 1990s, if you were already in this world, that the moment will come and we will be able to talk on the phone from absolutely any corner of the planet where it catches the connection? Unlikely. In the same way, then they did not believe in the “Smart Home” system, although in 1995 Bill already had its analogue.

In general, if you are interested in knowing what awaits you in the future, feel free to go in search of the creation of this brilliant man, who is rightfully considered one of the richest people on the planet.

Where is my cheese? Spencer Johnson

This is a story about values ​​and priorities. About how we get used to something, and stop noticing. And then, losing, we are very sorry about it. It is short, but contains very important ideas, thoughts that can change your attitude towards your own life.

It will be clear to both a businessman and a child. Because identifying each of us with a mouse that seeks to get its cheese and does it in different ways is easy enough to understand.

Black rhetoric. Karstne Bredemeyer

Are you able to handle conflicts elegantly, resolve heated disputes with ease, and convince your interlocutor that you are right so skillfully that he himself will not notice how he agrees with you?

If not, then it’s time to take on Bredemeyer’s book. He will introduce you to the most effective techniques for manipulating the minds of others. It will also help improve your perception and hone your discussion and negotiation skills.

Black rhetoric — because it really contains magic, the magic of words. You just have to know the secrets hidden in it and you will easily achieve your goals.

How to make anyone fall in love with you. Leil Lowndes

If you want to move away from serious topics regarding achievements, career and other things, then I recommend reading a short theoretical course on interpersonal relationships. In particular, love, sexual, romantic.

Here you will find as many as 85 tricks that will help you fall in love with almost any representative or representative of the opposite sex. Or maybe your own, if there is a desire and need.

TOP 12 recommendations for reading books

How to talk to assholes. Mark Goulston

I think that each of you at least once in your life had a chance to communicate with an inadequate person. That is, those who are not able to think rationally and make decisions. Why, even just talk coherently and on the topic, answer questions.

So, Mark, being a psychiatrist and having vast experience in working with individuals prone to violence and suicide, decided to share his best practices and techniques with the world.

Initially, he created an entire training course for the FBI and the police on how to negotiate. And then he wrote a book. After all, assholes and psychos are much more common than we would like. And not everyone knows how to behave with them. Take care of your nerves and safety, read it.

Number 1. How to be the best at what you do. Igor Mann.

A step-by-step guide on how to get from point A, that is, the place where you are at the moment, to point B — where you wanted and dreamed. It’s that simple. And no matter what your plans and aspirations are, you will receive the tools with which you can pave your own way. Just the one that suits. And it takes you where you need to go.

As a bonus, each chapter contains a small list of literature recommended for study. That is, if you want to delve into the topic, you will already know which direction to run and where exactly to get the necessary information.

On the limit. A week without self-pity. Eric Larssen

For those who want to temper their character, take all the will into a fist and finally decide to take action. And you will be inspired to do this by the experience of Erik Larssen, who took a special course for a young soldier in the Norwegian army. For a whole week he had to fight for his life, for every minute of it. Not really understanding when the torment will end, that is, cold, lack of sleep, food, physical unrealistic stress, and so on.

And he coped, not only survived, but also brought out knowledge that may well motivate others not to give up, no matter how hard it is.

In the first part of the book, he shares his thoughts and feelings during that period, and in the second, recommendations and tips on how to rethink your habits. That is, to abandon those that interfere, replacing them with useful and effective ones.

Between need and want. Find your path and follow it. El Luna

For those who are a little lost or at a loss, asking themselves the questions: “What do I want?”, “What is my purpose?”, “Why did I come to this world?” etc.

El Luna is a young artist, so she tried to express her thoughts not only with the help of words, but also using colorful interesting drawings. That allows you to perceive the material not as smart, serious reading, causing misunderstanding and boredom. But as the notes of a genius, each phrase of which is fraught with valuable information and meaning.


And if this list was not enough for you, then go to this section. There you will find more information about what literature is worth reading.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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