We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Why do you think people born in families, for example, with an average income, achieve success in different ways? One of them may become a millionaire, while the other risks becoming a homeless person. Is it luck? fate? Not at all, in thinking. The latter is triggered by the so-called psychology of poverty. It does not allow him to develop and realize his needs. All he can do is suffer from a lack of money, gradually destroying his life, and also wasting the resources that he possesses. And today I will tell you about the ways that will help get rid of it.
Top Methods
1. “If only…”
First of all, you need to realize that the responsibility for your life and its quality lies only with you. Not on parents who were unable to provide you with a happy future, or in general, delivered a lot of psychological trauma. Neither on the boss, who does not notice your potential in any way, raising completely different personalities, nor on anyone else.
Only you can destroy your life and create it the way you want. Stop waiting for a miracle to happen, and you will suddenly get rich, get an inheritance, that some magical person will suddenly appear and organize happiness for you and so on.
Get rid of thoughts and dreams in the style: «If only, that’s when …». Wanted something? We thought about how to perform and went to act. Everything is simple. Grab any idea, experiment, try, develop and in no case stop at one place.
2. “Money is evil”
What do you think, will a person be able to become rich if he believes that money is evil, and individuals who live “on a grand scale” necessarily commit bad deeds, for example, steal, substitute others, and so on? After all, there is a stereotype that honestly you won’t earn much.
And human psychology is such that not everyone will consciously strive for the image of a negative, socially unapproved personality. So, how can you attract the energy of money, considering it dirty? I will answer: no way. Do an experiment, close your eyes and try to imagine that you have this energy in your room. What color is she? How far is it from you? What image did she take, and what feelings arise for her at this moment?
Then try to contact her, apologize for not appreciating her and considering her unclean. Ask to come closer, mentally say that you really want her to be present in your life, and in response you promise to notice her now and change your attitude towards money, and also thank you for the opportunities that they open up for you.
3. “Don’t..”
It is necessary to get rid of the use of the “not” particle, for example, by stopping telling yourself that it will not work out, it will not work out. As well as the words «but» with which we so love to stop ourselves. Learn to replace with «and». It can be both interesting and scary, but not interesting, but scary. Notice the difference?
4. “Save and increase”
Poor people do not know how to save money, save yes, but save and multiply — no. Do you basically know why? Because they are afraid and do not believe that some business will be successful, and some investment will be successful, and the idea for a startup is relevant and interesting. Why does the very type of thinking prevent one from developing, taking risks and acquiring.
A person is set to fail, he will not notice the opportunities presented by fate, and will not grab a chance to break out of his limited financial situation. He will simply spend all his energy on coming up with excuses and stopping his impulses to act, on keeping tension in the body due to the living of negative feelings due to the fact that there is not enough money for life and so on.
While a wealthy person is engaged in self-development, he tries something new, and even after losing, up to complete bankruptcy, he continues in the same spirit, because he knows that he can earn money again, and if he fails again, he will not give up and will look for other ways to realize their desires.
So, first of all, change your thinking by believing in yourself and your strengths, and you will learn how to make investments correctly from this article.
5. Stop feeling sorry for yourself
Do you know where millionaires get millions from? They almost worked around the clock, sacrificing their personal time, and did not “sit” on social networks, lay on the couch, watching TV and the like. Of course, thinking that «I’m a loser» is much easier than getting up early and getting to work, being responsible for your actions and constantly looking for opportunities.
This mantra, which every poor person repeats to himself, is an excellent means of justifying his inaction, and the bonus is the help and support of others, sympathetic and simply sympathetic people. Try to direct the vector of pity in the other direction, for example, by thinking about what you are depriving yourself of by not allowing you to live the way you want, and not just about how unhappy you are.
6. Stability
Do you know what other signs of poor people are? They prefer imaginary stability, fearing change, even for the better. Therefore, they are ready to devote their whole lives to work where the salary is low and there are no prospects for promotion. Victims of domestic violence also do not leave their tyrant, because they do not know how it is when it is different? And they draw fantasies for themselves, which is worse.
Try to break out of the vicious circle by starting to do something differently, for example, by organizing passive income. If you don’t know where to start, it doesn’t matter, the recommendations from the passive income article will help you.
7. Credits
Remember that loans are a debt hole from which it is almost impossible to get out, you will load it like in a swamp. So, before you go to the store with the firm intention of taking something even in installments, think carefully about how you will repay your debts so as not to greatly infringe on yourself in other needs, and also not to gain new ones.
Do you really need a new microwave oven or other product so much that you are ready to drag yourself into this hole, feeling periodically anxiety and tension? Focus on how to make extra money to enable the purchase, rather than on the fantasy that you can handle it and pay off the bank little by little.
8. Fears
If you notice that fear is getting in the way, and you really stay in place without trying anything new, then be sure to explore it in order to become aware of your “gags” and problem areas. This will help you free yourself and begin to act, allowing yourself to live, and not just, but happily and in abundance.
For detailed information on how to overcome this feeling, you will learn from the article «15 effective techniques for getting rid and correcting fears.» Don’t let them control you by limiting your freedom.
9. Patience
Also a sign of poverty is the habit of buying the cheapest. Sales are specifically aimed at people who are able to give the last because of the fantasy that at full price they could not afford to buy this product. Therefore, usually the money «goes» nowhere, for completely unnecessary things.
Psychologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that such people simply cannot postpone the realization of their desires until later, when there will be more favorable times and opportunities. They are like children, they want everything now.
Patience is the lot of wealthy individuals who are able to work hard, accumulate, cope with difficulties and not see the result of their actions for a long time. But they definitely get what they want, and do not replace it with momentary weaknesses, leaving them with nothing later.
If you are not distinguished by this skill, maybe your motivation is not properly formed? Try to fix this by studying the article «The most effective methods of motivation to create and grow your business.»
10. “Afford yourself…”
Have you heard that being overweight is a symptom of poverty? This is because usually people with limited finances buy goods that are discounted, and these can be both sweets and fast food, canned food. They are also more likely than others to ignore their own health, do not seek medical help on time, and also do not take care of themselves.
On the one hand, the emotional state affects, in anxiety or anger it is difficult to relax and notice oneself in this world, on the other hand, saving money, because it is not always possible to allocate money for medicines and just small joys.
But here is an interesting paradox, when you start to allow yourself to desire something, to understand that you have the right to the best and, moreover, you deserve this best — opportunities and resources appear, with the help of which dreams turn into reality.
11. Objectives
Tell me, are you able to clearly set goals for yourself? Do you understand why you need a lot of money? What is the motive behind this desire? Maybe it’s not possible to achieve financial stability just because you don’t know how to prioritize correctly?
Or have you still not figured out what your vocation is and what kind of work you like? Do some introspection at your leisure, and answer each of the questions, because awareness will help you change and move forward in development.
And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, I want to recommend that you take the “Are You Able to Become a Millionaire?” test to determine if you have an entrepreneurial streak and the makings of a businessman, or do you need to make an effort to first discover them and then try to develop them? Strength to you, patience and inspiration!