Top 11 Bed Manufacturers

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

A person spends a third of his life in a dream, which means that health and productivity during wakefulness depend on the quality of the bed. Our experts analyzed the products of dozens of bed manufacturers and compiled a TOP-11 based on the characteristics of models and customer reviews. This will help to approach the choice of a sleeping place with skill and not to succumb to the persuasion of sellers who are trying to sell stale goods.

How to choose a bed

First, we will discuss how to choose a bed so that it is comfortable to sleep on and it lasts a long time. Before buying, consider the following factors:

  1. Bed dimensions relative to human proportions. You can not buy a bed “back to back” according to the parameters of the user’s body. It is desirable to have a margin of 10 cm in height and 50 cm in width so that the legs do not hang down, and turning on the side does not lead to a fall to the floor. For two people, it is advisable to purchase a bed with a width of 140 cm or more.

  2. Dimensions relative to room size. The bed should be placed in the room so that at least 60 cm remains between the wall and the side edge. If the gap is smaller, then it will be possible to approach the sleeping place only sideways, which is inconvenient.

  3. Высота и форма изголовья. If the bed has a high and soft headboard in the shape of a shell or a rectangle, then it is convenient to lean on it in a sitting position and such an element will serve as an additional decoration for the room.

  4. Construction material. Bedroom furniture is made of wood (oak, pine, beech, birch), chipboard, metal, or a combination of these materials (wood legs, steel frame, etc.). Chipboard will be the cheapest in price, but less durable. The tree is able to absorb moisture and deform. The metal is strong but cold. It all depends on personal preference and financial capabilities.

  5. Материал оббивки. Bed frames are upholstered with fabric, eco-leather or genuine leather. The latter option will last the longest and is more resistant to tearing.

  6. Вид основания. Матрац кровати укладывается на ламелевый блок, решетку или ровное твердое основания. Ламели обеспечивают эргономику и лучший отдых телу. В таком случае обращайте внимание на количество перемычек и расстояние между ними. Оптимальный показатель — 5 см. Кровати с ровным днищем и решеткой стоят дешевле, но здесь мягкость зависит только от матраца.

  7. The presence of a storage box. A linen closet can be located under the bed, access to which is opened through retractable sides or using a lifting mechanism. The presence of a niche is convenient for storing blankets and pillows, and also reduces the accumulation of dust under furniture.

  8. Additional Items. Along the perimeter of the frame, there could be ledges on which watches, phones, books and other items are placed. It does not take up space in the room and saves on bedside tables.

  9. Upholstery and wood color каждый покупатель выбирает исходя из собственных предпочтений и интерьера. Если планируется заказывать другую мебель в спальню или детскую, то лучше это делать у производителя кроватей, иначе цвета материалов могут немного отличаться, что создаст дисбаланс.

Рейтинглучших производителей кроватей

Nomination Place Name of product Rating
Рейтинглучших производителей кроватей      1 Askona      5.0
     2 Dog      4.9
     3 Promtex-Orient      4.8
     4 Оrmatek      4.7
     5 Гандылян      4.6
     6 Ryton      4.5
     7 Toris      4.4
     8 Хилдинг Андерс      4.3
     9 Borovichi-furniture      4.2
     10 sleepyhead      4.1
     11 Hoff      4.0

The best bed manufacturers

Understanding the intricacies of choosing a bed, let’s move on to a review of the best manufacturers. When compiling the TOP-11, the experts took into account the range of products, prices, quality of materials, applied technologies and user reviews.


Rating: 5.0

In the first place, experts put the manufacturer “Ascona”. It is the largest company in the sleep industry in Russia. The company has been operating since 1998 and is part of the Swedish concern Hilding Anders Group. HAG products are present in 40 countries around the world. It is convenient to buy Askona beds and mattresses directly from official representative offices, of which there are more than 700 in the CIS. The manufacturer has its own sleep laboratory in Russia, where frames and other products are tested. Buyers in the reviews like a wide range of beds in terms of frame material, base types and headboard shape, with more than 200 modifications.

Experts considered the manufacturer to be the best due to the trust of buyers who preferred the products of this particular company. According to sales statistics, every third Russian sleeps on an Askona mattress. The brand’s beds are also quite popular. The quality of bedroom furniture is so high that it is purchased not only by private clients, but also by such hotels as Marriot, Hilton, Radisson.




Rating: 4.9

On the second position firm “Perrino”. Despite the Italian name, this is a Russian brand that has existed since 1990. For the manufacture of beds, the manufacturer uses components from Holland, Belgium and Germany. Products often take part in furniture exhibitions, so you can get the opinion of experts about it, and not just touch the product in the salon yourself. In addition to the stock series, the company is notable for its interior line of beds, which serve as a real decoration of the room. To do this, the manufacturer uses expensive wood species (beech and ash), figured processing of legs on lathes, and exclusive methods of headboard upholstery.

The manufacturer is recognized as the best for a large selection of beds with a high base. For example, the Verona sleeping system has a seat height of 65 cm. This is 20-30 cm higher than competitors and is practical for older people who find it difficult to get up from a low bed. Another advantage of the manufacturer is the warranty provided, where for some models it reaches 10-25 years.




Rating: 4.8

Another domestic manufacturer Promtex-Orient continues the review. The company was founded in 2000 and now has 4000 employees. A logistics complex of 5000 m² is used to store finished products, so many models are always in stock and do not have to wait three weeks for their production. Each month, the manufacturer produces up to 1450 pieces of bedroom furniture. According to annual sales statistics, the domestic market share is 2.5%. In Russia, about 3000000 families have bought a bed and mattress from this brand. The catalog contains a series of beds: “Reno1”, “Reno2”, “Becky”, “Roddy” and 4 more lines. In the reviews, buyers like the removable cover of the tsarg, which is fastened with Velcro. This allows you to wash the material yourself and keep it in an attractive form.

The manufacturer is notable for the fact that you can order the manufacture of any model from the catalog with a width of 80 to 200 cm. At the same time, up to 7 chipboard color options are possible. This choice of size allows you to purchase a product that is most suitable for the proportions of the body and the size of the room.




Rating: 4.7

The next in the review is the manufacturer Ormatek, which has been operating since 2001. The company’s headquarters is located in Moscow, and production is carried out at 7 factories with a total area of ​​42000 m². In total, the team employs about 5000 specialists and annually the company manufactures 23000 pieces of bedroom furniture. Sales statistics show that Ormatek beds and mattresses have already been purchased by about 7000000 people in Russia. There are more than 600 official outlets for buying in the Russian Federation. The brand’s products are sold in 13 countries around the world. The share of the Russian market is 32%. In the reviews, buyers especially note the quality of the flock and the thin seams of the soft parts.

Our experts drew attention to the reliable lifting mechanism implemented in such models as Como 1-5, Etude, Veronica, Artur. They use gas cylinders, which makes the process of opening a niche extremely easy – judging by the reviews, it can be handled with one hand.




Rating: 4.6

Пятое почетное место занимает компания «Гандылян». Производитель специализируется исключительно на детской спальной мебели, поэтому у него большой выбор кроватей, начиная с длины 100 см. Существует компания с 1993 года. Фирма осуществляет все этапы производства от распила и сушки леса до контурной резки заготовок, поэтому эксперты могут лучше контролировать качество сырья и готовой продукции. Для создания различных моделей кроватей, художники завода сотрудничают с итальянскими дизайнерами, поэтому в каталоге есть много современных товаров, следующих за европейской модой. Для выпуска сложных дизайнерских элементов производитель использует роботизированное немецкое оборудование. Недавно компания освоила новую технологию гнутья дерева, позволяющую создавать плавные формы каркасов.

In our opinion, the manufacturer is the best, because Caucasian beech is used to make beds. This ensures high environmental friendliness of products, frame strength and long service life of the product. Your baby will be able not only to relax, but also to frolic in such a bed.




Rating: 4.5

The manufacturer Rayton positions its products as environmentally friendly sleep solutions. This is true, since birch, beech, oak and pine are used to make the frame. Hypoallergenic materials are used to fill the soft part. The catalog contains different styles of beds from Provence to strict classics. You can buy bedroom furniture from the manufacturer in one of 100 branded stores throughout Russia. Although the production is carried out in Ivanovo, but the delivery of products is carried out throughout the country and the CIS.

We have added the manufacturer to the review due to the abundance of bed making color options it offers. For some models, you can choose from 23 upholstery shades, for others, the variety of colors reaches 94 options. Such an assortment allows you to decorate the interior of the bedroom in a special way. In reviews, buyers praise ivory beds that look very solid and warm.




Rating: 4.4

The company began its activity in 1992 and today is one of the recognized leaders in the production of bedroom furniture. A feature of the company is the use of only natural wood from solid beech and pine, so the bed frames are durable and do not crack after 1-2 years of operation. Since 1997, the manufacturer began to produce mattresses under its own brand, which allows you to buy everything you need for a night’s rest in one place. The company has the award “1000 best enterprises of Russia”. Products in the catalog are represented by the lines “Evita”, “Atria K”, “Tais”, “Mati” and other series. Customers in the reviews especially like the Ita bed, which, due to the deeply located legs, creates the effect of floating in the air.

According to the editors of the magazine, the manufacturer is the best, since it produces a special series of beds “Vega”. She perfectly combines the functionality of a bed and the appearance of a sofa. This is a good solution for a one-room apartment. A bed camouflaged with pillows looks like a sofa and makes the room not look like a bedroom. But at night you can fully relax, relaxing on an orthopedic mattress.



Хилдинг Андерс

Rating: 4.3

Hilding Anders has existed since 1936 and currently has 30 factories located in 20 countries in Asia and Europe. The international manufacturer of beds and sleep products has a sales network in 56 countries around the world. Every year, the concern’s production facilities produce 8000000 beds and mattresses. In 2012, a plant of this company was opened in Russia, where they began to manufacture sleeping systems from components supplied from Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and France. The manufacturer is a member of the UN Global Compact, which is why it is subject to a strict assessment of the quality of its products. Users in the reviews like the service life of beds from 10 to 15 years without squeaking.

Our experts considered the manufacturer to be the best due to the release of a special design of the bed with the possibility of tilting the base. It is useful and useful for pregnant women, people with chronic nasal congestion, snorers. The tilt of the bed reduces the risk of stopping breathing during sleep (apnea) and relieves reflux esophagitis in the stomach.




Rating: 4.2

This manufacturer is engaged in a wider area, producing: tables, chairs, kitchen sofas, bathroom furniture, children’s furniture, beds and wardrobes. For the bedroom, the company offers several lines (“Melisa”, “Dream”, “Classic”, “Selo”), where natural wood, chipboard and fabric upholstery are used. Buyers are available in the finishing colors “Cherry”, “Wenge”, “Bleached Birch”, “Shimo Light”, “Bleached Oak” and others. For fabric finishing, textiles with shades of Cover 83 and 87, also Ambrossia, are used. In the reviews, buyers like the Curved Back series, which is more comfortable for prolonged sitting in bed.

Наши эксперты обратили внимание на интересные варианты конструкции, которые редко встречаются у других производителей. Например, двухъярусные кровати могут быть с диваном на «первом этаже». Это оптимально для небольшой детской комнаты и позволит с комфортом сидеть днем (смотреть телевизор, играть на Sony PS, читать книги) и отдыхать ночью.




Rating: 4.1

Under the Sonya brand, beds are produced for children, teenagers and adults. Frame dimensions vary from 80×120 cm to 200×200 cm. The manufacturer’s products have been on the market for more than 20 years and have passed the test of everyday life of Russian consumers. Basically, Sonya beds belong to the budget segment and are made of pressed boards. They can be painted in natural wood colors or bright colors that children love. In bunk models, the manufacturer often installs linen closets not only at the bottom, but also on the side, allowing even clothes to be hung there.

Этот производитель заслуживает место в обзоре лучших из-за бюджетной стоимости продукции, что делает ее более доступной для покупателей. Еще наши эксперты оценили компанию за большой выбор фасадов кроватей из МДФ толщиной 16 мм с фрезеровкой. Витиеватые узоры и прямые линии делают дизайн спального места более сложным, несмотря на использование простых материалов.




Rating: 4.0

The review is completed by the manufacturer Hoff, whose products are sold in the hypermarkets of the same name in Russia. In total, there are about 50 stores operating in the country with a total area of ​​540000 m². The manufacturer’s catalog contains the following lines: Provence, Mila, Paola, Corsair, Sherlock. Chipboard sheets or lamellas in the amount of 12-15 units are used as the base. Raising the frame with the mattress is facilitated by a mechanism with a gas lift.

The manufacturer is recognized by us as the best for the convenience of choosing a bed. For this, a separate mobile application for Android and iOS has been developed. It has a complete catalog of products with detailed information, and it can also be used to find out the current price by barcode in the store. This allows you to walk around the large furniture salon yourself and slowly get acquainted with bed models without annoying consultants. Another feature of the application that users like in the reviews is the function of fitting furniture to their interior. To do this, in the phone, click on the bed you like in the catalog and start the mode showing through the camera your room with inserted furniture.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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