Top 10 Yaroslavl attractions

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The history of Yaroslavl dates back to 1010. The city is the third largest in terms of population in the Central Federal District. Included in the route of the Golden Ring of Russia, it is visited by thousands of tourists daily. Since 2005, it has been given the status of the historical heritage of mankind, and has become a UNESCO site. There are 780 historical objects in Yaroslavl, it is impossible to visit them in one visit to the city. Before traveling, we advise you to decide on the main attractions that you need to visit during the trip.

What is the city of Yaroslavl famous for?

In the city of Yaroslav the Wise, there are many architectural structures that delight tourists. All visitors note picturesque views of the Volga, a clean and beautifully decorated embankment, a delightful planetarium and a well-groomed zoo. For a thousand years of existence, the city was a border fortress, the capital of the Russian state in the Time of Troubles. The manuscript “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” was discovered in the city. In 1750, the first public national theater in the country was founded in Yaroslavl, on the stage of which many famous actors performed. Now he bears the title of Academician.

The childhood of the poet N.A. Nekrasov took place in the Yaroslavl village of Greshnevo. The world’s first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova studied and worked in the city. The Cosmos Museum has been opened in the region. The Yaroslavl region is famous for its magnificent ancient churches – the Nativity of Christ, Elijah the Prophet, John Chrysostom, John the Baptist. All of them have been standing on Russian soil since the 17th century. It is difficult for a guest arriving for the first time to navigate the variety of attractions, so we have compiled a rating of the most interesting of them.

The most interesting sights of Yaroslavl

Nomination a place Sight ranking
The most interesting sights of Yaroslavl      1 Volzhskaya embankment      5.0
     2 Park on Strelka      4.9
     3 Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve      4.8
     4 Monument to Yaroslav the Wise      4.7
     5 Russian State Academic Drama Theater named after F. Volkov      4.6
     6 Governor’s house and garden      4.5
     7 Planetarium of the Center. V. Tereshkova      4.4
     8 Museum-Reserve N.A. Nekrasov “Karabikha”      4.3
     9 Ferris wheel “Golden Ring”      4.2
     10 Yaroslavl Children’s Railway      4.1

Volzhskaya embankment

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 5.0

It is considered the main promenade in the city, for which it is included in our rating. Located on the banks of the Volga. Created in the 17th century by order of Alexander I. During his visit to the city, he drew attention to the unkemptness of the Volga coast. He ordered to improve this picturesque place. Until now, the Volga embankment is considered the most visited place in the city.

No tourist destination escapes it. Guests of the city enthusiastically note in the reviews the cleanliness and well-groomedness of the embankment in all seasons of the year. It runs along the very edge of the coast, stretches for several kilometers. It has several panoramic platforms, recreation areas, cafes. Locals with children, couples in love, visiting guests love to walk here. For them there is a bicycle rental, gazebos, many benches.



Park on Strelka

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.9

The harmonious combination of natural beauty and human effort was highly appreciated by our experts. The landscaped park for recreation and walks is located at the confluence of the Volga River with the Kotorosl River. Unique in its location, it has become a center of attraction for tourists. They come here to admire the views of the rivers, the monument to Yaroslav the Wise and the stele with a double-headed eagle in honor of the millennium of the city.

Visitors to the Park enthusiastically speak about the renovation of 2010, when trees were planted, the road surface was repaired, monuments were erected, and fountains were put into operation. In the evening, all this is highlighted and a feeling of a foggy haze is created. Guests are happy to spend their evening leisure hours here, admiring the Assumption Cathedral, which crowns the Strelka.



Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.8

More than 350 thousand unique exhibits deserve high marks from experts for inclusion in the rating of interesting places in Yaroslavl. Household items, kitchen utensils, manuscripts, icons are stored in the Museum, which is part of the reserve complex. In addition to the Museum, there is a Monastery, a scientific library, temples, and various museums. Created under Soviet rule in 1924. The special energy of that time is in the air – confrontation, rebellion and faith in the future.

Tourists share their impressions in their reviews, noting the convenience of a single ticket for all objects, valid for 3 days from the date of purchase. This is convenient, since it is unrealistic to see everything in one visit. Tours are held frequently. The territory of the reserve is well-groomed, places of rest for visitors are organized. There is a panoramic platform with a beautiful view of the complex.



Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.7

The most famous monument of Yaroslavl, familiar to all residents of Russia, as it is located on a bill of 1000 rubles. He took a worthy place in the rankings. Every visiting guest tries to visit it. Installed in 1993 in honor of the founder of the city of Yaroslavl. Created according to sketches by sculptors Bobovich and Komov. Located in the central city square. The face of Prince Yaroslav is directed towards the Moscow highway. In his hands he has a lowered sword and a model of the city.

Tourists, describing their feelings from the monument, speak of the prince’s powerful strength and at the same time peacefulness. The sword is lowered, but can be quickly and easily raised if necessary. Guests of the city will be interested to see the moments of history depicted on the bas-reliefs. Access to the monument is not very convenient due to the transport ring. Therefore, many times the question was raised about moving it to a more convenient place.



Russian State Academic Drama Theater named after F. Volkov

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.6

The first professional drama theater is the pride of the city of Yaroslavl, highly appreciated by our experts. It was organized by Fedor Volkov – director, actor and entrepreneur. The theater began with a barn and an amateur troupe, later it changed many buildings. The theater moved to the current building in 1911. Unusual architecture, inner chic, excellent acting – all this attracts residents and guests of the city. It is important that now it is the only federal theater that is not located in the capital.

Those who visit the theater for the first time admire the acting, the architecture of the building, and the cozy hall. The theater was awarded 4 national awards “Golden Mask”. The interior design deserves to be called a palace interior. Every year, two significant events take place on the stage of the theater: the International Volkov Festival and the Future of Theater Russia. The second helps young actors and modern theaters to open up.



Governor’s house and garden

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.5

The architecture of the building surpasses many modern buildings in its beauty and originality. By right, the object of the 19th century is included by experts in the rating of interesting sights of the city. The estate was planned to be built under the Governor-General A. Melgunov, but the idea came true under A. Bezobrazov. The first pilot project was conceived on the territory of the square near the Church of Elijah the Prophet. In fact, it was built on the banks of the Volga and became the residence of high-ranking guests of Yaroslavl.

At the beginning of the 1917 revolution, the house turned into the “People’s” and became the meeting place for soldiers and officers. Since 1936, it housed the Higher Party School, and later in 1969 the estate was transferred to the Yaroslavl Art Museum. Now, according to visitors, this is the best place for walking and photo shoots. There are always many flowers, well-groomed territory. The admission ticket is the same as the Museum of Foreign Art. The entrance to the building is equipped with ramps.



Planetarium of the Center. V. Tereshkova

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.4

The originality of architecture, consonance with modernity received a worthy assessment of our experts and the object is included in the rating of the most interesting in Yaroslavl. Located on st. Tchaikovsky, 3. Opened April 7, 2011 in a modern building. It consists of a planetarium with three-dimensional visualization, an observatory, an exhibition hall “The History of Cosmonautics”, an educational and entertainment center. For visitors there is an interactive class, a 5D attraction, a media cafe.

Guests of the city always try to get into the Planetarium, touch modern technologies for space exploration. Tourists in the reviews admiringly talk about visiting the Star Hall, where you can observe the projection of 7 thousand stars in the sky. A complete illusion of the sky over Yaroslavl is created if it were perfectly clear. The planetarium uses the latest technology, when a three-dimensional image is seen with the naked eye. The observatory can accommodate up to 15 people watching the sky at the same time.



Museum-Reserve N.A. Nekrasov “Karabikha”

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.3

The only estate in the Yaroslavl region, which has preserved from the 18th century, deserves a place in our rating. Located 15 km from the city limits. All items in the museum tell about the life and work of the Russian writer Nikolai Nekrasov. The building of the 18th century was built by order of Prince Golitsyn. In 1860, the estate was acquired by the poet Nekrasov N. For 10 years, many famous poems and poems were written here – “Kalistrat”, “Return”, “Frost, Red Nose”, “Grandfather Mazai and Hares”, several chapters of the poem “To whom in Rus’ to live well”.

In the reviews, visitors talk about the charming atmosphere of the past in the estate. A walk in the garden gives new strength, inspires creative people. Guests are offered a variety of educational excursions. The estate became a museum 60 years ago. Tourists note the excellent style of the guides, their willingness to answer all the questions of visitors about life, work and relationships with loved ones Nekrasova N.A.



Ferris wheel “Golden Ring”

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.2

One of the highest in Russia and Europe – 65 m from the ground, which was the reason for including it in our rating. It is located on the central embankment and is popular with residents and guests of Yaroslavl. It has 30 equipped booths with posters with objects of the Golden Ring. Several VIP-status booths are decorated with great comfort.

Guests love to visit it because of the beautiful bird’s-eye view of the city. Tourists in the reviews attach gorgeous pictures taken while visiting the Ferris Wheel. Many visitors note the absence of fear of heights on the attraction, as they feel completely safe. Outwardly, in the bright sun, the wheel really casts gold.



Yaroslavl Children’s Railway

Attraction rating (Yaroslavl): 4.1

An exact working copy of an ordinary railway and train surprised the experts, and they included the object in the rating of interesting ones in Yaroslavl. Refers to the Northern Railway. Employees here are school-age children who have been trained and received permission. They monitor the state of the canvas, wagons, control the schedule. On the territory there is a Museum of Extraordinary Journeys.

Guests speak well of the playground in the train waiting area. It is surprising that there is an ordinary station, a stop at a station in the forest. On the same territory, young railway workers are trained. In the Museum you can get acquainted with the historical facts of the development of railway transport. Visitors are offered interactive learning platforms and educational layouts.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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