Top 10 Ways to Thicken Soup

Puree soup is a special treat. There are a great many recipes for its preparation. You can come up with your own recipe. The main thing is to know what to help give the soup that very desired thickness.

  • Pasta Ru

Melt butter in a skillet, add flour, stirring constantly, until mixture turns into a paste and flour is heated. This paste is called Ru. Then beat in 2% milk to create a thick sauce, like pancake dough. Add to soup.

  • Wheat flour

Make a sauce with half a tablespoon of ghee or olive oil with the same amount of flour for each bowl of soup. Pour the soup into the mixture and continue stirring until the soup thickens. Serve to the table no earlier than after 15 minutes, so that the taste of raw flour disappears. The technique is the same as with ru, only in this case the flour is prepared already in the soup, and not fried before cooking.

  • Puréed vegetables

The best way to get these vegetables is to use vegetables from the soup. Remove, puree them, then add back to the soup to thicken.

  • Yogurt or cream

Reheat any of these products gently and, pouring into the soup, stir constantly until it thickens.

  • Grated raw potatoes

Potatoes are high in starch and will help you get a thicker consistency. Grate the potatoes and immediately add them to the soup. Cook for another 5-10 minutes until fully cooked and a thick consistency is obtained.

  • White rice

Adding rice 10-12 minutes before the soup is ready to serve will make the soup more nutritious.

  • Yolk + cream

Whisk the yolk and 1 tablespoon of cream for each bowl of soup. Add some hot soup to this mixture before adding it to the soup pot. This is called “dilution” – this is how the eggs warm up a little before going into the hot liquid. Leave the soup to simmer – it shouldn’t boil or the egg will harden.

  • Corn, rice or potato paste

Combine cornmeal, rice, or potato flour with water until you have a thick paste. Drive it into the soup until the soup thickens. You can also use wine, broth, or other liquid instead of water to make a paste.

  • beans

Use canned beans with a natural or mild flavor (not beans, they will overpower all the flavor). White beans work best. Dry and drain the beans, then combine them with a cup of soup stock in a blender. Add the puree to the remaining soup, heating it over low heat until thickened.

  • Corn starch

Make a paste: 1 tablespoon starch + cold water. Whisk the pasta into the soup and bring to a boil. It is important to add water to the starch, not starch to the water (otherwise lumps will appear) and use cold water so that the starch does not cook ahead of time.

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