TOP 10 ways to increase motivation when you don’t know what to do to increase it

Good day to all! We have said more than once that motivation is the main ingredient on the path to success, achievements and accomplishments, even when they initially seem unrealistic. About its types, and in general, what it is, I already wrote in the article «What is positive motivation and how it will move mountains for you.» But sometimes it happens, probably, with everyone, when at some point inspiration and the desire to move forward disappear, and you just don’t know what to do if motivation is gone.

This state is sometimes frightening, disappointing and depriving of satisfaction. Therefore, today I have selected for you the 10 best methods with which you can experiment and still regain your desire to reach the top.

10 tricks

1. Live in the present, that is, «here and now»

Learn not to put off doing some tasks until later, tomorrow, next Monday, and the like. Because the energy level is reduced, and the need becomes not so «bare». Therefore, you should act instantly, in which case you will always achieve tremendous success. If you’re still looking for excuses to put off doing something later, come up with extra work that’s more undesirable than the main task. Or introduce punishment in the form of depriving yourself of something, for example, a cut down break.

TOP 10 ways to increase motivation when you don’t know what to do to increase it

2. Pose

Remember, we considered in my article “The most interesting chips of non-verbal communication between people”? So, there is another secret. If you are losing confidence, and the thought appears in your head that it is better to stop, because it will not work out, then try to take the pose of a confident person and stay in it for a couple of minutes. In this case, the body increases the level of testosterone, which is responsible for strength and power, and also decreases the amount of the hormone that is responsible for stress — cortisol. A pose, for example, can be when you stand with a straight back, and your hands rest on your sides, or lean on a table. Sitting — you can lean back in a chair with your hands under your head.

3. Chocolate

Eat chocolate, just a couple of pieces can do wonders for your body. I’m not talking about the likelihood of getting better, but about the fact that dopamine is produced. Thanks to him, the pulse quickens and efficiency increases. In addition, thanks to chocolate, the feeling of fatigue is reduced, the mood is lifted. The perception of stressful situations becomes more loyal. But do not abuse this method.

4.Green light

Surround yourself with green things. If it is not possible to change the interior, then at least while making decisions, look at pictures where there is a lot of green, for example, photographs of a forest. Scientists have conducted experiments on the effect of this color on motivation. It was found that it is he who positively affects the creative and creative abilities of a person. It seems to stimulate thinking about undertakings, looking for options for solving complexities. Have you noticed that even your attitude to life changes while walking in a park or forest? Inspiration appears, and everything seems so simple and beautiful?

5. Money

To not have a chance to stop halfway, it helps a lot when you are arguing for something so serious for you. The reluctance to fulfill the terms of the dispute later in case of a loss will greatly motivate you not to give up until the very end. You can argue with relatives, friends, colleagues, in case no one wants to support you in this, there are online sites where you can write about your desire to achieve something. Then transfer a certain amount of money, which, in case of loss, will go to the account of the person who supported your bet, or to a charitable organization, and so on. What is interesting about such techniques is that you specify your goal, determine the deadlines. Stick to them, not letting yourself relax, because this threatens material losses.

6. Excitement

TOP 10 ways to increase motivation when you don’t know what to do to increase it

For motivation to be at its best, it is important to feel the excitement and interest in the process of completing the task. And you can achieve this by arranging races with yourself. That is, for example, if you need to go through a huge number of documents on the table, but you don’t feel like it at all, give yourself 30 minutes to complete it. Set aside time and get started. Be sure to come up with a small reward for yourself if you win, as well as a punishment if you fail. This method is very energy-intensive, because there is not just competition and rivalry, but a race, you have with yourself. When you set boundaries for yourself and strive to improve results.

7. Effective visualization techniques, as well as positive affirmations

You can read about how to use them in my articles «Instructions for creating an effective desire visualization board» and «TOP 30 affirmations for setting yourself up for good luck and success.» Because when you imagine what you want, your energy is directed precisely towards achieving it, which is why it is so important to think correctly and positively.

8.Music and movies

Listen to music that inspires you, communicate with people after meeting whom there is a lot of energy. And of course, watch films that change your perception, giving you confidence that you can overcome any obstacles, especially if these films are based on real events. I just created this collection. The pictures of which are able to inspire confidence in one’s own strengths and the desire to manage one’s life so that it is rich and enjoyable: «TOP 10 films inspiring success and achieving goals.»

9. Eat right

A lack of water in the body can lead to a decrease in working capacity, vitamins and minerals — to a decrease in immunity, energy levels … Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, include bananas, nuts, green tea, brown rice, avocados, berries, salmon in your diet And so on. These products help fight depression, improve memory, attention, focus and endurance.

10. Mood

To maintain energy levels, it is important to turn the routine and routine into something fun. You know how much energy it takes when we force ourselves to do something that is already very tired. There is a method called «slap in the face», which just works on this principle. It arose thanks to the journalist Manish Seti. Manish hired an employee to slap him in the face every time for opening social media pages, being distracted, or failing to complete work on time. This technique was able to maximize his ability to work. Because it has become much more interesting to return to the process, not because there is a threat or punishment, and even more so condemnation, but because of the opportunity to defuse the situation and relieve the accumulated fatigue.


That’s all, dear readers! Use the methods from my arsenal, plan your time, and most importantly, do not let yourself stop before reaching the goal — and then you will succeed! Communicate with active and successful people who will only give you inspiration. And as the great Steve Jobs said: «Take a step, and the road will appear by itself.» Never stop, even if you have already achieved something.


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