Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love

Harry Potter is an incredibly popular franchise about a wizard boy and his adventures. Both young children, fascinated by the magic of the first parts, and adults, who are conquered by deep characters and serious plot interweaving, become fans of books about growing up Harry.

Nowadays, it is very easy to please a Harry Potter fan, because on the Internet it is easy to find a recipe for butterbeer, and stores with house clothes, and even books that young wizards studied from.

We have compiled the top 10 things that can be given to any fan of the world of Harry Potter and his friends.

10 The flywheel of time

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love A controversial magical attribute that first appeared in Prisoner of Azkaban and was destroyed in the Department of Mysteries in Order of the Phoenix.

Despite the ambiguous attitude of readers to the interweaving of temporary displacements into the plot, Flywheel found many fans.

First, the attribute looks as magical as possible! Gold-plated rings framing a small hourglass. Take a few turns and go back in time: even the most fatal mistakes can be corrected.

Secondly, the Flywheel will fit perfectly on the bookshelf in the interior of the apartment, and will complete any image of a Harry Potter fan.

9. Sticker “Ministry of Magic”

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love A sticker with the words “This way to the Ministry of Magic” will delight any fan of books about the magician.

Stick it, of course, you need on the toilet bowl. Indeed, in books and films, magicians got into the Ministry by flushing themselves into a public toilet.

The sticker will decorate any restroom, and will also amuse every visitor to your bathroom.

8. Scented candles with the smell of the common living room

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love The Gryffindor common room, even the description in the book, was drawn in the reader’s head as cozy, warm and dear. Pleasant orange-red shades of the walls and furniture, perfectly combined with the color of the fire in the carved fireplace.

For lovers of Gryffindor coziness, marketers have come up with scented candles with the smell of that common living room!

Given that there is magic at Hogwarts, it’s unlikely that the Gryffindor common room smells like sweaty hyperactive teenagers.

Most likely, the aromas of buns brought from the dining room, butter beer and crackling logs in the fireplace reign in the hall.

The only question that arises is how, without the use of magic, to place the entire bouquet of aromas in one candle?

7. monster book about monsters

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love Everyone remembers the creepy book from The Prisoner of Azkaban, which was considered charming only by Hagrid?

A series of protruding eyes that watch you from the cover, sharp teeth that hide the pages and an enviable speed when the book nevertheless decides to attack the reader and bite off his nose!

Unfortunately (or fortunately), a book produced by Muggle stores won’t snarl and watch with little hunting eyes from a bookshelf. But otherwise, the book is very similar to the original! It is covered with hair, has a row of teeth and shiny, if not blinking, eyes.

By the way, some manufacturers of such books have come up with a mechanism by which the teeth can move. Imagine how happy a Harry Potter fan would be with such a gift!

6. Snitch

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love “I open up at the end.” The Muggle Snitch won’t open, of course. And will not remember your first bodily touch. But on the other hand, it will look great in the interior of your room or decorate your appearance, hanging on a gold-plated chain.

Thanks to this accessory, the Harry Potter fan will be seen from afar.

5. Wall head Dobby

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love If you are a fan of Bellatrix Lestrange or share the opinion and attitude of dark wizards towards house elves, then Dobby’s head, nailed to a wooden plank, will be a great decoration for your apartment. Or an ominous lair.

Although, let’s say the idea that this interior decoration is bought by Dobby’s fans, who could not come to terms with the loss of their favorite character

4. Magic wall-curtain “Platform 9 ¾”

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love In Soviet times, our mothers and grandmothers loved to close empty doorways with rattling wooden curtains.

If your house or apartment also has a doorway, but there is no door, and you are also a Harry Potter fan, then we recommend ordering a curtain! The print on it is the well-known brick wall of platform 9 ¾.

At full speed, you can run through a thick curtain and imagine that you were not in the next room, but on a platform next to the steamy steam of the Hogwarts Express.

3. Marauders’ Map

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love “I solemnly swear that I am only up to mischief.” A card that helped Harry Potter more than once in difficult situations.

You can find a map in ordinary Muggle stores, only the dots with the characters on it are stationary. Albus Dumbledore will always be in his office, Draco Malfoy in the Slytherin common room, and the trio will sit under a sprawling willow by the Lake.

But on the other hand, you will receive an accurate map of the entire territory of Hogwarts and the nearest village of Hogsmeade. So, using the Marauders’ Map, you can learn the exact geography of the School and the places adjacent to it, it is not a fact, of course, that this knowledge will be useful to you in everyday life. However: “The prank was a success!”

2. Faculty Ties

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw (Ravenclaw) and Hufflepuff (Hufflepuff) are well-known school departments at Hogwarts. Any Harry Potter fan has a favorite faculty that they would like to get into by the decision of the Sorting Hat. If you know what your friend’s favorite faculty is, then feel free to buy a tie in matching colors.

Fortunately, there are plenty of such stores! You can also buy a scarf for a tie, just stick to one color scheme. And then the Slytherin scarf and Hufflepuff tie will look like a mockery in the eyes of all Potter fans. Unless, of course, you want to emphasize with this color variety that you love all the faculties of the School.

1. Hogwarts school robe

Top 10 things Harry Potter fans will love You can even sew a school robe with your own hands, there are a lot of instructions on YouTube on this subject. But it’s easier, of course, to order on the Internet, choosing the product according to the parameters of your body.

Usually the outside of the robe is black, but the inner lining is made in the main color of the faculty. Gryffindor is red, Slytherin is emerald, Ravenclaw is blue, and Hufflepuff is yellow.

Most importantly, if you still decide to sew yourself, do not forget to order the emblem of your favorite faculty! Otherwise, a black robe will not differ in any way from a dressing gown.

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