Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Pain is the most important indicator of a problem in the body. Therefore, in order to get rid of this symptom, the source should be eliminated. Every year, a colossal amount of money is spent on the manufacture of the latest painkillers.

If the acute syndrome passes quickly after the elimination of the cause, then chronic pain lasts for a long time, worsening the quality of life. Many consider toothache the most severe. This is especially true for abscesses. However, there are other unbearable pain syndromes.

An American scientist came up with a scale of pain after insect bites. At the very top is an ordinary-looking ant. At the same time, on the bottom line you can see a bee, whose bite is a trifle compared to the leader of this list. We have compiled a rating of the top 10 most severe pain in humans.

10 Kidney stones

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Stones often affects the kidneys, bladder. Most often, nephrolithiasis develops due to the accumulation of calcium salts, cysteine, uric acid. At the same time, the pathology itself is asymptomatic and the person does not even suspect the presence of these formations.

Problems begin when the stone tries to leave the body through the ducts and urethra. In this case, a sharp spontaneous syndrome occurs. The pain radiates to the lower back, side and even the right shoulder. Fever is added to the unbearable sensations, nausea with vomiting, urine and feces are excreted with blood impurities.

Excrement tries to pass on its own or is crushed during surgery. It is noteworthy that a diameter of only 3 mm is sufficient to block the urinary outflow. The largest stone removed from the patient had a diameter of 15 cm. It is even scary to imagine this.

9. Childbirth

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

This only applies to women. Birth of a child – a wonderful event, but the expectant mother at the same time experiences the strongest, but tolerable torment. Recently, a curious experiment took place, during which special electrodes were attached to men to simulate contractions.

As a result, the volunteers reported that their muscles were twisted from the inside, the abdominal cavity was in severe pain, and the pelvic bones were moving apart so much that the internal organs would now come out. Fortunately, after childbirth, unpleasant manifestations soon pass, and many women want to give birth again.

8. Arthritis

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Acute or chronic inflammation of various joints is not uncommon. Disability occurs in 15% of all cases, so joking with arthritis not worth it. The disease is caused by a variety of infections, especially tuberculosis, hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus. There is also rheumatoid arthritis, a common autoimmune disease. Often the disease affects adolescents.

With this disease, there is severe pain in the affected joint. There is also a restriction of movement, swelling, hyperemia, a specific crunch. Pathology is difficult to treat and progresses rapidly. In advanced cases, the joint is so deformed that it ceases to perform its functions.

7. dental abscess

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Abscess – a dangerous condition that can appear in any organ. If the tooth is affected, then the person experiences unbearable pain. Due to carious cavities, pathogens get under the enamel, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops with swelling and redness.

Further, the situation is aggravated by the spread of infection. The bone tissue around the focus is affected, complications appear. In addition to the strongest pain syndrome, the patient suffers from an increase in body temperature, swelling of neighboring tissue structures. First of all, you need to visit the surgeon and open the abscess, after which antibacterial agents will help. It is important to eliminate this pathology as quickly as possible, otherwise the infection can enter the bloodstream, through which it will affect the heart and other vital organs.

6. Peritonitis

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

A deadly inflammatory process in the peritoneal tissue covering the pelvic area and the inside of the abdominal cavity. Causes horrible pain.

Peritonitis – a consequence of a burst inflamed appendix, perforation of an organ of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, esophagus or intestines). Sometimes a dangerous condition is caused by mechanical damage or complications after surgical interventions.

Sharp pain feels like piercing the abdomen with a hot knife. In addition, the symptoms are supplemented by fever and severe vomiting. Lack of timely surgical care will lead to death.

5. Stomach ulcer

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Ulcerative lesion of the stomach or KDP is a very common problem. Pathology is caused by the activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, hyperacidity and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The main symptom is pain, which worsens a few hours after eating. Sometimes there is nausea with vomiting of acidic stomach contents. Night pains are especially pronounced. Such patients cannot fall asleep and spin on the bed, as if “already in a frying pan.” If the disease is not treated, the ulcer will become perforated. Because of the hole in the organ, all the contents will flow into the abdominal cavity, peritonitis will begin.

4. Achilles tendon rupture

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Achilles tendon – the strongest and longest (15 cm) in the body. Therefore, mechanical trauma or rupture of this area causes tremendous pain of a sharp nature.

The tendon extends from the middle of the calf muscles to the heels. With it, a person moves. Most often, athletes are exposed to rupture, often experiencing excessive stress. Pain in this case is comparable to a bullet wound. This condition is eliminated only by surgery, after which a long recovery period is needed.

3. Gout

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Gout – a pathology that develops with an increase in the level of uric acid. Because of this, the joints are affected by monourate crystals, chronic arthritis occurs. An acute attack often begins at night, causing severe pain.

In most cases, the metatarsophalangeal joint on the big toe is affected, although large joints (elbows, knees, ankle) are often affected. Unbearable pain syndrome is complemented by swelling, redness, hot skin, fever, tachycardia and weakness.

2. bullet ant bite

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

A small insect can be found in the forests of South America. On the scale of pain from being bitten by small creatures bullet ant is in a leading position. Despite this, the local Indians regularly torture themselves, as such a rite, in their opinion, makes them real men.

An ant bite feels like walking on hot coals or piercing a heel with a rusty nail. At the same time, painkillers do not eliminate ant poison, so only time and patience heal.

1. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Top 10. The most severe pain in humans

Trigeminal nerve – an organ that enters the nervous system in the cranial region. Its inflammation is caused by many reasons – from a banal stressful situation to multiple sclerosis. Most often, men suffer from pathology.

In this case, a painful attack can last either a couple of seconds or several hours. Patients compared the sensations to being struck by lightning or having their head pierced with an iron pin. Fortunately, painkillers relieve the condition.

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