Top 10. The most famous songs of Solovyov-Sedogo

There are songs that touch the deepest strings of the human soul. They are remembered and sung, they become part of the life of the people. Dreams and memories are associated with them.

When we hear familiar melodies, native images rise before our eyes, they hurt feelings.

The USSR had its own songs that accompanied people on vacation and work, became sources of joy and warmth for people.

Many of them were written by the composer Vasily Pavlovich Solovyov-Sedym. His father was a simple peasant, Pavel Solovyov, who moved to St. Petersburg and worked as a janitor. The future composer was born in this city.

Since childhood, he was drawn to music. His work was not forgotten, because. genuine folk songs. Himself from the people, he was well able to express the feelings and thoughts of people.

We present you the most famous songs of Solovyov-Sedoy, written about love and wartime.

10 Our town

The song “Our town” was written in 1945 to the words of Alexei Fatyanov. The chorus was once the call signs of the Leningrad radio.

Created in the year when our country won the Great Patriotic War. She talks about Leningrad, a beautiful spring city that enjoys peace and tranquility after the hard days of the war.

9. We haven’t been home for a long time

The song was born in May 1945. The concert brigade went to the sailors and fighters. The brigade included the poet Alexei Fatyanov and the composer Solovyov-Sedoy.

On the road, on the bus, they composed the song together “We haven’t been home for a long time“. The poet improvised, writing poetry, and he worked on the melody of the song, humming it under his breath. All this happened within a few hours, so as not to forget the text or music, because. there was no way to write it all down.

Gradually, other members of the concert team began to help them: the accordionist selected the music, and the singer Efrem Flaks began to sing it.

For the composer, this work of his became one of the last songs of the war years.

8. Where are you now, fellow soldiers

The composer took Aleksey Fatyanov’s poems and wrote the song in 1947. He worked on the suite “Return of the Soldier”. In this cycleWhere are you now, fellow soldiers”was the fifth in a row, but it turned out to be pivotal.

The idea came to the composer after he visited one of the construction sites in Siberia, where he met with front-line soldiers. On the way to Leningrad, a phrase was constantly spinning in his head, which later became the name of the song, under which he began to compose a melody. He played it to the poet, who wrote poetry. The composer was able to make a song out of them.

She was entrusted to sing by Ephraim Flaks. He called her monotonous and dreary, as if the soldier was not happy to return home. He asked to make the second half of the verse so that it would be more joyful. They tried and everything worked out.

7. Migratory birds

In 1945, director Semyon Timoshenko made a musical film about friends at the front. All of them are pilots who decided not to fall in love with girls until the war is over.

But the meeting with the female pilots of the women’s squadron and with the journalist from Pionerskaya Pravda Valya Petrova changes their lives.

The director was already known as the author of the films “Three Comrades” and “Goalkeeper”. And he really wanted the people to pick up and sing the songs from this film, as well as from the previous ones.

He told Solovyov-Sedov about this. He tried his best to live up to his expectations. Together with A. Fatyanov, he wrote the song “Migratory birds“, which many will recognize by the first line of the chorus “Because, because we are pilots».

6. On a sunny meadow

Alexei Fatyanov and Vasily Pavlovich met in 1942. Solovyov-Sedov immediately liked the poet.

The very next day he brought him a poem that fascinated him. It was fresh, touching, and the scent of fresh hay, wildflowers, and lilacs seemed to emanate from it. But Soviet censorship did not like it.

Bloody battles were fought on the fronts, the situation was difficult, and these verses seemed too frivolous. But still the composer decided to write a song based on them “On a sunny meadowwhich appeared in 1943.

5. Raid evening

The song ” Raid eveningappeared in 1941. It was created on the verses of Alexander Churkin. The song was born in the month of August, before the beginning of the blockade in Leningrad.

The composer recalled how it happened. He worked in the Leningrad port. It was an unforgettable evening. There was a ship nearby, music and singing could be heard from it.

Vasily Pavlovich and others finished their work and listened to the sailors sing. And he decided to write a song. The people who were about to go into battle were enjoying these short hours of rest.

Alexander Churkin was in the same port. He saw that Solovyov-Sedoy was thinking. On the way home, he told him that a song should be written about this wonderful evening and told the poet its size.

The next day, Churkin threw 3 verses and gave them to the composer. After 3 days they were already working on the song, the beginning of its chorus Vasily Pavlovich came up with himself. He later recalled that he was inspired by the thoughts of the sailors who defended the approaches to their city, he wanted to express their feelings and mood.

4. If the boys of the whole earth

In 1957, the song “If the boys of the whole earth“. The words to it were written by E. Dolmatovsky.

For many, it was a reflection of the story that was told that year in the French film “If the Boys of the World”, which was purchased in 1956 and voiced by 1957. It tells how people from different countries unite to save the crew of one ship.

3. It’s time for the road

It was written by the composer and poet Solomon Vogelson for the painting “Heavenly slug”.

This song “It’s time for the road“- Fogelson’s first success. Together with Solovyov-Sedym they collaborated for 30 years, wrote 48 songs.

But the trio of movie actors beat the song “It’s time to hit the road” so well and sang it so well that it still lives and does not age.

2. Nightingales

The song “Nightingales”appeared in 1944, the author of the poems is Alexei Fatyanov. The creative duo met in the capital. Vasily Pavlovich was then working on an operetta and stayed at a hotel. Alexei distinguished himself at the front and was released on leave as a reward, he settled there.

At the front, the poet wrote 2 songs, one of which is “Nightingales”. Having met with a friend, he read them, and the composer immediately, sitting down at the piano, wrote music for them.

Fatyanov said that once at the front, they, the soldiers, lay after the battle in a grove. And suddenly, after the rumble of enemy planes, they heard the singing of a nightingale, who sang at the top of his voice, despite the war.

1. Moscow Nights

In 1955, a documentary film “In the days of the Spartakiad” was filmed. To make it more interesting, they decided to include a lyric song in it.

The poet Mikhail Matusovsky and Vasily Pavlovich were commissioned to write it. They recall that they did not want to work at all that day: summer, heat, they rested in the country. But both needed money.

Then the composer took out a melody written 2 years ago. She seemed unlucky to him. The poet jotted down words for her. So the song “Leningrad Evenings” appeared. But the documentary was about the Moscow region, so they decided to change the words in the verses, they were born “Moscow Nights».

The song was criticized, the words were called boring, the music was inexpressive. The poet and composer decided that this was their failure. But they still took her, because. I didn’t have time to write another.

The documentary where it sounded was not popular. But when the song was played on the radio, letters began to arrive asking them to play it.

For Solovyov-Sedoy it was a surprise when he was awarded for a work that he considered unsuccessful.

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