Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Rivers are the blue arteries of the Earth. Never stopping, all the time moving only forward along the river bed. From the source, where they originate, to the mouth, the place where they flow into another body of water. In this article, we have collected 10 longest riversflowing through the area Russia.

10 Ural 2 428 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Urals – a river in Eastern Europe, flowing through the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan and flowing into the Caspian Sea.

In the annals, the mention of it refers to 1142. And the name is translated as “pouring and flooding.”

The river originates on the eastern slope of the Ural Range, descending from it with three sources. In the valley they form one common stream. The river has a flat character. This little giant is powered by melting snow.

In order to equalize the flow of water along their route, a man built the Magnitogorsk and Iriklinsk reservoirs. The river is shallow, so navigation is not carried out on it. But even now sturgeon up to 100 kg are caught, though rarely.

9. Work 2 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

The left and longest tributary of the Irtysh. Its beginning is in the low mountain range Niyaz of the Kazakh uplands.

The name of the river is translated as “destroying”. Ancient documents tell of a legend according to which the son of the Tatar Khan named Ishim drowned in a nameless river.

The nature of the river is still quarrelsome today. Depth is uneven. The river replenishes its waters due to the melting of snow, which begins even at negative air temperatures due to powerful solar radiation.

In its lower reaches, it overflows up to 15 kilometers wide, floods can continue until July, which creates difficulties for the population of the floodplains along the recalcitrant river. Ishim is a navigable river. With beautiful landscapes next to its shores.

8. Willow | 2 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Quite a long river Vilyuy is a left tributary of the Lena. It flows through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Place of birth – Central Siberian plateau.

Majesty emanates from the Vilyuy River. She has a lot. The first minerals are diamonds, followed by full-scale mining.

Floodplain lakes number in the thousands. The tributary itself is the widest. The direction of the waters is from north to south, followed by a turn of 90 degrees, then the movement of the waters to the east.

If you describe the rocky part of the channel, then it will be a fairy tale dedicated to the mysterious impassability of coniferous forests. If the flat part, then with the mirror movement of water.

If in winter the ice fetters the channel, then almost eight months a year. Fish species are so rare that it is time to list them in the Red Book.

7. Cupid | 2 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Cupid also called the river of life and love. A powerful and long taiga river begins in China, where at an altitude of 303 meters above sea level it is formed from multiple small tributaries, which then merge into one channel.

It is hard to believe that in winter these waters freeze to a depth of one meter, for a period of seven months. So nature accumulates strength in order to break off in spring with waterfalls of water and start a new whirlpool of life around.

It flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and further into the Pacific Ocean. It flows through the territory of Russia, Mongolia, China. At the beginning, the flow of the river through the mountainous terrain is strong, having moved to the valley, it calms down, wetlands begin to appear along the banks, and when descending into the lowland, there are already many lakes and oxbow lakes.

The name of the river is translated as “big”, with a wide soul and opportunities for a person.

6. Lower Tunguska | 2 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Lower Tunguska – Siberian river, which is the right tributary of the Yenisei. The river immortalized in the novel “Gloomy River”.

All over wayward, harsh, restless. Breakers, rifts, rapids. Lovers of water tourism have already spent more than one year of their lives to go upstream. It succeeds, but so slowly that it seems as if they are standing still.

The river originates on the Verkhnetungusskaya upland of the Central Siberian plateau. It freezes in October and opens in May. Food is mostly snowy.

The main depth of the river is 5 – 6 meters. There is evidence that the bottom, in some places, lies at a depth of 100 meters.

Interesting! In the river basin there is an unusual attraction – the Tunguska wall. This is a rock with reciprocal ledges. At the very top are bird nests.

The channel is covered with an impenetrable mystery. In these marvelous places a rich pantry of nature is hidden.

5. Yenisei | 3 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

If the tributaries are long enough, then the river itself is even longer. Guess what we’re talking about? Of course, about Yenisei – the most full-flowing in Siberia. In addition, it is a natural border between Eastern and Western Siberia. It flows into the Kara Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. For Siberians, the river is “Yenisei-father”.

The source of the water giant at an altitude of 2580 meters above sea level at the topographers peak in the Sayan Mountains. Powerful water masses are received by the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

The width of the river ranges from 5 – 6 kilometers to 75 kilometers in the mouth zone. Local landscapes are famous for their contrasts: Sayan forts, hilly taiga, mixed forest hills.

The Angara, Lower Tunguzka, Abakan, Small Yenisei, Kem flow into the Yenisei – all of them provide the high water of the Yenisei, its navigability. The blue meridian of the country, wide, majestic, contributes to the development of Siberia.

4. Volga | 3 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Source The Volga located near the village of Volgoverkhovye on the Valdai Upland. The river is the longest in the European part of Russia and flows into the Caspian Sea.

Due to the fact that the mouth is 28 meters below sea level, the river is considered a water formation of internal flow, and its waters do not enter the oceans. Food is provided by snow, ground, rain waters.

The Volga region is the richest region. Large forests grow in the upper reaches of the Volga. In the Middle and Lower Volga regions, grain and industrial crops are sown. Melon growing and horticulture are widely developed. Through a system of waterways, the Volga is connected to the Black, Baltic, Azov, and White Seas.

3. Ob | 3 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

River of Western Siberia. It begins at the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers in Altai near the Gebler glacier. Formed in mountains Ob is a typically flat river. It flows into the Kara Sea. And it belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin.

The main type of river nutrition is snow, with fractional inclusions of glacial, rain and ground types. The main tributary is the Irtysh. There are ports and piers of the Ob-Irtysh basin on the river.

2. Irtysh 4 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Mountain glaciers of Eastern Altai gave life Irtysh, which is a major tributary of the Ob.

The feeding of the river is interesting. Directly depends on the area of ​​flow. At the source, the river is supplied with snow and glacier water. Partly sedimentary. But closer to the mouth – rain and groundwater.

Throughout its impressive length, the river is shackled by ice. From downstream and up and up. Ice movement continues for about three weeks. Moreover, moving ice floes resemble small icebergs.

It is impossible not to mention the tributaries of the Irtysh. This small family consists of 7 tributaries of the first magnitude, and navigation is possible along them. 120 small tributaries with a length of about 10 kilometers.

In the upper reaches – permafrost, glacier. There is practically no vegetation. Rocks. In the flat part, the breath of civilization is already felt – there are reservoirs and power plants.

1. Lena | 4 km

Top 10. The longest rivers in Russia

Lena or “Big River”. The largest river in Central Siberia and the longest in Russia. It originates at an altitude of 920 meters above sea level on the slopes of the Baikal Range. Due to the many tributaries, it is full-flowing throughout its entire length.

Central Siberia is an area of ​​very low temperatures and permafrost. The river is covered with ice from the lower reaches to the top, and their melting begins from the upper reaches to the mouth of the river.

The river flows into the Laptev Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. Lena and its tributaries are involved in the transport system of the region. It is obvious that a person has not completely mastered it. There is no excess of civilization here, which means that the water in the river is clean and drinkable.

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