Top 10. The longest bridges in China

Since ancient times, people have had a need to cross ravines, abysses and develop new territories. But the main obstacle was water – deep rivers, lakes, oceans seemed impossible to overcome. Then a man came up with a bridge. Recently, the pace of life has accelerated, so you need to move from place to place also quickly.

Development does not stand still: architects are creating more and more beautiful, light, long and high bridges that help connect a variety of points on the map, including even islands.

China is a rapidly developing country with a high pace of life and a large territory.

Transport links play an important role in the development of the country’s economy. Therefore, the authorities are concerned that the movement between the most important cities occurs as quickly and safely as possible. Perhaps this is the reason why the longest bridges in the world are located in China.

10 Junyang Bridge | 35,66 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China

The last structure in the proposed top by length connects the cities of Zhenjiang (formerly Zhunzhou) and Yangzhou. Hence the name Junyan.

The complex consists of two structures – a suspension bridge in the south and a cable-stayed bridge in the north. The implementation of the engineering solution took 5,8 billion yuan, that is, approximately 700 million dollars. Construction took 5 years, after this time, in 2005, the crossing was opened.

The suspension bridge is the fourth longest in China and is also part of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway.

9. Bridge over Hangzhou Bay | 35,673 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China This cable-stayed bridge is considered the third longest across the waters. Its ends are located in the cities of Jiaxing and Ningbo. Initially, the construction was supposed to connect Ningbo with Shanghai, but in the latter they staged a protest, and the bridge design was changed.

Building Bridge over Hangzhou Bay began in 2003. It was planned to complete the construction only by 2010, but in the end the bridge was opened to traffic three years earlier.

At that time, the construction cost 11,8 billion yuan, i.e. $1,4 billion. Such money was invested by private enterprises and banks in China.

According to the creators of the bridge, it is designed for 100 years of operation.

Previously, people had to cover a distance of about 400 km, but thanks to the new crossing, it is enough to drive 240, while the speed on the road is expected to be 100 kilometers per hour.

Thus, travel time was reduced from five hours to three. In addition, there is a small island in the middle of the bridge where drivers can eat and rest.

8. Yangchun Viaduct | 35,812 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China The Yangchun railway crossing is part of the high-speed railway between the cities of Beijing and Tianjin.

Yangchun Viaduct opened in 2007, and since then an average train speed of 350 kilometers per hour has been established.

7. Overpass of Wuhan Metro Line 37,788 | XNUMX km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China The first line of the Wuhan metro was opened in 2004, it includes 32 stations. As the name suggests, the line is located in Wuhan city. It does not go beyond the Hankou region and does not pass through the rivers. After its creation, Wuhan became the fifth city where the subway was opened.

Wuhan Metro Line XNUMX overpass – the longest metro viaduct in the world. Many mistakenly confuse it with a light rail line because it is elevated.

6. Beijing Viaduct | 48,153 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China beijing viaduct – This intricate structure is part of the new Beijing-Shanghai railway track.

The grand opening of the facility took place in 2011, a year after the completion of construction.

The viaduct is 48 km long and the span is 44 meters wide. The townspeople needed a viaduct, because Beijing and Shanghai are large and important cities separated by water, and getting from one to the other by any other way than through the viaduct is long and difficult.

5. Bridge Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macau | 55 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China young car Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge – the record holder, he is the longest sea bridge in the world. The construction runs across the very active Pearl River, and it is already clear from the name which cities it connects.

This is a complex engineering complex, which consists of a number of bridges, artificial islands and underwater tunnels. And only the latter occupy about 6-7 km.

The construction of the structure began in 2009 and ended only in 2017. The total cost of the project is $10,6 billion.

Sad fact: Construction was accompanied by numerous injuries and deaths of workers.

4. Bridge over Wei | 79,732 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China Design bridge over the wei is an element of the Zhengzhou railway track and stretches from the city of Zhengzhou to Xi’an. The object got its name in honor of the Wei River, which it crosses twice. (Wei flows in eastern China).

This building is considered a world architectural landmark.

The bridge was ready for operation in 2008, however, the opening did not take place until two years later, in 2010. The Chinese government decided to wait and open the bridge along with the new railway line.

When the structure was first erected, it was considered the longest in the world, but later new bridges broke its record. However, they owe their existence to the invaluable experience that the construction of the bridge across the Wei gave.

Traveling along it promises to be exciting, as the railway tracks pass through beautiful rivers and lakes, which tourists will definitely like.

3. Changdei Viaduct | 105,81 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China The medalist, like some past bridges, is part of the already mentioned railway track connecting Beijing and Shanghai.

chandei viaduct located in a seismically hazardous area, so it is made of high-strength materials. Tourists will not regret having passed through this bridge.

During the trip, nothing threatens people’s lives, but they can enjoy the beautiful view from the window.

4. Tianjin Viaduct | 113,7 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China The second place on the list is also considered an element of the Beijing-Shanghai bullet train.

The engineering facility is located between Langfang County and Qingxian County. Construction began in 2008 and lasted two years. The bridge was opened in 2011.

tianjin viaduct stretches in an unusual place – five large sources of the Hai-he river converge in it.

The crossing is very popular with tourists, as it originates near the Beijing railway station.

1. Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct | 164,8 km

Top 10. The longest bridges in China Two years ago, the longest bridge in the world opened in China – Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct. The construction of the record holder was expensive – it took about 10 million dollars and more than 450 thousand tons of metal.

The bridge is part of a high-speed railway between the largest cities in China – Beijing and Shanghai. The construction itself connects Shanghai and Nanjing.

The workers had to overcome many difficulties, including the difficult terrain in this area – mountains, rivers, lakes, canals.

Most of the structure is above ground, and 9 kilometers stretch over the water surface of the Yangtze River and Yangcheng Lake.

The Danyang-Kunshansky viaduct consists of several types of structures – it includes cable-stayed connections, and arched, as well as truss and frame.

Despite the difficulties, the bridge was built in the shortest possible time – in just two years, and immediately ended up in the Guinness Book of Records.

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