TOP 10 Techniques to Quickly Get a Response from the Subconscious Mind

Hello, my dear readers! Today I will tell you about how to get an answer from the subconscious, how to learn to hear it and correctly decipher it. After all, we often ignore it, do not notice its clues, or misinterpret it, then feeling angry and disappointed. I will offer you ways by which you will open the door to an inexhaustible storehouse of information. After all, the subconscious mind stores and processes all the data that has happened to a person from the moment of his birth to the present day, in addition, it is believed that information of the kind is also stored there, which is accumulated and transmitted from generation to generation and affects our attitude to life. , its quality, is a support and sometimes support.

Top 10 technicians

1. Invisible partner

This technique is easy, and is suitable for those who need to make a decision quickly, within one evening, only it will be possible to get an answer by asking closed questions. This means that what you will hear or feel will be monosyllabic, only “yes” or “no”, because you can track a more detailed version, but it will be almost impossible to decipher correctly.

TOP 10 Techniques to Quickly Get a Response from the Subconscious Mind

So, it is necessary before going to bed, after making sure that no one and nothing interferes with you, close your eyes and imagine your interlocutor with whom you will communicate. It can be anything and anyone, up to the fact that it will have its own name, which you may well be interested in. Agree with your interlocutor on how you will receive answers, maybe it will be his head nods, or maybe you will feel warm in your hands with a positive option, and cold with a negative one …

Just designate the signal system itself with it. Then you need to ask a question that concerns you. And listen and watch. If nothing happens, ask again and again. In any case, you will find the answer, it’s just that someone needs more time to make contact, up to several weeks, while someone gets it right the first time.

2. «In the pocket»

It requires attentiveness and the ability to notice even the smallest details, with the help of which it will be possible to decipher the message. The essence of this technique is that you form your request, and, as it were, “put it in your pocket”, and from that moment on, follow all the signs that the Universe sends. For example, a snippet of a song, an inscription on a billboard during a traffic jam, and similar nuances that you notice. Thus, you will feel that you have finally received the information you need.

To develop mindfulness, I recommend reading my article “Top 10 ways to increase your mindfulness that will help absolutely anyone.”

3. «Book»

TOP 10 Techniques to Quickly Get a Response from the Subconscious Mind

Very simple, but at the same time very informative way. Think about an issue that concerns you and choose a book. Mentally say it and with your eyes closed open the book and put your finger anywhere on the page. Then open your eyes and read. Or another option, name the page number in advance, what paragraph in a row and from which side to start reading. What you read is sometimes incomprehensible, do not be discouraged, in this case, sometimes an insight occurs quite unexpectedly when everything becomes clear. This method can be used no more than three times in a row during the day.

4. «In the snow»

Prepare a sheet with a pen near the bed. Form a clear question that you are seriously puzzled by and write it down on paper. Then, closing your eyes, give yourself the installation that you will remember absolutely all the answers that come in a dream. If you wake up at night, you will immediately write them out, and in the morning you will already read and understand their essence.

5. «Glass of water and sleep»

There are few similarities with the previous technique, but here water is used as a conductor of information. Get a full glass of clean drinking water. Before going to bed, close your eyes and mentally pronounce what interests you, drink half in slow sips. Then go to bed, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, drink the remaining half.

This method can be used no more than three times for the same topic. You will receive important information in a dream, or in the form of a random realization, which is called insight, when an understanding of an ongoing or exciting event suddenly comes, even if at that moment we were not thinking about it.

6. «Pendulum»

TOP 10 Techniques to Quickly Get a Response from the Subconscious Mind

It is necessary to take a thread, no longer than your forearm. We tie any load to one end, the main thing is that it be weighty, for example, a bead or a button. We put a sheet of paper on the table, put our elbow and find a support for the hand, because it must be motionless, because how to control it, this pendulum, if your hand itself will sway? Then we begin the study of signals, that is, we determine which side of the sheet is “yes”, “no” and “I don’t know”. And it is easy to do this by asking aloud a question, the answer to which is obvious to you.

For example, “My name is Eugene?”, and look in which direction your pendulum swung, this area will symbolize “yes”, if that is really your name. Then you need to ask the opposite, some random name, to find out where the «no» area is. Having tested the reliability of the pendulum’s answers several times, ask what you are directly interested in, so that the subconscious mind has the opportunity to answer you closed, that is: «yes», «no», «I don’t know».

7. «Intention»

To do this, you will need at least 10 minutes in a calm environment, so that no one interferes or distracts. Concentrate all your attention deep into yourself, breathe slowly, best of all with your stomach. When you feel that the thoughts in your head have begun to slow down, and you have reached a relaxed state, say a question to yourself, then clearly form the intention that soon you will definitely receive an answer to it. Try to feel this confidence, which will not happen otherwise. Then breathe in and out slowly, and when you’re ready, open your eyes and get back to your business.

8. Meditation

A very effective and useful exercise, when you contemplate the flame of a candle, I wrote about it in an article here at this link. You just need to modify it a little, with ordinary contemplation there should be no thoughts in the head, but in the process of establishing contact with the subconscious, you should first concentrate on what interests you, and even then look at the candle. In this state, it will be much easier for the subconscious to reach out to you, and for you to hear it.

How to properly perform this technique, read in the article so that I do not repeat myself here. By the way, periodic practice will allow you not only to develop your intuition and gain access to information of the kind, but also to strengthen your health, increase stress resistance, develop mindfulness …

9. «Bridge»

TOP 10 Techniques to Quickly Get a Response from the Subconscious Mind

A very interesting method, with its help we will try to establish contact between the conscious and the subconscious. Take a sheet of paper and a pen, focus on your question, and when the whirlwind of thoughts in your head subsides, ask it out loud, and then just write down everything that comes to mind. It can be just a set of separate words, maybe whole phrases … The main thing is not to try to interpret and reread them right away, let the mental flow flow, fixing it on paper. And when you feel that everything, proceed to decryption.

10. «Story»

When performing it, it is important to observe the emerging pictures before your eyes, without trying to modify them with the power of thought. To do this, sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and think about what is bothering you, saying to yourself: “When I count to 20, I will have the information I need.” Then let go of the situation and just count slowly, preferably from 20 to 1. Various pictures will appear in front of you, there will be many thoughts. Your task is simply to observe, imagining that you are in a movie, watching a short film with a twisted plot, the idea of ​​which you will try to understand after the end.


That’s all, dear readers! I want to recommend my article «How to develop your subconscious to improve your psycho-emotional state and not only.» Thanks to it, you will be able to learn about the main methods of influence, which is also important, as well as the ability to hear your subconscious. Follow the news and subscribe to my blog to always be aware of the most interesting information. I wish you success!

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