Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Monuments and statues are erected all over the world – some of them are dedicated to great personalities, and others to important historical events. Some statues are so large that they become almost the main attraction of the city, which travelers willingly go to see.

For example, the Motherland is calling, built in the hero city of Volgograd on Mamaev Kurgan, rises to 85 meters! It is recognized as one of the tallest statues in the world, it is not surprising that the residents of the city are so proud of it, and tourists come to Mamaev Kurgan to take unforgettable photos against the backdrop of the statue.

In this article, we want to tell you a short story about the tallest statues in the world. Be sure to take a few minutes to read – you will not regret it, it is very interesting and informative!

Note! The height of the statues in our top 10 is indicated without a pedestal.

10 Motherland is calling! – 85 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Volgograd, Russia.

Opening year: 1967

Monument Motherland is calling! was opened in 1967, it was built for 8 years. The main sculpture of Volgograd is dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. It is not known for certain who posed for the sculptor.

To create the sculpture, an inexpensive material in Soviet times was used – reinforced concrete, but problems arose with it. For example, in 1968 (a year after the opening), cracks began to be noticed in the Motherland, so sculptors annually had to cover its details with a water-repellent agent to preserve the monument.

Today, the Motherland stands firmly on Mamaev Kurgan, looks amazing, and is the main attraction of the hero city of Volgograd.

9. Buddha statue – 88 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Wuxi, China.

Opening year: 1997

Bronze buddha statue depicting shakyamuni buddha (Indian monk), located on Lingshan Hill. To get closer to the statue, you need to climb 216 steps (not everyone wants to do this). The first stone was laid in 1994, the Buddha statue was built in 4 years.

Interestingly that Grand Buddha exactly copies the pose of the Spring Buddha (128-meter statue is also in China).

Next to the statue is the Xiangfu Temple and a place that tourists have chosen – Taihu Lake. Also here was erected the Brahma Palace (Brahma is the god of creation in Hinduism) and a palace similar to the hand of the Buddha.

This is interesting: according to the legend, whoever passes 2 steps will lose the 1st suffering. Having passed all 216 steps, a person will get rid of 108 suffering!

8. Statue of the goddess Kannon – 100 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Sendai, Japan.

Opening year: 1991

Statue, 100 meters high – goddess Kannon, located near Tokyo in the town of Sendai. Tourists come to see this main attraction with pleasure.

Interestingly – few people know about it, but the cameras of the well-known company Cannon were named after this goddess.

The statue is made in white, according to Japanese mythology, the goddess of mercy guides people on the right path, gives happiness and peace in the soul.

The Goddess of Mercy, as she is also called, is located on the territory of the temple – people come to pray to her and ask for help. If you take the elevator up, you will have an excellent view – of Sendai.

7. Great Buddha – 92 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Anghthong, Thailand.

Opening year: 2008

This statue is known all over the world, known as “Great Buddha“. It is located near the town of Angthong. It took 18 years to create the gilded statue, but it was worth it – the smiling deity sitting in the lotus position attracts tourists from all over the world, because, according to legend, it grants wishes!

The long fingers of the Buddha almost touch the ground, which makes it possible for travelers who believe in miracles and local residents to touch the sacred Buddha and ask him for the speedy fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Around the statue there is a beautiful park where lotuses grow. On the lower floor of the Buddha there is a museum, which presents an exhibition of sacred objects, including the things of the monks.

6. Statue of the goddess Guanyin – 92 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Hunan, China.

Opening year: 2009

This beautiful gilded statue of the goddess Guanyin (goddess of mercy and compassion) is called a thousand-handed – the image can scare someone, but a good story is associated with it.

According to legend, the goddess so badly wanted to help all living beings on Earth that the gods gave her a thousand eyes and a thousand hands! Thanks to her unique gift, Goddess Guanyin can see everyone in need of help, and try to help as many people and all living beings as possible. Guanyin is revered as a patroness and protector.

5. Spring Buddha – 128 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Henan, China.

Opening year: 2002

spring buddha stands in the same position as the Buddha statue in Wuxi (from point 9). Located in Henan province. The Buddha of the Spring Temple depicts the Buddha Vairochana, which in Sanskrit means “like the sun“. Vairochana expresses the all-encompassing wisdom called “dharmakaya”.

The idea of ​​erecting this shrine arose after the Taliban in Afghanistan blew up two statues of Buddha, whose age exceeded 2000 years – the Chinese reacted to this event very sharply. After what happened, they decided to erect a majestic statue in the province, which would show how respectful the Chinese are of the Buddhist heritage!

4. Daibutsu Ushiku – 100 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Kanto region, Japan.

Opening year: 1995

In the Japanese city of Ushiku, Buddha statue – Daibutsu Ushikutowering up to 100 meters. It is located in a very good area – in Usyku Arcadia Park, which gives travelers and locals the opportunity to walk here and take beautiful photos.

The main feature of the statue is that tourists can not only admire it, but also take the elevator up to touch the shrine with their own hands. The elevator rises to a height of only 85 meters, but this is enough to enjoy an impeccable view of the surroundings.

The basis of Daibutsu Ushiku has the shape of a lotus – this flower for Buddhists is of particular value.

3. Statue of Guanyin – 108 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Sanya, China.

Opening year: 2005

The Buddhist goddess of compassion is found in China. The majestic statue, 108 meters high, has three faces – one of them looks at the mainland, and the other two face the South China Sea. The sculpture can be seen from anywhere in the city.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of guests who are met by the statue, because the island on which it is located is a resort. It is noteworthy that Guanyin is the patroness of children and women. Those who cannot have a child turn to her for help. However, it is not always possible to get to the goddess – access to it is carried out at a certain time.

Interesting fact: the total height of the statue is 108 meters, and this number is sacred in Buddhism. The rosary also consists of 108 beads.

2. Lechzhun-Sasazha -116 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Sikain district, Myanmar.

Opening year: 2008

The statue is made in the form of a standing Buddha. All tourists traveling to Myanmar are advised to look at the large-scale statue Lechzhun-Sasachzha – an incredible sight!

Towering at 116 meters, the statue, in addition to its beauty and impressive size, is also striking in its complex structure – the statue contains 27 floors, as well as an elevator, thanks to which you can climb up to enjoy the impressive view. Inside the statue is a museum on the theme of Buddhism.

For the people of Myanmar, the statue is a place of religious worship. Tourists of other faiths refer to Lezhun-Sasazha as a tourist attraction. Nearby you can see a recumbent 89-meter statue – a temple is located in it.

1. Statue of Unity – 182 m

Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Location: Gujarat, India.

Opening year: 2013

Statue of Unity created from steel, copper and reinforced concrete, its author was the sculptor Ram Sutar. The monument with a height of 182 meters turned out to be truly unique and impressive. In India, people respect those who give themselves completely to their country. That is why the statue of Sardar Vallabhai Patel, the creator of independent India, was erected. It is noteworthy that the opening of the statue took place on October 31 – the day Vallabhai Patel was born.

Interesting fact: in 2013, on the opening day of the Statue of Unity, helicopters flew over it, from which it was showered with the petals of such a beautiful flower as a rose.

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