Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt – the greatest tombs in the world

Pyramids are found in different parts of our planet, most of them are small in size and have a stepped structure. But among them there are those that stand out for their size. Their purpose is also different. Some of them were temple buildings, others were used as burial places.

Many people still cannot understand how such huge, complex buildings could be built in a time when technology was primitive and people’s knowledge was limited. The pyramids are shrouded in a certain veil of secrecy. But, nevertheless, it is impossible to dispute their existence, they are part of our history, which proves that thousands of years ago people could build unique buildings.

We present you a ranking of the 10 tallest pyramids in the world: a list of the greatest tombs of the pharaohs in Egypt, many of which have already been partially destroyed.

10 Usercafa pyramid, 44,5 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world Located in the Egyptian village of Saqqara. It was first explored and described in 1831, and it was possible to get inside it in 1839. It was later established that its builder was Userkaf, the first pharaoh of the XNUMXth Dynasty.

Userkaf pyramid differs from its predecessors, because simpler and less costly construction technologies were used. Thanks to this, it was able to be built in a short time, completed during the life of the pharaoh. But this method was also less reliable. The walls, built of soft limestone, quickly crumbled, forming a mountain of debris, so it was very poorly preserved.

9. Pyramid of Djoser, 62 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world This six-stage pyramid of impressive dimensions, from 125 to 115 m, was one of the first to appear in ancient Egypt. It was built in 2650 BC. also in Saqqara. Pharaoh Djoser was buried in it. The construction was carried out by Imhotep, who was then the highest dignitary. The core of the tomb was made of limestone.

Djoser’s pyramid was intended for the entire family of the deceased. In total, 11 burial chambers were prepared, designed for all his wives and children, but Djoser himself was not found in it. And all because the pyramid was robbed more than once in antiquity, there are several manholes made by robbers.

8. Pyramid of the Sun, 64 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world It is located in Mexico, 40 km from the capital, Mexico City. It is considered one of the largest buildings of the ancient city of Teotihuacan. Its height is 64,1 m. It is part of a large temple complex. What the Teotiucans called it is unknown. These names were invented by the Aztecs, who visited these places in the XIII century.

The name of this city can be translated as “the place where people became gods“. “Pyramid of the Sun” is also named by them, because. The Aztecs believed that once upon a time the gods gathered here so that the Cosmos would receive new powers.

The pyramid consisted of 2 levels. There was an altar on the second level, but it has not survived to our times. But now it is difficult to say which deity was worshiped here, because. the temple at the top of the pyramid was destroyed either by nature or by man.

The surface of the pyramid was covered with a solution of lime, which was mined nearby, as well as bright wall paintings, but over time it all washed away and disappeared.

7. Pyramid of Menkaure, 66 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world This is the lowest of all the pyramids in Giza, its height was 65,55 m, but now it does not exceed 62 m. Most likely, at first it was small and was not intended for the heir to the throne, but then it was increased. But, despite the fact that it has a modest size, huge monoliths were used for its construction. So, the weight of one of them exceeded 200 tons.

Pyramid of Mikerin, or as it was also called, Menkaura pyramid, was once one of the most beautiful, because at this time, art was well developed. A third of it was decorated with red granite. It remained like this for 4 thousand years, until the cladding was removed from it in the 16th century.

The pyramid was badly damaged by Sultan al-Malik al-Aziz. He decided to demolish the entire Giza necropolis and started with it as the smallest. It was destroyed for 8 months, but then stopped, because. destruction was costly.

6. Great Pyramid of Cholula, 77 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world This is a large complex of ancient structures, which can be seen in the Mexican city of Cholula. Now most of it is covered with soil. It is called one of the largest in terms of volume, this was also recorded in the Guinness Book.

The pyramid was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl,feathered snake”, which was once worshiped by the locals. Great Pyramid of Cholula is located 12 km from the central part of the city of Puebla. Translated from the Aztec language, “cholula” means “place of refuge” or “place of escape“. This pyramid was built in several stages, it took more than one century to complete, but it became one of the largest.

Already in the 16th century, the pyramid was no longer taken care of, and when the Spaniards got here, it was overgrown with vegetation. In the 20th century, a church was built on its top, and no excavations were carried out here until the XNUMXth century.

5. Pyramid at Meidum, 93,5 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world It can be found 100 km from Cairo. Once it consisted of seven steps, but now only 3 remain in sight. It was built for Pharaoh Huni from limestone sides. Pharaoh’s son Snofu decided to expand the building by adding an eighth step.

Pyramid at Meidum heavily damaged by erosion. The stonework was pulled apart by the local population, therefore, if its original height was 93,5 m, today it is only 65. It began to be studied back in 1799, the Egyptian expedition of Napoleon was interested in the pyramid. Later, many researchers visited here.

In 1999, modern devices helped to detect unknown passages and rooms, and now restoration work is underway there.

4. Bent Pyramid, 104,7 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world She settled in Dahshur. It is believed that Pharaoh Sneferu was engaged in its construction. She is called “Broken pyramid“, and “cut“,”diamond-shaped”, because it has an irregular shape. It differs from other pyramids in that it has not one entrance, as was customary before, but two, why a second one is needed, they could not figure it out.

The German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchard believes that the king, for whom the pyramid was intended, died unexpectedly, so it was necessary to urgently complete the work, for which the angle of the faces was sharply changed, and it acquired its unusual shape.

According to another version, this is due to an accident, after the rains the skin could collapse, so the original shape had to be changed when it was already half finished.

3. Pink Pyramid, 105 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world She is called and northern pyramid. It is one of the largest in the Dakhshur necropolis. Pink Pyramid got its name because of the color of the blocks, which become this color in the rays of the sun at sunset.

It is built of pinkish limestone, once the walls were protected by white, but in the Middle Ages, most of it was removed to build houses. It is believed that this is the pyramid of Sneferu, because. his name was inscribed on the inside. Its height was 109,5 m, but now it is 105 m.

2. Pyramid of Khafrena, 143,9 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world Located on the Giza Plateau, not far from the Great Sphinx. Its original height was 143,9 m, and they called it Urt-Khafrawhich meant “Hafra is great“. Now its height is 136,4 m.

Once upon a time there was a mortuary complex where Pyramid of Chephren was intended for the pharaoh, next to it was a smaller building for his wife. A temple, a road, fences were also built here. All these buildings have been completed. At the top of the pyramid there was a granite pink pyramidon, but, unfortunately, it has been lost, but all the stones of its attachment have come down to us.

1. Pyramid of Cheops, 146,6 m

Top 10 tallest pyramids in Egypt - the greatest tombs in the world One of the largest pyramids, one of the Wonders of the World, which has survived to our times. Located on the Giza plateau, for more than 3 thousand years it was considered the tallest building on our planet. Its height was 146,6 m, now it is 138,7. Its architect was Cheops’ nephew, Hemiun.

It was made from blocks of granite and limestone, with a harder limestone cladding. But in 1168, the Arabs attacked Cairo, plundered it, they also removed the lining from the Pyramid of Cheopsused it to build houses.

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