Top 10 tallest nations in the world

Tall people always cause respect and attract the views of others. Girls always dream of tall men next to them, because they associate them with defenders, behind whose broad shoulders you can not be afraid of anything. Men, in turn, always turn to the long-legged representatives of the fair sex.

Scientists have long paid attention to how the environment affects human growth. All factors have been studied for a long time. Over the past hundred years, the world’s population has gained as much as ten centimeters in height, and this is taking into account Asian countries, where few can boast of growth above average.

Now the average height of the inhabitants of the planet Earth is 167 centimeters. This figure also varies from country to country. Not only genes also affect, but also proper nutrition, exercise.

We bring to your attention a list of the 10 highest nations in the world: the ranking of the peoples of different countries by height for 2019.

10 French, 175 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world France is considered the most romantic country in the world, whose inhabitants are not used to hiding their feelings, are distinguished by their passionate character, frivolity and love for beauty – beautiful views, good wine and wonderful, delicious food, which can be considered a real work of art.

But did you know that French people, in addition to all titles, are also among the ten highest nations in the world? Whether this is due to nutrition, climate, or the desire to reach the Eiffel Tower is unknown, but it is known for sure that the average height of a resident is 175 centimeters.

9. Russians, 176 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world Russia is a country with a cold climate, harsh character and bad roads. Everyone knows this, but not everyone realizes that, in addition to many nominations from the category of “most-most” русские they also have the title of one of the tallest people in the world, because the average height of a Russian is about one hundred and seventy-six centimeters.

Perhaps such figures are associated with the desire to reach out to the sun, which most of the time only shines, but does not warm up the territory of our homeland. Over the past decades, there has been a big leap in the growth rates of our people, but this figure has grown not only in our country, but also in 186 other countries.

8. Serbs, 178 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world Serbia – a country in southeastern Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula. A country of coffee lovers, sports, especially football, a land of raspberries and forests, love for Russians and everything Russian.

A lot connects our peoples, starting from history, words and interests, ending with almost the same, high average height of 178 centimeters. This small gap of only two centimeters still allowed them to get ahead of us and take eighth place in the top 10 tallest nations in the world.

7. Australians, 179 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world The mainland country is washed by two oceans – the Indian and the Pacific. Remember what comes to mind when you mention Australia. Kangaroos, creepy creeps and surfing. Yes, perhaps, but in this country there is still a lot of interesting things. The landscapes alone are worth it.

Despite the fact that the average population height is 179 centimeters and they are not far behind the Americans, it is here that the tallest people on the entire planet live.

6. Americans, 179 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world For many centuries it Americans occupied a leading position in the list of the highest nations in the world. But over the past decades, they have greatly lost their positions and now, we can say that their growth has not stopped, but they are growing more in breadth than up.

Of course, this country is divided into many ethnic groups and if some can be very high, then others, in terms of averages, are very low. Height loss is associated with “leaning” on unhealthy foods. Their food is plentiful, but not balanced at all. Obesity is gaining momentum in the country, especially among children.

Today, the average height of Americans is 179 centimeters, but it is worth noting that things are going even worse in Russia.

5. Danes, 181 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world Favorable weather and the right habits that have been formed in Denmark for many, many years have led to the fact that the average height Danes is 181 centimeters. This is also due to the Scandinavian genes.

The fifth place in the list of the highest residents of Denmark received thanks to the male half of the population. For women, the average height is only 167 centimeters and they are ranked seventh among the fair sex.

4. Latvians, 181,5 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world The tallest women in the world live in Latvia, with a height of 170 centimeters, and together with men, their average height is 181,5 centimeters, which puts them on the 4th line in the list. Just like in more than 180 countries, since the beginning of the XNUMXth century, Latvians have experienced a growth spurt.

Such growth depends not only on genetics, but also on proper nutrition and sports, so it is obvious that Latvian women have taken better care of their body over the past hundred years.

3. Estonians, 182 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world If we consider the average height of only men, then they would take second place in the world, but the average height of the entire nation Of Estonia deserves the third place. It is 182 centimeters.

Over the past hundred years, they have significantly increased this figure, because the growth of “great-grandparents” and “great-grandmothers” was a little more than 160 centimeters. They were able to move from number four to number three in just a few decades.

2. Belgians, 182 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world Belgians is a very athletic nation. Running, cycling and hockey are popular here. But hockey is played here on grass, and not as they are used to in our country – on ice.

During the last century, this nation has managed to increase its average height by 15 centimeters and now it is 182 centimeters, which makes the inhabitants of Belgium the second tallest after the Dutch. Belgian women have gained in height over the past decades a little less than men – 10 centimeters.

1. Dutch, 185 cm

Top 10 tallest nations in the world The Netherlands is a country of tulips, free morals and freedom in all its manifestations. A kingdom with a strong character and a beautiful soul will not leave indifferent anyone who dares to visit it. So, the highest nation in our hit parade of “giants” was Dutch, they have greatly overtaken their past competitors – the Americans. If the previous leaders began to grow more in the horizontal direction, then in Holland people began to actively take care of their health and added a couple of tens of centimeters to their already not quite small height.

This country is dominated by dairy cuisine and healthy eating, which, of course, played an important role, plus active sports and, of course, genetics. The average height of men is 185 centimeters.

Biologists from all over the world are trying to understand why Dutch men are the tallest on our planet and there is no definite answer yet, but there are many assumptions. Over the past twenty years, they have managed to increase their average height by 20 centimeters.


People are different and our top is purely informational and entertaining in nature and aims to expand your knowledge about the representatives of humanity, countries, their characteristics and the horizons of the reader as a whole.

Someone is higher, someone is lower, this is absolutely normal, it makes us different, makes us special, but does not make us alien to each other. Tall people have low vices, and people of small stature have high feelings, impulses of the soul and desires.

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