Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia

A very long time ago, such a custom appeared in Russia, to erect monuments, monuments, sculptures, obelisks in different cities. It reminded people of some important events. On such obelisks, important historical characters were most often depicted. People, passing by, admired such human greatness. Almost all sculptures were created in Soviet times. Then they were given special political significance.

But monuments were erected to many writers, war heroes, and legendary figures. Some were quite large in height.

In this article, we will look at the tallest monuments in Russia. It is worth noting that the height is indicated along with the pedestal.

10 Monument to Lenin in Dubna, 37 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia Lenin monument was installed in Dubna near Moscow in early 1937. It was built in honor of the opening of traffic along the Moscow-Volga navigable canal.

The sculpture of Lenin was made by Sergey Merkurov. This is a famous Soviet sculptor who also worked on the monument to Stalin. He stood directly opposite, but in the time of Khrushchev it was blown up.

Currently, there is a wonderful park around the monument, from which you can see the panorama of the Moscow River. The view is extraordinary. Many tourists visit this place to see the famous monument.

9. Friendship forever, 42 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia The monument calledfriends foreverwas officially opened in 1983. It was placed in honor of friendly relations between Russians and Georgians.

The year when the monument was erected coincided with the date of the bicentenary of the signing of the treatise. It was then that the Karli-Kakhetian kingdom of Georgia entered Russia. After that, she was completely protected.

The monument of friendship was erected on one of the central squares of the city of Moscow – Tishinskaya. That’s what it’s called at the moment. But until the 21st century, Georgian freedom was in this place. That is why it was not chosen by chance.

Outwardly, the monument is a column of great height, which is made up of the Cyrillic alphabet of the Georgian and Russian alphabets. From this set, “peace, labor” is obtained. At the very top you can see a grape wreath, with wheat ears intertwined. It also has its own meaning.

Spikelets of wheat – symbolize our Russia, and Georgia – grapes. Many note that the monument even now attracts the views of tourists.

8. Monument to Yuri Gagarin, 42,5 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia Monument to Gagarin installed in 1980. And it happened right in the midst of the Moscow Olympics. The monument is made of real titanium, which is used in the construction of various devices, which are then sent into space. It is worth noting that the creation of such a large monument took quite a lot of elements and time.

It was said that the most difficult thing was to make the face, as it is the largest element. Its weight was about 300 kg. Tourists note that the figure of the legendary cosmonaut Gagarin looks impressive.

But the meaning of such an exposition is far from being in the figure of a man, but in a ribbed pedestal, which means the launch of a spaceship.

7. Alyosha, 42,5 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia The monument calledAlesha”was made at the request of local residents of the city of Murmansk. Thus, they wanted to make famous the Soviet soldier who laid down his life in Bulgaria. In one of his hands he holds a machine gun. His gaze is full of determination. For some time, postage stamps were made in Bulgaria, which depicted this monument.

The monument was erected in 1975 on a hill called Green Cape. The place was not chosen by chance. From here, it is visible from anywhere in the city.

It is worth noting that on the territory of the monument there is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Every year on May 9, various events are held here, where they remember the dead soldiers.

6. Monument to Vladimir Lenin in Volgograd, 57 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia Lenin monument, which was erected in the hero city of Volgograd, was previously considered one of the highest buildings – monuments dedicated to famous personalities in the history of our country. The pedestal on which Lenin stands previously belonged to his successor, Stalin. After the figure was removed, it was decided to leave the lower part, the base.

It is worth noting the fact that Vladimir Lenin looks original on this monument. So, for example, the figure of the leader is presented in a very unusual way – Ilyich’s hands are holding a cap. In 1937, the authorities officially opened the monument for all Soviet citizens to see. The time was chosen for a reason. It was this year that became the 103rd since the birth of the famous leader of the revolution.

5. Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, 58 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia The monument calledWorker and Collective Farm Womanknown to everyone in this world. The famous symbol of the USSR, which was depicted not only on postage stamps, but also on postcards for congratulations, especially popular at that time. Even the film studio “Mosfilm” put it on the screen saver of their films.

The sculpture was specially commissioned for the Soviet pavilion, as decoration. That year (1937) an international exhibition was held in France. In connection with this event, the state decided on a large-scale project.

The sculptor Mukhina depicted a man, a simple worker and a woman collective farmer on her huge monument. Together they hold a hammer and sickle in their hands.

Many note that the monument seems to say that the people depicted on it are building a peaceful life. They want the simple human happiness they aspire to. Perhaps this is the meaning behind the monument.

After the exhibition, it was decided to place the monument in Moscow at VDNKh. But initially, he was chosen a completely different place. It is worth noting that this is why the pedestal for the monument looks extremely low compared to other similar monuments. If it were moved to another place, then the height of the sculpture would increase by ten meters.

4. Motherland is calling, 87 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia Sculpture «Motherland is callingstands in the city of Volgograd. It was installed in its place in 1967. When people see her, their emotions just go wild. No other monument is capable of evoking tears of admiration.

On a high pedestal stands a woman who holds a huge sparkling sword in her hand. She seems ready to take on an invisible enemy. After installation, the monument was considered the highest in Russia for exactly twenty-two years.

3. Monument to Peter I, 98 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia Monument to Peter I – an amazing piece of art, installed in Moscow relatively recently, in 1997, but has already become a particularly popular place in the city. Everyone knows that this man was the last who was called the Russian “father – tsar” and the first who became the Emperor of All Russia in the Western manner, who entered our history.

He is also famous for creating the Russian Navy. In the year the monument was erected, the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet was celebrated. On a huge pedestal, Peter the Great holds a scroll high in his hand. With his other hand, he holds the helm of the ship. The monument captivates tourists and residents of Moscow with its grandeur and beauty.

2. Monument to the Conquerors of Space, 107 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia Monument to the Conquerors of Space installed in Moscow in 1964. It was at this time that the real euphoria from the assimilation of the space of space was felt in the capital.

A monument was erected near the entrance to VDNKh. The obelisk depicts a simple rocket that shot high into the sky. Near the base you can see a statue of a famous person – Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

1. Victory Monument, 141,8 m

Top 10 tallest monuments in Russia Victory Monument was installed almost immediately after the collapse of the USSR, in 1995. It is located on Poklonnaya Hill. The obelisk has the shape of a three-sided bayonet, and its height is decorated with bronze bas-reliefs. At 104 meters you can see Nike, the goddess of victory. The opening of such a high memorial took place right on Victory Day.

But it is worth noting that the design, due to its unusual shape, showed instability. That is why it was tested many times and reduced this property.

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