TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with
Today we will look at what to eat vodka with and which of the snacks are the most popular, popular and optimal, according to many lovers of feasts. Each nation, and what is there, even each family has its own traditions, which relate, among other things, to the combination of drinks and foods. We will highlight 10 snacks, among which there will also be several recipes for vodka snacks.
What Food Goes Best With Vodka? | Ok Tested

By the way, before reading this note, you should read the article “The better to have a snack or drink – have a snack”. It gives general recommendations on the selection of snacks for alcoholic beverages; some of our top appetizers will be contrary to the unwritten rules, but traditions do their job – lovers of delicious feasts are unlikely to give up barbecue or pickled mushrooms in favor of a banana and nuts …

TOP 10 dishes that you can and should eat vodka

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

1. Lard is not only a traditional Ukrainian product, which is prepared in a wide variety of variations, but also an original appetizer for vodka in different countries. There are many options for serving fat to the table.

  • Frozen bacon is cut into thin plates (chips are made), sprinkled with salt and black pepper; best of all, such fat “relishes” until it is defrosted, so you should not cut a lot at once;
  • Salted lard, which is often served immediately after being removed from the brine;
  • Smoked lard (by the way, it is suitable not only for vodka, but also for other alcoholic drinks);
  • lard;
  • Fat spread: salted (rarely raw) lard is ground in a meat grinder (you can use a blender) with herbs and garlic, after which the resulting mass is applied to black bread. Some housewives also add vegetable oil, spices, onions.

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

2. Salted cucumbers. What can you say? Vodka and cucumbers are a traditional combination; if nothing was found from homemade pickles, then you can get by with a store-bought version of gherkins.

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

3. Jelly – this is what snacking on vodka is not only tasty, but also the most optimal: this dish contains the necessary set of substances that the body needs when drinking alcohol. Alcohol causes a deficiency of glycine, which is replenished by cartilage, on the basis of which jelly is cooked. And the broth and proteins will help to bind and remove under-oxidized products and aldehydes from the body. And what can I say, a well-cooked jelly from pork, beef or chicken, served with horseradish or mustard, is just a royal addition to any table (you should be careful with spicy additives, they slow down the breakdown of alcohol).

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

4. Potatoes good in almost any form: baked, boiled, fried, etc. Classic – young boiled potatoes with butter and green onions. It goes well with herring, lard and meat dishes.

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

5. Sandwich – one of the simplest, fastest and most varied snacks. It can be, again, with bacon, herring or gherkins; however, the most common can be considered ordinary sandwiches with sausage and cheese; and the most preferred and “elite” – with red caviar on a thin layer of butter. There are many options and often those products that just happened to be at hand, that is, in the refrigerator, are used as fillings 🙂

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

6. Pickled mushrooms. You can buy them in the store or cook them yourself (we will write about how to do this in one of the following articles). You can serve it with a little sunflower oil and fresh onion and / or green onions.

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

7. Herring. There are many options here: cut into small pieces and add an onion, make sandwiches with herring on black bread, make a light salad with vegetables and olives, cook a fish “spread” based on herring, etc. This appetizer has become even more popular after the appearance of already prepared marinated fish in jars (by the way, there are excellent options in mayonnaise, with Dijon mustard, pineapple, corn, etc.).

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

8. Red caviar. You can eat it directly with spoons (unless, of course, the quantity allows), you can make canapes or sandwiches with it, or include it in complex snacks for vodka.

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

9. Salted Tomatoes. They can be salted or lightly salted, whole or cut into several parts, red, green, cherry, etc. There are many options, great for a plate of pickles for vodka (sauerkraut, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers).

TOP 10 snacks for vodka or what to eat vodka with

10 BARBECUE. Pork, lamb, chicken – any one is suitable as a snack, the main thing is that it be juicy and with a rich taste. By the way, eggplant, mushrooms, peppers, fish, seafood and other delicacies can also be cooked on fire.

This is just a short list of what you can eat vodka with; in fact, everyone chooses the perfect product for themselves. There are also a number of more complex dishes that are suitable for strong alcoholic drinks. For example, homemade dumplings, Olivier salad, baked meat and fish dishes are perfectly savored under the “little white” dumplings. You can read about the best way to eat vodka to avoid a hangover and reduce the effect of alcohol on the body in the above article on the right snack.

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