Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions

Sleep is a natural human need, so familiar that you don’t notice how important it is until you lose it. And then comes the understanding that the mood, well-being, performance of both the person himself and each of his organs depend on healthy rest.

Insomnia is exhausting, debilitating and can lead to unpleasant diseases. That is why it is so important to detect it in the early stages and help the body get a good rest.

There can be a lot of reasons for insomnia: stressful situations, mental disorders, hormonal diseases, diseases of internal organs, and many others. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult a doctor. He will conduct research and advise drugs that will return sleep with the least health risks.

Taking any medication without consulting a specialist can cause irreparable harm to the body. In this article, you will find an introductory information on a good over-the-counter sleeping pill for sound sleep: a list of the 10 best cheap drugs in tablets and drops that guarantee you better well-being.

10 Sleep formula

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 340 rubles for 40 tablets.

“Sleep Formula” from the company “Evalar” is a bioactive supplement, a plant biocomplex enriched with vitamins. Its composition includes motherwort, hops, escholzia, known for their calming effect.

But it is impossible to talk about normalizing sleep without replenishing magnesium and B vitamins in the body. They reduce the excitability of the nervous system and help control emotions. The composition includes magnesium carbonate, magnesium, vitamins B1, B6 and B12.

Advantages: mild hypnotic effect, natural composition, availability, 40 tablets per pack, relieves nervous tension.

Disadvantages: effective for minor sleep disturbance caused by emotions, with more serious diagnoses it is ineffective.

9. Morpheus

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 166 rubles for 50 ml.

Drops “Morpheus” from “Flicker” – a natural remedy for normalizing sleep. First of all, it affects the rate of falling asleep, the duration and deep phases of sleep, it can be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of neurological diseases, but not in place of them.

The drops have a natural composition containing extracts of hawthorn, rosehip, peony, mint, oregano, as well as water, glycerin and citric acid. Thanks to this, Morpheus can be taken even by children, it has no side effects, and it is able to gently calm a hyperactive, excitable baby or student during difficult exams.

Advantages: normalization of sleep, calming effect, natural composition, low price, pleasant taste.

Disadvantages: difficult to find in pharmacies, is not a cure.

8. Valemidine plus

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 260 rubles for 100 ml.

«Valemidine plus” from “Pharmamed.rf” – a sedative based on medicinal plants. Its composition contains motherwort, valerian, extract of mint and hawthorn fruit, blue cyanosis rhizomes, and magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening the nervous system and emotional background.

It is a biologically active additive. It is necessary to take according to the instructions, several times a day with meals. A daily dose of 8 mg of the drug will provide soft falling asleep and a full sleep cycle without awakenings. The composition does not contain sugar, instead of it a substitute is used – xylitol.

Advantages: has a mild calming effect, reduces excitability and anxiety, helps to fall asleep faster and reduces the number of awakenings at night.

Disadvantages: the composition contains chemical additives, including E211 – sodium benzoate.

7. barboval

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions

average price – 110 rubles for 25 ml.

«barboval” is produced by the pharmacological company “Farmak”. This is not just a sedative, but a coronary dilator with sedative components. That is, it helps the blood supply to the brain by dilating blood vessels.

Therefore, the indications for its use are quite wide: insomnia, irritability, disruption of the process of falling asleep, frequent awakenings, disorders of the circulatory system, tachycardia, irritable bowel syndrome, nervousness.

Basically, the product contains a solution of menthol in menthol isovalerate, phenobarbital, ethyl ester of alpha-bromizovaleric acid. The composition is not as harmless as previous drugs, and despite the fact that it is more effective, it must be taken with caution: phenobarbital is addictive.

Advantages: soothing property, promotes rapid falling asleep, reduces anxiety, quite a strong remedy.

Disadvantages: a large number of side effects, the presence of phenobarbital, is addictive.

6. Valocordin

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 310 rubles for 25 ml.

«Valocordin“- one of the most famous means on our list. It is produced in Germany by a single manufacturer – Krevel Meuselbach GmbH. Its effect on the body is due to its constituent substances, namely phenobarbital, ethyl bromisovalerianate, mint oil.

It is used for disorders of the cardiovascular system, neuroses, irritability, anxiety and fears, and even panic attacks. It has a calming and hypnotic effect, relieves nervousness and irritability, and peppermint oil promotes vasodilation. In 2007, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences recognized Valocordin as an obsolete drug with unproven effectiveness.

Advantages: familiar brand, fast sedative and hypnotic effect, complex effect on the body.

Disadvantages: a large number of side effects, the presence of phenobarbital, is addictive.

5. Lotuson

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 247 rubles for 20 tablets.

«Lotuson“from the company” Danson “- a sedative of plant origin. It contains an extract of seven plants: lotus, dioscorea, thuja seeds, mulberry leaves, euphoria fruits, date seeds and erythrina leaves.

Among the excipients, magnesium is indicated, which helps to restore the nervous system. “Lotusonic” is prescribed for insomnia, sleep disturbance, irritability, neurosis, stress, mood swings, overwork.

Advantages: herbal composition, normalization of sleep, increased stress resistance, affordable price.

Disadvantages: possible decreased attention and absent-mindedness.

4. Notta

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 370 rubles for 50 ml.

«Notta» is produced by the Austrian company RICHARD BITTNER AG. This is a homeopathic remedy that has a sedative effect. The composition includes: oats, phosphorus, chamomile, zinc valerianate, coffee tree.

It is prescribed for anxiety and neurological disorders, insomnia, sleep phase disturbances, irritability, mood changes, fatigue. It has a calming, mild hypnotic effect. Approved for admission by children from the age of three with excitability, fatigue, attention disorder and sleep disorders.

Advantages: economical, has a mild effect, is allowed for children, there is no withdrawal syndrome.

Disadvantages: high cost, peculiar taste, no guaranteed effectiveness.

3. Gidazepam

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 720 rubles for 20 tablets.

«Gidazepam“from the company” Vidal “- a benzodiazepine drug, a tranquilizer. It is available in the form of tablets, in two blisters of 10 pieces.

Pharmacological action is expressed in reducing anxiety, anxiety and fear, helps with insomnia and mood swings. It is used for neurosis and neurosis-like disorders, sleep disorders, and migraines.

This is a “daytime” medicine, and it does not cause drowsiness, but the concentration drops, and it is better not to drive while taking Gidazepam.

Advantages: effective, reduces anxiety and fear, helps fight insomnia, a relatively easy drug among other benzodiazepines.

Disadvantages: reduces attention and concentration, fights only with symptoms, with prolonged use (more than 3 months) it is addictive.

2. Novo-passite

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 225 rubles for 100 ml.

Pharmacological company “Teva” produces a sedative “Novo-passite“. Guaifenesin, which is part of the composition, relaxes smooth muscles, and herbal extracts have a calming effect.

In the production of the drug, valerian, lemon balm, St. John’s wort, hawthorn, passionflower, hops and elderberry are used. Reduces reactions to external stimuli, as well as anxiety, fear, anxiety.

Advantages: natural composition, affordable price, economical to use, effective from the start of administration.

Disadvantages: does not help with serious diseases and prolonged stress, short shelf life.

1. Sondox

Top 10 Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions average price – 135 rubles for 30 tablets.

«Sondox»brand “Krasnaya Zvezda” – an effective sleeping pill. The active substance is doxylamine succinate, which affects the central nervous system. It is well absorbed from the blood, most of it is excreted from the body without a trace. Absorbed into breast milk.

Among the auxiliary components there are also magnesium and lactose. The drug affects the rate of reactions, so you should stop driving a car while taking it.

Advantages: proven effectiveness, affordable price.

Disadvantages: reduces reactions, a side effect in the form of headaches.

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