Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch

Thriller is one of the genres in cinema that many people prefer. In most cases, the heroes of such films are monsters, reanimated scarecrows, maniacs. Such films are preferred by those who like to tickle their nerves. At present, many films with this genre have already been shot. Watching them is equally scary and very interesting. But, of course, everything also depends on the plot of the thriller. It can be said that now a significant part of such films is based on the relationship of people to each other than any mystical events.

Initially, in such a film, the audience is tuned in to attention to the main characters, their actions and feelings. Most of the time, the feelings are not positive at all.

Many people prefer to watch films of this genre, as they will be scarier than ordinary films about monsters.

In this article, we will look at the rating of the scariest thrillers: the top 10 creepy horrors worth watching are the best options for 2019 for a fun evening.

10 Conjuring (2013)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch Film “The spell“is not just a thriller, it also contains psychological elements. There are truly unpredictable twists and incredible special effects. The film is based on the story of one man who was sure that real ghosts live in his house.

Previously, one American family lived in the house. But after the new tenants moved in, strange and unusual things began to happen. After some time, the Perron family began to notice that not only evil ghosts, but also good ones live in the mansion.

9. Reincarnation (2018)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch Film “Reincarnation”Tells viewers that strange events began to occur in the house in which the woman previously lived. The daughter of a deceased woman reveals various secrets of her relatives’ past throughout the film. One day, Annie meets a woman who introduces her to a group of people who conduct séances.

Annie soon tries to connect with her deceased relatives. But everything has gone too far.

8. Shining (1980)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch Film “Radiance”- was based on the book of the king of horror by Stephen King. It was released on television in 1980, but even now it remains the best horror film.

The plot revolves around an unsuccessful writer named Jack and his family. One day, he gets a job as a winter watchman in a hotel, which, as usual, closes for the dead season. He is going to be working here for the next five months on his new book.

His son, a telepath, informs his family that there is room number 237 in the hotel, which must be avoided. But his father thinks the boy is cheating. But he soon begins to realize that something strange is happening in the hotel. Not having time to understand what was the matter, he kills his entire family.

7. Bunker (2011)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch Film “Bunkerwas filmed by a Spanish director. In the center of the plot is a story about the relationship of two very different people.

The film takes place in our time. It seems to a girl named Belen that she has finally found the love of her life, but trust is not always the case even in a serious relationship.

The girl decides to look from the outside, how the beloved will behave when she disappears. By chance, she learns from the owner of the house about a secret bunker that was built during the war. Belen decides to stay in the bunker, but the door slammed shut and the key was left by the chair.

The film captivates with its incomprehensibility. What will the heroes do? You can find out the answer if you watch the thriller.

6. Underworld (2016)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch The action of the filmUnderworldtakes place in the middle of the 19th century. The girl Elizabeth was blind from birth. She lives with her family in the Wild West. She herself works as a midwife.

Soon her quiet life ends when a preacher arrives in the city, who promises all the inhabitants to arrange hell for all their sins. He is very cruel to women. He makes them feel pain literally for every step they take and all their actions.

Be that as it may, all suffering comes from the hands of man. But why and why is poor Elizabeth silent? The film “Underworld” can be watched at any time.

5. Beautiful, Bad, Evil (2019)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch Film “Beautiful, bad, eviltells the story of serial killer Ted Bundy through the eyes of the woman he loves. She never saw the bad side in him, but after the exposure, her life changed a lot.

They met in the late 1960s at a bar. At first sight they fell in love with each other. For some time they lived happily, but soon murders began to occur in the area. Ted is among the main suspects, but his woman does not want to believe what is happening.

4. We (2019)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch In film “Мы» A married couple moves to live on the coast. One night, four people come to them in strange overalls and with scissors. It immediately becomes clear about their bloody intentions.

Previously, Adelaide lived in these places. One day she decides to return again, but everything does not go according to plan.

3. The Island of the Damned (2010)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch Film “Shutter Island” tells about two partners who come to investigate a series of murders in a hospital for the mentally ill. Soon one of them begins to suffer from severe headaches, in a dream he constantly sees a fire in which his wife dies.

Teddy Daniels – Marshal, begins to realize that something strange is happening in this place. Caught in all this cycle of strange years, both partners understand that they urgently need to escape from this place. But it turned out that escaping from here is not so easy.

2. Get Out (2017)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch Film “Away”was first shown at the Sundance festival, and immediately left no one indifferent. A photographer named Chris loves his white girlfriend Rose very much. He himself is black and does not hesitate to have relationships with whites. Soon he decides to meet her parents. A girl warns her boyfriend that she didn’t tell her parents that she was dating a black man.

The parents that Chris met at a big family reunion are behaving very strangely. Soon he learns that her parents have been missing for a very long time.

It is worth noting that this thriller intrigues from its very first seconds. The film is watched in one breath.

1. Judgment Night (2013)

Top 10 scariest thrillers to watch At the top of our list of scariest thrillers is “Judgment night“. Every day, year after year, the people of America live in peace. Crime is practically reduced, unemployment too. Citizens have everything they need for a normal and peaceful life.

But only one night a year all the inhabitants close themselves in their houses and sit in fear until the morning. Judgment Night is the night when all the criminals take to the streets of the city and everything becomes legal. They will get nothing for any crime. All services are down. People go out into the streets to vent their anger, which has accumulated over the whole year. You can do anything. Kill a boss, get revenge on a mistress, crash a car, set fire to houses – you can get away with anything. It is for 12 hours that the government turns a blind eye to everything.

One of these nights, an American family closed themselves in their house and began to watch what was happening outside the window. Charlie’s son is very young and cannot understand why parents behave so indifferently towards people who suffer and suffer.

On night vision cameras, he notices one unfortunate person who asks for help. He is pursued by people in masks, for this night he is their target. The boy turns off the alarm and lets the unfortunate man into the house. But now all the inhabitants will have a hard time. The main task is to survive until the morning.

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