Top 10 rules for healthy skin

By the skin, it is almost always possible to determine whether a person is healthy, in what condition his body is. The skin is greatly influenced by a person’s lifestyle, his bad habits, inclinations. At the present time, a variety of methods are known that allow you to improve the skin and significantly improve its appearance. Consider the most affordable and effective of them.

10 Don’t take antibiotics

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

Many people take antibiotics as soon as they get a sore throat, a runny nose, or a fever. However, this should not be done. Due to potent medicines, the body becomes weaker, because they contribute to the destruction of the entire microflora. After taking antibiotics, fungal diseases often develop: for example, thrush. To avoid such problems, antibiotics should be used only after they have been prescribed by a doctor.

9. Take care of your nerves

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

If a person is often nervous, sooner or later he will have health problems. Numerous disturbances have a very bad effect on the skin: it often begins to peel off, become inflamed. For preventive purposes, vitamin complexes with calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, E and A should be used from time to time. They help relieve nervous tension and significantly improve the condition of the skin.

If wounds appear in the corners of the mouth, the skin begins to peel off, this means that you need to additionally consume B vitamins. Thanks to them, the problems should disappear in a few days. To avoid their recurrence, start eating black bread, greens and liver more often.

8. Drink more

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

The condition of the skin can quickly deteriorate due to lack of water in the body. Signs of dehydration – the appearance of wrinkles, peeling (they can occur even on oily skin). To prevent premature aging of the body, drink more water. If there are no contraindications (for example, heart pathologies, edema), you need to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It should be borne in mind that ordinary water is meant, and not soups, juices and tea. It is recommended to use not boiled, but clean drinking water: it affects the body much better.

7. Cleanse your skin regularly

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

The skin protects the body from harmful microorganisms. Thanks to the skin, the harmful substances already inside are actively removed to the outside: for example, when a person is sick, his temperature rises, and then the toxins come out with sweat. For this reason, experts advise washing regularly even during illness. So you can significantly improve your condition and speed up recovery.

6. Avoid injury

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

Infections can enter the body through various lesions on the skin. Cuts, abrasions should not be ignored, otherwise suppuration may develop. The damaged area will need to be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and hydrogen peroxide. After that, treat the skin around the wound (not itself) with iodine or brilliant green. Cover the cut with a band-aid and do not wet it with water: this way it will heal faster.

5. Avoid antibacterial soap

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

Such funds really contribute to the destruction of bacteria, not only harmful, but also beneficial. Due to the use of antibacterial soap, the skin becomes less protected from various viruses and fungi. Such funds have a particularly negative effect on children (although many of them are very actively advertised). It is better to use antibacterial soap where a person comes into direct contact with dirt: in a garage, in a country house, in a clinic, and so on. For home use, you should choose more gentle products.

4. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

Synthetic materials are almost not breathable, they do not absorb water very well. Synthetics contribute to the creation of greenhouse conditions: it envelops the body and does not allow the skin to breathe normally. However, it must release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen, just like the lungs. Natural fabrics provide normal breathing of the skin, so it is recommended to give preference to them.

3. Protect your skin from frost

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

Hypothermia can lead not only to a cold. Due to exposure to low temperatures, the skin becomes dry, inflammation occurs on it. In order for the skin to be healthy and aesthetic in the winter season, cover it with scarves or scarves, hide it from strong winds, and regularly use creams that provide nutrition. However, it should be remembered that for skin care it is recommended to use only high-quality products created by reliable manufacturers.

2. Quit smoking

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

Smoking causes poisoning with toxins, the obvious signs of which are early wrinkles, loss of tone, dry skin, large pores, unhealthy complexion. Smoke from tobacco prevents the skin from breathing, settles on it and severely clogs the pores. Various harmful substances enter the skin and lungs: benzopyrene, nicotine, and so on. The longer a person smokes, the more polluted his body. Harmful substances have a very bad effect on blood vessels, human cells. Smokers almost always look older than their years.

1. Eat skin-friendly foods

Top 10 rules for healthy skin

It is recommended to give preference to products that contain a lot of vitamins, various useful substances. Calcium, for example, helps to strengthen and grow nails and hair. It is found in dairy products, hazelnuts, and almonds. Thanks to iron, the skin begins to breathe better. To replenish it, you should eat fruits, vegetables, liver, meat more often.

B vitamins have a very good effect on the blood, they are involved in the absorption of useful elements. There are many of them in fermented milk products, fish, liver. Vitamin A makes the skin more elastic, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and accelerates tissue regeneration.

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