Top 10 riders of foreign stars

In order for the star’s concert to take place, it is necessary not only to pay a fee, but also to comply with all requirements. With a technical rider, as a rule, there are no problems. The organizers of the concert understand the desire of the stars to play the concert at the highest level and try to provide them with all the necessary equipment.

But with a household rider, not everything is so simple. Sometimes stars make demands that are incomprehensible to an adequate person. Someone demands sanctions foie gras, someone expensive cognac, someone a limousine.

Of course, the organizers are trying to create comfortable conditions for the celebrity and fulfill everything, even the strangest requirements. Otherwise, the concert may not take place. You can condemn the stars with their strange desires, you can simply understand them humanly. It’s not easy to be a star, to go on tour all the time, to be away from home. So they begin to show their character, to demand what they do not even need.

If you are wondering what celebrities want, read our article. Below is a list of foreign star riders.

10 Mariah Carey

Top 10 riders of foreign stars Mariah’s demands will surprise even the most experienced organizers. The singer wants the plumbing in the dressing room and hotel room where she will live to be changed before her arrival.

Yes, the singer only uses a new toilet, faucets and a bathroom, and the faucets and handles must be gold. It’s probably about the color, because even for Carey, no one will put a solid gold faucet.

Mariah’s “want” list is pretty impressive. This includes soft toys in the room (certainly new), a couple of hundred towels, vases with fresh flowers. The singer and her dog love to take a bath, the water must be mineral. Of course, they take a bath separately, so there should be at least two of them in the room.

The list is completed by expensive champagne and a backstage man who will take her chewing gum from her before going on stage.

9. Justin Bieber

Top 10 riders of foreign stars Ryder Justin pissed off even his fans. Bieber prefers to travel by Rolls-Royce. He wants to live in a hotel, but there is a small snag. The singer and his team should be the only guests, no one else. And he requires not one, but two hotels. By the way, this is not a cheap pleasure.

The apartments should be luxurious: cashmere linen, antique furniture. There should also be a massage chair, a ping-pong table, a jacuzzi, game consoles.

Bieber is especially picky about his diet: 5 meals, each time a new dish. During cooking, the chef must be inspired by his work, and then come up with an original name for the dish in honor of Justin.

8. Britney Spears

Top 10 riders of foreign stars Britney does not pay as much attention to food as Justin, but she is very attentive to the trash cans. They must fully comply with the description, up to the labels.

Otherwise, the star rider is not so strange: 200 towels, 13 dressing rooms.

Spears has certain requirements for the attendants: only white clothes. From transport, Britney prefers a Mercedes Benz S class and a golf car. On the last one, she wants to move from the dressing room to the stage and back. Apparently the star saves energy for the performance.

7. Madonna

Top 10 riders of foreign stars If less popular singers make such tough demands, then what does the legendary Madonna want? Nothing special: personal staff, among them there must be a yoga trainer and a good chef, rooms for children.

Madonna is very fond of flowers, so her apartment should be decorated with lilies and roses. But Madonna is not as simple as it might seem. Her most important wish is a disposable toilet bowl. Every day in her room you need to install a new toilet, and then destroy it.

Madonna is very meticulous in these matters. She even has a dedicated team to handle the dressing room.

Workers must clean the dressing room from the singer’s DNA so that there is not a hair or a drop of saliva left.

6. Katy Perry

Top 10 riders of foreign stars Kathy took great responsibility in compiling her rider. She described everything down to the smallest detail. But the organizers often go berserk after reading the demands of the star.

Dressing room in a delicate color, pink or cream is suitable. The chairs should be shaped like an egg, always cream-colored, and one of them with a footrest. A glass table (made of organic material), a glass refrigerator door, French floor lamps – perhaps Katy would make a good designer.

The singer wants the dressing room to be decorated with white hydrangeas. If there are none in the city, the star will agree to other white flowers.

The star has no special requirements for apartments. A presidential suite in a five-star hotel will suit her just fine.

5. Lady Gaga

Top 10 riders of foreign stars Lady Gaga is unusual in everything, including her desires. Of course, the requirements of the star have changed a little over time.

At the beginning of her career, the singer demanded an apartment decorated with flowers, various types of alcohol, leather sofas…

But now Lady Gaga has calmed down and lowered the bar a bit. She asks for a lot of juices, water, milk in the dressing room. Also, the star must be provided with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Perhaps the strangest requirement of Lady Gaga, which surprises the organizers, is long toothpicks.

4. Jennifer Lopez

Top 10 riders of foreign stars The superstar is not shy about expressing her desires, and she is very demanding on the little things. For example, the toilet must be equipped with a leather seat. Personal beach, headphones with diamonds – against the backdrop of these requirements, others seem easy to do.

Lopez does not like white in the interior, so there should not be a single white thing in the room. Also, the organizers must be prepared for the fact that Lopez does not like the interior of the room, then they will have to provide other apartments or make repairs. Of course, there should be fresh flowers in the room. They should be changed three times a day.

3. Sting

Top 10 riders of foreign stars

Rider Sting is often referred to as “normal, human”. He wants to move around the city by car with flashing lights, he hates long waits in traffic jams.

The singer’s dressing room should be decorated with potted plants. In the dressing room – chamomile tea, several bottles of wine, ginger. As for food, Sting takes his chef with him everywhere. He buys groceries at local supermarkets.

Sting’s most unusual requirement is a black room. There, the singer practices yoga, restores his physical and mental health.

2. Rihanna

Top 10 riders of foreign stars Rihanna pays a lot of attention to the interior of the room. In the dressing room, the star wants to see a leopard print carpet and cabinets, which will be draped in white fabric especially for her. By the way, Rihanna personally checks the cleanliness of the carpet, she walks on it barefoot. Those who do not provide her with the fulfillment of this requirement will not be greeted.

Also during the concert (or maybe after it), the singer likes to eat. The dressing room should have a “Rihanna food set”: buffalo wings, fried chicken, rice, various types of chips.

1. Kanye West

Top 10 riders of foreign stars Popular rapper and husband Kim Kardashian also makes quite stringent demands on concert organizers. There must be expensive alcohol in his room, this item is especially important for a rapper. He also wants mint toothpicks and black towels from Versace.

The rapper has one more requirement, which is not so easy to fulfill. He wants to see Genelecs 1031a studio monitors in the room. The problem is that they have not been released for 10 years, so the organizers have to start looking.

At the end of the rider – cylindrical vases, no one knows how they deserve Kanye’s love. Usually organizers have no problems with this requirement.

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