Top 10 revenge movies

Some believe that revenge is the lot of weak people, while others tend to disagree with this. If you or your loved ones have been harmed, then revenge can be fully justified. The theme of revenge in cinema will never cease to be relevant – we all like to identify ourselves with the main character – a fighter for justice.

Did the main characters of the films from our selection feel relieved after revenge? This is the question that you, the moviegoers, will have to answer. The 10 best revenge movies will brighten up your evenings and give you something to think about.

10 Take away Carter (2000)

Top 10 revenge movies

The film reveals a problem that is quite relevant for our time – girls are lured, promising a career as a model, and in the end they are sold into slavery. The plot of the movie “Get Carter” is just on this topic.

Everyone knows Jack Carter as a person with whom it is better not to mess with … He is able to solve various problems: he deals with bandits, knocks out money from a hiding debtor, etc. Jack uses rough methods, but it helps to solve problems instantly. One day, Jack receives bad news – his brother dies in Seattle, and he goes to the funeral. Arriving at the place, he cannot help feeling that his brother’s death was not accidental…

Will he find the culprit in the death of his brother?

9. Assassin (2015)

Top 10 revenge movies

Almost all of Denis Villeneuve’s works are distinguished by their quality and concept, The Killer is no exception. The film turned out to be gloomy, quite atmospheric and dynamic. I would also like to note the amazing soundtrack by the Icelandic composer Johan Johannsson.

American intelligence agencies continue to fight the ongoing drug trade on the border between Mexico and the United States. Keith Macer is an FBI agent who tries to stick to his ideals, although he understands that the outcome of the war on drug trafficking is not in favor of law enforcement officers. One day, she is invited to take part in the work of an elite unit to combat drug cartels. There is a very mysterious person in the team – a local consultant, whose real face will be revealed during the operation …

Will Kate compromise her principles in order to survive?

8. Iron grip (2010)

Top 10 revenge movies

The western film Grit of Iron was filmed in 2010 by the Coen brothers based on the novel of the same name by Charles Portis. The film will be interesting even to those who are not fans of Westerns. Perhaps he will even conquer you …

In this film, we meet a gifted girl beyond her years, an aging bailiff Rooster, and another lawyer. Together they follow in the footsteps of the murderer of the girl’s father. Each of them pursues their own interests, but they will have to rally to find among the desert prairies the one they are so actively looking for …

Will they get it?

7. John Wick (2014)

Top 10 revenge movies

John Wick is first and foremost an action movie. Very spectacular, beautiful, atmospheric. Keanu Reeves was able to fully portray the desperate killer. The film is worth watching for everyone – at least you will definitely enjoy the action scenes with Keanu Reeves.

In appearance, John Wick is an ordinary American, no one knows about his past, and what is it for? Once he was a hired killer, and now he leads the life of an average American. One day, the son of a gangster group gets into his house – in the company of his friends, he steals John’s car – a 1969 Mustang, and kills his dog. He was very attached to Deyza – this dog was given to him by his wife, who had passed away. Wick is not going to pretend that nothing happened… He is going to take revenge.

Will Wick feel better after this?

6. Survivor (2015)

Top 10 revenge movies

The adventure film takes place in the 2003th century in the United States. I would like to note right away that The Revenant is a western (not everyone loves this genre), the script of which is adapted from the XNUMX novel by Michael Pahnke.

Someone wounded the hunter Hugh Glass in the wilds of the Wild West … A comrade in the detachment of conquerors of new lands leaves him alone to die and leaves. Hugh has one trump card for survival – it’s willpower. He is going to challenge the conditions, the bitter cold, hostile Indian tribes. All in order to take revenge on Fitzgerald at any cost …

Will a person be able to survive for the sake of a big goal?

5. Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

Top 10 revenge movies

What is a person ready to do when the most important thing in life is taken from him? Is it always worth sticking to the rule: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? You can answer these questions by watching the movie Law Abiding Citizen.

Sometimes the police take bribes – this has long been known, especially if influential people cooperate with them. The same story in the film – the district attorney released the criminals from prison for a handsome reward. But he did not think about what a man is ready to do, from whom his beloved wife and child were taken away … The man takes everything into his own hands and punishes the guilty. He is caught and imprisoned, but he issues an ultimatum – if his demands are not met, then one of the police officers will die.

The statement seems absurd, because he is behind bars, but soon people really begin to die one after another …

How does he manage to take revenge while sitting in a cell?

4. Anger (2004)

Top 10 revenge movies

This masterpiece spectacle evokes emotions: tears, joy, empathy. Tony Scott has special films, from the very beginning you understand whose handwriting it is. He is a real master of his craft – you only have to watch a couple of his films to understand this. “Anger” is a film about hope for a new life, about friendship, self-sacrifice.

People go missing in Mexico City, so a wealthy couple hires a bodyguard for their little daughter. They become a former CIA agent – John Creasy. At first it is difficult for him in the company of a precocious 9-year-old girl, but over time they become friends. John again notices the lost bright feelings in himself, but one day Pita is kidnapped. John is ready to do anything to find her and take revenge on everyone involved in her kidnapping.

Will he be able to return the girl to her parents?

3. Lucky Number Slevin (2006)

Top 10 revenge movies

The protagonist Slevin managed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time … Well, it happens! He’s just an example of fantastic bad luck. “Slevin’s Lucky Number” is a very exciting thriller – perhaps the best movie for fans of action movies on the weekend and can not be found.

Slevin’s friend leaves New York and invites him to live in his apartment. He agrees. Slevin lives in a sealed apartment. But one day a gang swooped in … He is mistaken for a friend who left him an apartment, and now Slevin owes a substantial amount of money to New York crime bosses. He only has 48 hours…

What will Slevin do?

2. Kill Bill (2003)

Top 10 revenge movies

The film “Kill Bill” is reviewed by many several times after some time – it is very colorful and bright. The script is definitely impressive. Tarantino’s handwriting cannot be confused with anyone else’s; his works are distinguished by their spectacularity, dynamism and eccentricity, which is clearly expressed in every frame.

For a long time, the girl Bright was a hired killer – orders were provided to her by her boss and lover Bill. Possessing accuracy, clarity and excellent command of the Black Mamba weapon, Bright removes everyone who is on her order list. One day, the girl finds out that she is expecting a baby. Having abandoned her business, she leaves for Texas, where she meets a man with whom she falls in love … But Bill finds her and injures her with a shot in the head. After 4 years of coma, the girl comes to her senses, realizing that the shot caused the loss of the child. Bright is ready to take revenge on everyone involved in this … But her main goal is Bill.

Can she get revenge on him?

1. Leon (1994)

Top 10 revenge movies

“Leon” is a film about a strange but sincere love. He is cruel and sensual, she is small and strong. The audience watches as the young creature fills the life of a cruel killer with beauty, and the question never arises: “How did this happen?” because everything develops harmoniously and naturally.

A closed-minded assassin watches through a peephole the events that take place in a neighboring apartment. Corrupt policemen break into the house of a family involved in the drug trade, who instantly kill everyone in the house. Miraculously, Matilda, a girl who was hidden in his apartment by Leon, only manages to escape. After what happened, she does not want to leave Leon, and asks him to teach her how to kill … The girl intends to avenge her family. Over time, Leon begins to experience such bright feelings for the first time, but …

What will happen next? See the movie “Leon”.

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