Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies

Rachel McAdams is a successful Hollywood actress who performs the most diverse roles. She is well given the images of bitchy and selfish girls, and soft dreamy persons, and fatal beauties.

And although at the beginning of her career this beauty with a charming smile played in rather mediocre comedy films, over time, proving that she has a great dramatic talent, she took part in the films of such recognized masters of cinema as Guy Ritchie and Woody Allen.

Now 40-year-old Rachel is a role model for many women, and her fans are looking forward to the next premiere with their favorite actress.

Here are the top 10 movies starring Rachel McAdams.

10 Night games | 2018

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies Max and Annie met through their passion for mind games. Now they are married, but regularly continue to meet with friends and spend the evenings playing these games.

Most often, these gatherings took place at Max and Annie’s house, and Max’s brother, Brooks, who recently appeared on the horizon, offers to spend the next session with him, because he recently acquired a mansion in an elite area, and he is also ready to offer all participants to play not in banal charades or “Scrabble”, but into something really exciting.

On the specified day, the participants of the game gather at Brooks. The host of the party tells everyone that the guests will remember this game for a long time. The thing is that in the current hour one of those present will be kidnapped, and the rest of the guests will have to find him before they kill him. Brooks promises the winner an expensive prize – his brand new car …

9. Midnight in Paris | 2011

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies This story is about a young American couple who flew to Paris to get their portion of positive emotions. Gil and Ines find themselves in a semi-real world of unfulfilled dreams, where all their dreams take on very real outlines.

Gil, who loves everything connected with the 20s, on the streets of the night city suddenly meets all those whom he has idolized all his life. It seems to fall into that very time, the world in which Picasso or Hemingway freely walked along the streets.

8. Hello family! | 2005

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies The Stone family is a rare example of “unity of souls and mutual understanding.” And when the beloved son Everett Stone brings his bride Meredith to the house, the whole noble family decides to show that they are against this state of affairs.

Then the lovers turn to Everett’s sister Julie for help, but only adds fuel to the fire. The situation is not alleviated by the deaf gay brother Ted, despite the fact that he is the only one in this whole family who has a positive attitude towards Meredith …

7. Good morning | 2010

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies Young and full of energy, Becky Fuller is a TV news producer. An unexpected layoff causes a series of troubles and problems. A fly in the ointment is added to the difficult situation by Becky’s undeveloped personal life, which hits the self-esteem of a stubborn and proud proud woman very hard.

After some time, Becky finds another job, also related to television. This is a morning show that, to put it mildly, is not very popular with the public and needs a major makeover. Becky is activating all her talents and creative thinking to take this boring TV show to the top of the media space…

6. Oath | 2012

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies While on their honeymoon, Paige and Leo are involved in a car accident. While the woman was in a coma, Leo was constantly by her side. But, when his beloved wife comes to his senses, Leo realizes with horror that his beloved does not remember anyone and does not remember their romance. Now the newly-made spouse will have to re-win Paige’s heart …

5. Time Traveler’s Wife | 2008

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies This painting is about Chicago librarian Henry and his wife Claire, an artist who creates paper sculptures. They met when she was only six and he was thirty-six. Their wedding took place when she was twenty-three, and he was thirty-one …

When 20-year-old Claire met 28-year-old Henry in the Newberry Library, he had never known her before, although she had known him almost all her life….

4. Lefty | 2015

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies Billy the Great, a professional boxer, lives in New York. For the fourth year in a row, he becomes the owner of the title of champion in his weight. He reached the Olympus of sports glory and won world recognition.

The life of a guy who spent his childhood in an orphanage was a success – he built a wonderful career and next to him was a wonderful loving wife, Maureen.

What more could you want? But, it so happened that the fight to defend the title ended for the boxer with an eye injury, and he, succumbing to the persuasion of his wife, decides to leave his sports career.

While attending a charity event as a guest, he speaks publicly about his retirement from the sport. A quarrel with fellow boxer Miguel Escobar ends in a fight, as a result of which Miguel’s brother Hector accidentally kills Billy’s beloved wife and flees the scene of the crime.

3. Night flight | 2005

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies Two strangers to each other. Random meeting at the airport. Nascent sympathy … But this meeting turned out to be fatal. Today flight number 1019 will arrive on time, but most likely without one passenger. Lisa has always been afraid of airplanes, but her fear of heights is nothing compared to what she will have to endure on board an aircraft.

Her charming neighbor turns out to be a cold-blooded criminal who is going to use his new acquaintance to kill a famous businessman. He threatens to kill her father, she’s on a plane with nowhere to go…

2. Diary of memory | 2004

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies This is a piercing love story of a young man and a girl from different social strata. Noah and Ellie met at an amusement park, after which they spent an unforgettable summer together. But, but the parents of a rich girl did not want a guy from a simple family to become their son-in-law, and later World War II began and Noah went to serve.

Years later, fate will force them to meet again. But are their feelings still strong or will young people again listen to the voice of reason, drowning out the call of the heart …

1. Sherlock Holmes | 2009

Top 10 Rachel McAdams Movies The most famous detective in history, Sherlock Holmes, paired with his faithful assistant Dr. Watson, enter into a confrontation that requires remarkable physical and intellectual preparation, because their opponent is a threat not only to them, but to the whole of London.

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