Top 10 psychological thrillers

Films in the psychological thriller genre are always in demand among the audience, as they lift the veil of the secrets of the human soul and shed light on it.

В top 10 psychological thrillers included only the best paintings of this genre.

10 Walk among the graves | year 2014

Top 10 psychological thrillers

Opens the top ten best psychological pictures “Walk among the graves(2014). The wife of a reputable drug dealer is killed by violent perverts, and her body is returned in pieces. The man decides to seek help from a former cop named Scuder. After some thought, he agrees to take the job. The closer the policeman gets to the solution, the more incredible facts connected with a series of such crimes are revealed to him.

9. Buried alive | 2010

Top 10 psychological thrillers

Psychological thriller “buried alive” (2010) ranked ninth. The protagonist of the picture, Paul, comes to his senses and finds himself in a closed, cramped space. After a while, he realizes with horror that he is in a coffin. He finds a mobile phone in his pocket and tries to dial his relatives. But at that moment a man with an Arabic accent calls him. Paul learns that he was the victim of terrorists who want to get a ransom for him. The terrorists demand that the victim make a video recording on the phone. In this case, they will only be able to receive money. The young man understands that he is doomed to die alive, but is not going to give up and makes attempts to get through to government services.

8. 24 hours | 2002

Top 10 psychological thrillers

The eighth position is occupied by a psychological thriller “24 hours(2002). Professional criminals and robbers of someone else’s happiness – a married couple Hickey, Cheryl and their relative Marvin commit another kidnapping of a child in order to get a large ransom. But besides profit, the kidnappers have deeper motives. A few years ago, they lost their daughter through the fault of one of the doctors of the hospital, who made a medical mistake. Thus, they avenge the death of their child. Their victim is the daughter of a doctor who, according to their calculations, was responsible for the death. Parents have exactly one day to find money and return their daughter.

7. Disappeared | year 2014

Top 10 psychological thrillers

Disappeared” (2014) ranked as the seventh best psychological thriller. The couple has reached the threshold of five years of marriage. He has prepared a gift for his wife and hurries home. But instead of his wife, the hero finds devastation and traces of blood in the house. She loved to arrange surprises and tips for her husband in the form of notes every year on the day of the celebration. This time it didn’t work without it. Only these notes are now of a different nature, which turn out to be evidence that does not speak in favor of the man. The girl fakes her murder and tries to blame her husband for it so that he goes to jail.

6. In bed with the enemy | 1991

Top 10 psychological thrillers

The sixth position among the best psychological films was taken by the American thriller “In bed with the enemy” (1991). Martin was the perfect groom, able to take care of the beautiful Laura. She immediately agrees to marry her boyfriend. But everything changes dramatically after the wedding. The jealous husband beats the heroine to death. This continues on a case by case basis. Unable to endure the manic antics of her husband any longer, Laura decides to stage her own death. Everything goes well and the girl manages to escape. After some time, she meets a young man on her way, who will need time to earn Laura’s trust. They start living together. But suddenly the ex-husband finds out that his wife is not dead at all, and starts hunting for her…

5. Eyes wide shut | 1999

Top 10 psychological thrillers

In fifth position among the best psychological thrillers is the feature film “With wide eyes closed” (1999). Married couple Alice and Bill Harward at first glance give the impression of an ideal family. But the relationship between them is not as smooth as it seems from the outside. The heroes are in search of new sensations, giving free rein to their erotic fantasies. Bill takes a fatal step, launching into the abyss of sophisticated reality. He would be happy to return everything to its place, but it’s too late … The picture was awarded the 1999 film award at the Venice Film Festival.

4. Remember | year 2000

Top 10 psychological thrillers

Fourth place goes to the psychological thriller “Remember” (2000). The protagonist Leonard Shelby suffers from a rare type of amnesia, which he acquired as a result of a head injury. He remembers everything that happened before the injury, but he cannot retain in his memory the events of fifteen minutes ago. His wife was killed and now his main goal is to find and take revenge on the criminal. But with his illness, this will not be so easy. In the life of the hero, the girl Natalie and the man Teddy appear, who want to help Leonardo. But Shelby is in no hurry to trust them, because they may have their own selfish motives.

3. Alarm call | year 2013

Top 10 psychological thrillers

The top three psychological thrillers are topped by the American feature film “emergency call” (2013). In the center of the plot, the operator of the “Rescue Service” girl Jordan. Her profession requires special skills and psychological endurance from her. But one day the heroine breaks down: an alarming call comes in from a teenage girl. She was alone at home, and a criminal who turned out to be a serial killer entered the house. The cops are on their way to help the victim and catch the killer. In the meantime, Jordan tries to calm the teenager by talking on the phone. But the connection is fatally interrupted. The operator makes a fatal mistake and calls back to the number from which the call came. The police arrive too late…

2. Don’t tell anyone | 2006

Top 10 psychological thrillers

In second place is the French psychological thriller “Do not tell anyone” (2006). Eight years have passed since Alexander Beck lost his beloved wife – Margot Beck. The serial offender was caught, but he never confessed to committing the eighth murder. Alexander, remembering that tragic night, still cannot come to terms with the loss. His only support is friend Helen Perkins, who helps him get through the tragedy in his life. The discovery of more evidence forces the police to reopen their investigation into a murder from a long time ago. These events coincide with a strange e-mail that arrives in the hero’s inbox. The sent file contains a video recording with the date. What he sees deprives Alexander of peace and sleep: after all, there is hope that his wife is alive.

1. Silence of the Lambs | 1991

Top 10 psychological thrillers

The rating of the best psychological thrillers is headed by a feature picture “Silence of the Lambs” (1991). The plot is based on the investigation of a series of murders committed by a psychopath throughout Western America. The FBI assigns a young agent, Clarissa Sterling, to handle the case. To identify the psychological motives of the criminal and get on his trail, Clarice seeks help from Dr. Hannibal Lecter, who is serving time for murder and cannibalism. The prisoner agrees to take part in the investigation of the case, but with one condition: the girl must share with him all the details of her personal life. The agent has no choice but to agree. An invisible, close connection develops between the prisoner and the FBI employee, which greatly worries her.

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