Top 10 prohibitions: don’t break and be a good mom

Top 10 prohibitions: don’t break and be a good mom

Parents for a child are an example to follow. Kids copy mom and dad, and under this influence, his character and behavior traits are formed. To be a good example, it is important that you do not break the rules you set for your baby yourself.

Being a parent is a huge responsibility. According to statistics, more than 80% of children, having matured, adhere to the same habits that existed in the family. If mom and dad want to bring up positive qualities in a child, you need to look at yourself and make sure that these traits are inherent in the parents themselves. You always need to start with yourself!

We bring to your attention the top 10 things that cannot be done with children.

Prohibition number 1: you must not violate safety rules

Let’s start with the rules of the road. In no case, in front of a child (and indeed), do not cross the road at a red traffic light! Most often, parents, running across the road with their child in the wrong place or not waiting for the green one, justify themselves as follows: “You cannot go to the red light, but now we are in a hurry. I carefully looked at the road, there are no cars nearby. ” Everything! The clear line of prohibition has been erased. Rest assured that the child will now do the same.

The same applies to other safety rules: handling electrical appliances, stove, gas, sockets, hot water.

There should not be even the smallest lie. Children are very attentive, they notice everything, remember and draw conclusions.

For example, mom or dad asked to answer on the phone that they were not at home – it would seem, well, what’s wrong with that: there is no mood or there is no time to talk to someone. But at this point, you show your child that cheating is not so bad.

Or, for example, dad “did something” and agrees with his son or daughter: “Let’s not tell mom!” And then the kid realized that he could hide something from his parents.

Prohibition number 3: do not drink and smoke

No amount of persuasion will force a boy or girl to quit smoking if smoking was the norm in his / her family. From childhood, looking at his beloved parents, the child learned that there is nothing wrong with smoking, since the closest and beloved people do not deny themselves a cigarette. Therefore, if you want to avoid problems with bad habits in your child, do not set a bad example for him.

Prohibition number 4: you must not threaten

“I’ll leave you here now if you …”

“I’m leaving if you …”

“If you do it again, you will get it from me! ..”

With such phrases, we provoke fear in the child and teach him to manipulate. Threats are completely useless – they don’t improve behavior. Always give your children confidence that their mother will be there, that they are loved. Never tell them you will leave them. Do not use this technique to achieve your goal.

Prohibition number 5: you can not use obscene words

Words that have broken in hearts, words-habits very often become children’s habits. Dad dropped a heavy object on the floor and swore through his teeth. Here mom is sorting out the relationship with a neighbor and does not skimp on expressions. Here is a friend telling an anecdote, regardless of the fact that the baby is standing next to him. But the child so wants to be like mom, dad and even this uncle, because they are adults. And he remembers and repeats the words he heard.

It will be much more difficult then to wean the child from the bad habit and explain why such words cannot be used, than just make it a rule to follow your speech.

Prohibition number 6: you can not require a child to be an excellent student

For many parents, their child’s school success is a reflection of their own victories. It seems that their son or daughter from school should only bring fives. For a four, they can even scold. So you can develop an excellent student’s syndrome in a child, and it is dangerous for emotional and mental exhaustion, especially for children.

Forget the phrases: “Why four and not five?”, “You can do better!” and three? At your place? What a disgrace!”. Rest assured, the child will chew himself up without them. Better caress him. Laugh together at the absurdity of the mistake. Tell us about your mistakes – make it clear that you are imperfect. Find out if you need help?

Teach your child to enjoy the process, not just the result.

Prohibition # 7: You cannot criticize the adults who matter to your child.

Parents should not attack the authority of their children. Never speak badly about his teacher, teacher, coach. Don’t scold your grandparents. And this applies not only to conversations directly with the child, but also to your communication with other people in the presence of your child. Having heard negative feedback from parents, for example, about a teacher, he will no longer be able to respect him, and therefore will not behave decently in class at school. In the case of my grandmother, she will not listen to her.

It is especially difficult to maintain etiquette in relation to an ex-husband or wife. Remember that 50% in the child is from the ex-spouse, which means that by condemning and criticizing him, you also inflict a blow on the child’s self-esteem.

Prohibition number 8: you can not quarrel and sort things out

Lovely ones scold – only amuse themselves. Perhaps, in most cases, scandals and swearing between spouses justify this proverb. Often, a violent quarrel is followed by an equally fervent reconciliation. But the children, seeing the quarrels of their parents, deeply experience this. Very often, the child takes the disagreements between mom and dad at his own expense and then for a long time cannot get rid of the feeling of guilt.

The child’s psyche is unstable, so any impact on it can affect the formation and development. As a result, the child may grow up to be a real neurasthenic or even receive serious psychological trauma. This is not to mention the fact that in his future family he will also resort to screams and scandals.

Prohibition number 9: you can not overly patronize

With overprotection, the life of the baby is so controlled and regulated by the parents that there is no question at all about the child’s right to his opinion. With overprotection, the child is morally suppressed. He is accustomed to the idea that he is not able to make the right decision even in the simplest situation. As a result, infantile, insecure losers can grow up who, in old age, will not bring a glass of water even to their mother.

Take as a motto: “Never do for a child what he can do himself.”

Prohibition number 10: you can not constantly use gadgets

It is harmful to constantly “sit” in the computer, not only for children, but also for adults in general. But now it’s not about that, but about what is very illogical when you ask the child to tear himself away from the computer, when they themselves have buried themselves in their smartphone, and dad has been lying on the couch with a tablet for an hour. In such conditions, it is simply impossible to instill in the kid the understanding that the use of gadgets should be in moderation!

The personal example of parents is the most important method of education. From the first days of life, the child absorbs what he sees around him. The child does not act as he is taught, but as his parents do. It is important to always remember that adults raise a baby not only in the process of interaction, conversation with him, teachings, criticism. They actively and imperceptibly shape the personality of the baby every minute of his life: how parents talk to each other, behave in society, rejoice, feel sad, experience difficulties. All life principles of adults have an important role for the baby and his future life in society.

It is very important to maintain a friendly psychological atmosphere at home. Talk to family members in a calm voice, monitor TV viewing, and monitor the games your child is playing. If you want your child to respect you and take your opinion into account, become an authority for him.

When raising a child, start with yourself. Children follow the behavior of adults, so parents must control their actions. When adults do the right things, children do not need to talk about them, they absorb all the good without additional information. Become a positive example for your children, and then you will have a reason for pride and a reliable support in the future.

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