Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

Most of our compatriots dream of spending their holidays abroad. Someone is attracted by the sea and “all inclusive”, someone wants to see the Eiffel Tower with their own eyes, others are eager to stroll along the romantic streets of Rome.

Do not forget that Russia is a huge country, and there is something to see here too. Foreigners come here with pleasure, they are attracted by Russian nature and, of course, sights.

Russia has much to be proud of. No other country has so many monuments of architecture and natural objects. They amaze with their beauty and magnificence.

Of course, those located in Moscow and St. Petersburg are more popular, but there are many interesting things in other cities as well.

Below is a rating of the most famous sights of Russia.

10 The architectural ensemble of Kizhi

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

Location – Kizhi Island in Lake Onega (Karelia). The architectural ensemble of Kizhi consists of two wooden churches, they were built in the XVIII century.

The Church of the Transfiguration is a unique monument, one of a kind. There is nothing like it in Russia and even in the world. Its height is 37 meters, the number of domes is 22. The temple is considered to be summer, it is not heated, and services are not held here in winter.

The architectural ensemble also includes the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, a bell tower and a fence in the form of a log cabin 300 meters long.

9. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin – the main attraction of Nizhny Novgorod. It began to be built at the beginning of the 2th century, the main task was to strengthen the city, strengthen the defense against Tatar raids. The length of the wall is XNUMX kilometers, it is fortified with towers.

The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin could not be preserved in its original form. It was repeatedly restored, and during the years of Soviet power, the building was under threat, they even wanted to demolish it.

Now it is the oldest monument of architecture. On its territory are the Archangel Michael Cathedral, monuments, museums, government and cultural institutions.

Excursions are regularly held here, guests of Nizhny Novgorod can walk around the territory of the Kremlin, enjoy a beautiful view of the city.

8. Peterhof

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

Everyone knows that St. Petersburg was built by decree of Peter I. In 1715, the tsar had an idea – to build a summer residence that would surpass Versailles in its grandeur. He probably succeeded, it’s very beautiful here.

True, Peterhof was badly damaged during the Great Patriotic War. After its completion, Peterhof began to be restored, work is still underway.

The Great Peterhof Palace, fountains, sculptures, parks make a great impression on tourists. Peterhof is rightfully considered the most beautiful landmark in Russia.

7. Hermitage

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

The main museum complex of the country Hermitage, is located in St. Petersburg. It consists of 6 separate buildings, and these are 365 halls to visit. The museum was founded in 1764.

Catherine II placed her collection of paintings in the palace wing, which was called the Hermitage (translated from French – a place of solitude).

There were more and more works of art, and soon there was nowhere to place them. The construction of the Great Hermitage began. In 1852 the museum opened its doors to visitors.

The real treasure of the country is the Winter Palace. The museum’s collection is more than 5 million paintings, exhibits and other works of art that were created in different time periods. The average attendance of the museum is 5 million visitors annually.

6. Mamaev Kurgan and the sculpture “Motherland Calls”

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

On Mamaev Kurgan there is an ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad”. Mamaev Kurgan and the sculpture “Motherland Calls” – This is a memorable place associated with the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War. The official opening of the monument took place in 1967.

The graves of the defenders of Stalingrad are located on Mamayev Kurgan. More than 35 thousand people are buried here. The statue “Motherland Calls” is known to all residents of the country. Its height is 86 meters, weight is 8 thousand tons.

The ensemble also includes the Square of Sorrow, the Hall of Military Glory, the Military Memorial Cemetery and other objects. The place was not chosen by chance, they fought for it during the battles, because the whole city is visible from this site.

There is a special atmosphere here. All Russian people who love their country and appreciate history should definitely visit this place.

5. Temple of the Intercession on the Nerl

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

Location – Vladimir region, 1,5 kilometers from the village of Bogolyubovo. Temple of the Intercession on the Nerl called a model of architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal school. The first mention of it dates back to the XII century.

It is built in a unique location. Previously, a floodplain was located there, the builders had to make an elevation, a man-made hill.

In high water it seems that the temple is floating on the river. It is light, elegant and light. With its beauty, it attracts not only tourists, but also artists. There are always those who want to transfer the beauty of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl to canvas.

4. Kazan Kremlin

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

Kazan Kremlin – the oldest part of the city of Kazan. There are architectural monuments here: the Kremlin, temples and other buildings of historical significance. It is not known for certain when the Kremlin was built. Historians suggest that this date coincides with the emergence of the city, and this is the beginning of the XNUMXth century.

The architectural ensemble of the Kazan Kremlin consists of stone walls and 13 towers, a number of churches (Palace, Annunciation Cathedral, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery). Separately, it is worth noting the famous Syuyumbike tower and, of course, the Kul-Sharif mosque.

That’s not all, you can talk about the Kazan Kremlin for an infinitely long time, it’s better to see everything with your own eyes. There are always a lot of tourists here, this place is very popular.

3. The Bolshoi Theatre

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

The Bolshoi Theatre is the largest opera and ballet theater in Russia. The official opening date of the building is 1856, but it is generally accepted that it appeared much earlier in 1776, when the first troupe was recruited. A building was soon built, but it burned down repeatedly.

Now the theater is located in the center of Moscow. You can admire the magnificent building, it is very beautiful. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to attend the performance. Tickets must be bought in advance, and their cost can be unpleasantly surprising.

2. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square – the main and most famous landmark of the country, its calling card. The first mention of the square dates back to the XNUMXth century. At that time there were shopping arcades here.

The architectural ensemble includes museums, towers, Execution Ground, the Mausoleum and other buildings and architectural monuments. Of course, the most important building is the Kremlin.

There is definitely something to see here. Provincial or foreigner, any person who comes to Moscow should definitely look at Red Square.

1. St. Basil’s Cathedral

Top 10 must-see sights in Russia

St. Basil’s Cathedral located on Red Square. A monument of Russian architecture, built in 1561 in honor of the accession of the Kazan Khanate to the Russian state. The most famous temple in the country. It was built in record time, less than 6 years.

The temple is famous not only for its location, but also for its historical significance, architecture, unusual exterior and interior decoration, as well as a collection of icons and other church values.

It consists of 11 churches. It is still unknown who was the creator of the Temple. There are several opinions on this matter. Legend has it that Ivan the Terrible was so struck by the beauty of the cathedral that he ordered the execution of the architect (in other sources blind) so that he would never build anything like it again.

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