Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

TV series premiere “Trial” took place in the spring of 2019. It’s an adaptation of a Korean TV series. “Secret Love”popular not only in their own country, but all over the world. The plot is not original, a classic melodrama.

Lyuba Zatsepina is a talented confectioner, the girl is in love with Yuri and is ready for anything for him. For the sake of her beloved, she even refused to study at the institute. Lyuba went to work to provide for Yura while he was getting an education. Her efforts were not in vain, her chosen one gets a job at the prosecutor’s office and immediately invites Lyuba to marry him.

An evening trip to a restaurant ends tragically. Yura gets behind the wheel while intoxicated and knocks down a young woman. He is very scared, now his career is in jeopardy. Lyuba agrees to take the blame. She still does not know how her life will change after this rash decision …

Typical female show. There are quite a few such stories, but they will always have fans, and there are many of them. If you are interested in this plot, and you are looking for something similar, check out our selection of movies and TV shows similar to The Trial in 2019.

10 Love without further ado (2013)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Russian series.

Beauty Anna is happy. She is going to marry the man she loves. Vadim is an ordinary guy, he is not rich, young, but Anna loves him, that’s enough for her.

A chance meeting will change her life. A local oligarch falls in love with a girl, he wants Anya to become his wife. To achieve his goal, he is ready for anything. He hires people who frame Vadim. The guy is facing a term, he should go to jail.

Only Anya can save him. She must accept the oligarch’s proposal and marry him. The girl agrees, she wants to save her lover from prison, even at such a cost.

“Love without further ado” – this is proof that in love the main thing is not beautiful words, but actions.

9. Berth (2019)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Spanish series.

Alexandra is to be envied. She has a good job, a beloved husband, faithful friends.

Soon her life falls apart. She receives a call from the police informing her that her husband Oscar has committed suicide. That’s not all. It turns out that Oscar has another beloved woman, whom he carefully concealed. All this time he was deceiving Alexandra …

Сериал “Pier” will appeal to all women without exception. This is not only a melodrama, this is a real detective story. In addition, real Spanish passions rage here.

There are a lot of intimate scenes here, but they are beautifully filmed, you will not see anything vulgar here. Women who watched this series were satisfied and recommend it to their friends.

8. Come and hug me (2018)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Series made in South Korea.

Do Jin and Jae have known each other for a very long time. They realized that they liked each other at school. But the terrible events that happened to their families became an obstacle to their personal happiness. Do Jin’s father is a serial killer. Jae’s parents died at his hands.

They met after many years. Jae became an actress, Do Jin became a police officer. They realize that they still love each other, but the past stands between them…

“Come and hug me” attracts viewers with an unusual plot. No one can even guess how the drama will end, so everyone wants to watch it to the end.

7. The Difference (2018)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Russian series.

Natalia and Sergey have been together for 17 years, they recently celebrated their anniversary. At first glance, everything is fine with them, but soon Olga interferes in their relationship. Sergey’s new assistant is beautiful and self-confident. Rare meetings are not enough for her, she wants her beloved to leave his wife …

“Division” received quite mixed reviews. Someone liked the series, someone could not watch it to the end. Many accuse him of banality. But if you look at the life of any person from this point of view, it will also turn out to be banal. This is real life, just the way it is.

6. Stolen Happiness (2015)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Another series of domestic production.

Vera is happy with her life, she has an ideal marriage. A woman does not work, she takes care of the house and provides a comfortable existence for her talented husband. Boris is a musician.

Soon their prosperous life will be in jeopardy. Sister Nika comes to Vera. Once she stole her fiancé from Vera. All this time the sisters did not communicate, they became strangers.

The situation repeats itself, Nika became interested in Boris. But this time, Vera will not give up so easily, she is ready to fight for her happiness.

Сериал “Stolen Happiness” – a great option for those who like to spend their evenings watching melodramas and at least a little believe in justice and the power of love.

5. Perfect Enemy (2017)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Ukrainian series.

Veronika works as an investigator, she is in good standing, and she is predicted for career growth. She has a strong family, a loving husband. Tragic events soon take place. Kostya is killed, Lera’s body is found next to him. This is the wife of a famous crime boss, and now everyone is beginning to suspect them of a secret sexual relationship. Nika cannot believe that Kostya could cheat on her. She starts investigating…

Сериал “Perfect Enemy” the audience didn’t like it very much. It received many negative reviews. Indeed, it is too long, illogical, filled with clichés, but this is just someone else’s opinion, you should not rely on it completely.

4. Windy (2019)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Series made in Turkey. It is based on a bestselling book that is very popular in this country.

The series is set in Midyat. Reyyan was born into a Shadoglu family. This is the most powerful family in the city, but the girl is not spoiled, she is a sweet and kind person.

An enviable fiance Miran wants to marry her, the whole family is surprised by this turn of events. Actually, it’s part of Miran’s plan. He has been wanting revenge on Shadoglu for a long time…

“Windy” A beautiful story of love and revenge.

3. Unsweetened Revenge (2018)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Russian series. Student Katya meets Victor. Feelings develop between them. The girl does not know that their meeting is not accidental. Victor is driven by revenge. He is none other than her father’s stepson. Victor’s mother could not survive the betrayal. When the woman found out that her husband had another family, she committed suicide. Victor knows that his stepfather loves his daughter Katya more than anything else. He begins to carry out his cunning plan … “Unsweetened Revenge” is a good series, it will help brighten up a boring evening, but you should not expect anything more from it.

2. You (2018)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

US drama series.

Bookstore manager Joe meets a talented writer. The girl arouses sympathy in him, he begins to be interested in her life. First up is social media. Soon the love turns into an obsession. A guy in love is ready for anything, even for murder …

“You” An interesting, exciting series that is watched in one breath.

1. Apple from an apple tree (2017)

Top 10 Movies and TV Shows Similar to The Trial of 2019

Russian series.

Misha and Galya are spouses. They live in the village. They are very kind people, their kindness is enjoyed by all and sundry. Because of this, Galina’s mother constantly quarrels with them and tries to teach the young about life.

Mikhail’s father, a local Don Juan, lives in the same village. Soon Misha goes to the city to work. Gali’s mother advises her daughter not to let her husband go: she will definitely change. The girl does not listen to her mother, she trusts her husband. After some time, Mikhail leaves her, in the city he meets another woman – the beautiful Nina …

“An apple from an apple tree” – light, unobtrusive melodrama.

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