TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to “Ginny and Georgia”

Ginny Georgia is an American teen drama television series. The premiere took place in February 2021. In the near future, the creators plan to shoot a sequel.

Georgia recently experienced the death of her husband. She decides to start all over again and moves with her children to another city. 15-year-old Ginny adjusts to her new school, makes friends, and falls in love with a bad boy. But what about Georgia? Will she be able to change her life, because the past still does not let her go …

The series cannot be called original, it touches on banal topics, but that is why it is very popular with viewers. It will definitely interest teenagers, it will also be useful for parents.

If you have already got acquainted with this story, pay attention to our rating of movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia.

10 Melomaniac (2020)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

comedy melodrama. Zoe Kravets is the owner of a vinyl record store. Not the most profitable business, but so far she manages to stay afloat. However, the series is not about that.

Zoya’s main problem is her personal life. She has already gone through several painful breakups and still cannot find the only one. She really wants to be happy, she has a partner, but the relationship between them is already on the verge. Zoe decides to analyze her past to find the culprit.

Soon the woman realizes that the reason for parting is her behavior. Too selfish and demanding, too biased and irresponsible. Zoe will fight for her happiness, she is ready to change, but it’s not easy…

9. Sex Education (2019-…)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

British TV series about teen sexuality. Moordale Small Town High School. The main character is a shy and uncommunicative guy Otis. His mother is a well-known sexologist and psychologist. Apparently, her talent was transferred to Otis, because the guy is also well versed in “adult” topics.

One day he helps his classmate solve his intimate problems. Maeve, a friend of Otis, finds out about this case. She offers him to advise classmates for money. Otis agrees.

8. Why Women Kill (2019-…)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

Series with an intriguing plot. The action takes place in the same house. The three main characters live in different time periods, but there is something that unites them – they all experience betrayal.

Beth Ann lives in the 60s, she is an ordinary housewife. Simone from the 80s is a socialite, but she did not manage to avoid a similar fate. Lawyer Taylor from 2010 is successful and attractive, but also experiences setbacks in her personal life.

Each of them believes that she deserves more. Women do not agree to spend their best years on lies and deceit, they are ready to administer justice with their own hands, even if it means killing.

7. Beitsa Motel (2013-2017)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

The series is based on the cult film of the 60s “Psycho”. He tells the backstory of the events taking place in the film. After the death of her husband, Norma Bates is left alone with her teenage son. Soon she decides to move. The woman chooses a quiet small town. There she buys a motel and a house.

The property was formerly owned by the Summers family. The Bates do not have time to enjoy a quiet life. The former owner is furious that he lost his “family nest”. He wants to restore justice and will attack Norma.

He rapes her, and the woman, unable to bear the shame, kills Kit. Now she has to make a difficult choice: surrender to the police or hide a terrible secret all her life …

6. We Are Who We Are (2020)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

Summer coming of age drama. Fraser Wilson from New York is 14 years old. Great age, the guy knows everything about fashion and strives to match it. Soon he has to change his place of residence. Instead of a noisy and big city – a military base.

At first, Frazier feels uncomfortable there. Soldier romance – not at all what he dreamed of. The only ray of light for the guy is his new friend Caitlin. The girl is his complete opposite. It seems that they will be a great couple, but this is nothing more than friendship.

This series is not for everyone. Borders? Here they are not. Absolute permissiveness and freedom, the undisguised truth of the feelings of the main characters may be shocking, but if you are not a hypocrite, perhaps the film will not disappoint you.

5. Dark Mirror (2018)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

Youth horror thriller for thrill-seekers. At first glance, it seems that Mary’s life is very prosperous. This 18-year-old lady is not bad-looking, her parents are rich. What else does a high school student need?

In fact, Maria has a bad relationship with her father and mother, and for her classmates she has long been a target, an object of bullying and ridicule. She has no friends and Maria trusts her experiences in the mirror.

She imagines that the reflection is her double, only this girl is completely different. She is bright and bold, can fulfill any of her desires …

4. Peace be upon you (2017-2019)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

Comedy drama with road movie elements. James and Alice are 17 year olds with their own stories. As a child, James witnessed the suicide of his own mother, since then he considers himself a psychopath and dreams of killing a person. Alice feels superfluous in her mother’s new family.

The girl hopes to find her own father. Together they steal a car and go on a trip. The destination is the city where Alice’s father lives. On the way they will have many adventures, not always pleasant, because this is real life …

3. Golyak (2019-…)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

Crime comedy about life in the British provinces. Vinnie and his friends make a living from petty crimes. Vincent suffers from bipolar disorder, so he cannot always adequately assess the situation.

Perhaps this was the cause of the next trouble. The company has a serious enemy, Vinnie and his partners cross the road to the local crime boss …

2. All Joyful Places (2020)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

Romantic teen drama. Shy Violet wants to voluntarily die. The girl is about to jump off the bridge. She is stopped by a young man named Theodore Finch. These teenagers have many problems: depression, loss of self, search for the meaning of life.

In the meantime, the guys have to solve a more pressing problem: to complete a project in geography. They must show the most beautiful and best places in their state. The story of Violet and Theodore has already begun…

This film is quite simple, it does not have a deep meaning, but it will be very relevant for people going through difficult life stages. Also, it is unlikely to be suitable for the older age category, the drama is aimed at a youth audience.

1. 13 reasons why (2017-2020)

TOP 10 movies and TV shows similar to Ginny and Georgia

Drama series based on the novel popular American writer Jay Asher. Despite the fact that all the events of the book were described in the first part of the series, the creators decided to shoot a sequel – two more seasons.

Young Hannah Baker decides to commit suicide. Of course, everyone who knows her is only interested in one question: “Why?”. Soon her classmate Clay Jensen finds a box of cassettes on the porch.

They were written down by Hannah, and there are listed the reasons that prompted her to commit such a terrible act. Clay listens to them and learns a lot about himself and his classmates.

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