- 1. It is forbidden to eat after 18 p.m.
- 2. Fat – the main culprit of obesity
- 3. Fat, not equal to fat
- 4. Condemned to obesity – genetics
- 5. Potatoes, bread, pasta are fattening.
- 6. Eggs – a source of harmful cholesterol
- 7. Coffee is slimming
- 8. Light products
- 9. The fruit can be eaten without restriction
- 10. I don’t eat – I’m losing weight
1. It is forbidden to eat after 18 p.m.
This information appears very often, but to be correct, it should be added that it concerns people going to bed around 20 p.m. With the modern lifestyle, hardly anyone goes to bed this early. It is recommended that the last meal of the day be eaten 00-2 hours before going to bed. It would be a good idea to digest it, but if you go to bed at 3:23, you can eat your last meal at 00:21 without allowing your body to starve.
2. Fat – the main culprit of obesity
It’s often heard that fat is the main culprit behind obesity. In order to prevent it, some try to completely eliminate fats from the diet. Nothing could be more wrong. Fats enable the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K necessary for the human body, and are also a source of energy. Increasingly, simple sugars, which are abundant in our diet, are given as the main cause of obesity. These are empty calories that, when delivered to our body, are easily and quickly deposited in the form of adipose tissue.
3. Fat, not equal to fat
It should be remembered that we distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. If we want to eat healthy, we should avoid harmful saturated fats, which increase the “bad” LDL cholesterol, thus accelerating the development of atherosclerosis and cancer. Unsaturated fatty acids, which are abundant in olive oil, rapeseed oil, fish and seafood, have a very positive effect on human health. Unlike saturated fatty acids, they lower LDL cholesterol while increasing the amount of “good” HDL cholesterol. In addition, they promote the reduction of glucose in the blood serum, which is especially beneficial in people with type 2 diabetes.
4. Condemned to obesity – genetics
Many people who are overweight or obese are explained by the fact that they have a family history. Yes, genes may partially increase the risk of obesity, but our lifestyle is more important. How we eat and whether we engage in any form of activity is much more important.
5. Potatoes, bread, pasta are fattening.
These products were wrongly accused of the cause of gaining weight. They are valuable sources of complex carbohydrates that gradually release energy in our body. Remember, however, not to pour over the potatoes with fat from the pan, pasta with caloric sauce, because these additives increase the calorific value of these meals. It would be worth reaching for wholemeal bread and pasta, then they will provide us with additional valuable dietary fiber, causing a feeling of satiety.
6. Eggs – a source of harmful cholesterol
In the era of fighting numerous cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance and arterial hypertension, the perpetrators are everywhere. One of the sources of harmful LDL cholesterol was chicken eggs, and more precisely the yolk in them. Recent research indicates that there is no relationship between cholesterol ingested with yolk and serum cholesterol. However, watch out for saturated fatty acids and trans fats, as they are the real culprits of rising LDL cholesterol levels.
7. Coffee is slimming
Caffeine contained in coffee accelerates metabolism, so it is believed that regularly drunk coffee will help us lose unnecessary kilograms. However, it should be remembered that it is often not drunk by us in its pure form. Sugar, milk, cream, liqueurs and various types of syrups significantly increase its calorific value, and consequently give the opposite effect to the intended one. In addition, it is worth remembering that coffee flushes valuable microelements from our body and also raises blood pressure. Drink it in moderation, as it has rather negative health consequences.
8. Light products
The market has recently been flooded with counterparts in the “light” version. However, is the name seemingly indicating that this product will provide us with less calories and guarantee a slim figure true? Unfortunately, this is a frequently used marketing ploy. Producers wanting to “slim down” the product replace sugar with an artificial sweetener. If we want to consume fewer calories, the difference is often negligible, we additionally serve ourselves a number of unhealthy chemicals.
9. The fruit can be eaten without restriction
Fruits are a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. No wonder that we often reach for them without reflection. However, it is worth remembering that they are also a source of simple sugars that accumulate in our body in the form of adipose tissue. We absolutely should not give up on them, but let’s think to replace them with vegetables.
10. I don’t eat – I’m losing weight
Desperate to lose weight, some believe that if they stop eating altogether, it will help them achieve their goal. Unfortunately, it works the opposite way. The overcooled body is “getting ready” for bad days, believing that the period of hunger may take a little longer. For this purpose, it accumulates adipose tissue, which later is to be a source of energy. Do not overcool your body, eat regularly to gradually provide your body with the energy it needs to function.
The author of the article is a dietitian Martyna Przybyłko
10latVitalii Check
The photo is from: Kai Hendry / Foter / CC BY