Top 10 most mystical places in the world

Our planet never ceases to amaze us. In every corner of the Earth there are unusual, mysterious and mystical places that make scientists and researchers look for a clue to their uniqueness. Many of them are easy to get to and have long been a favorite destination for tourists. Others are located in hard-to-reach places and are still waiting for their researchers. Why are we so attracted to the most mystical places in the world? Probably, each of us wants to believe in miracles and in the fact that there are secrets in the world that scientists have not yet been able to reveal. We offer readers a selection of 10 the most mystical and mysterious places on Earth, the mysteries of which have yet to be solved.

10 bloody waterfall

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

Blood Falls, or Blood Falls able to scare anyone who sees him for the first time. This is a rusty red stream flowing from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica. This amazing natural phenomenon was discovered in 1911. At first, scientists thought that the color of the water, strikingly reminiscent of blood, was caused by algae living in the lake under the ice, from where the waterfall originates. But studies have shown that the color, as well as the salinity of the water, is given by the microorganisms that inhabit the lake. Their age is about 1,5 million years.

The unique Bloody Falls is in 10th place among the most mystical places in the world.

9. San Gee Resort

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

If abandoned houses and hotels make a depressing and frightening impression, then ghost towns can cause even more fear. sang ji, a fashionable resort on the coast of Taiwan, was built for wealthy guests. 60 futuristic houses in the shape of UFO saucers were supposed to be a celebration of the engineering ideas of the resort’s builders. But then the economic crisis struck and construction was curtailed. However, there is another version – the workers who built the houses were injured and died. Local residents decided that the evil spirits living in those places were to blame. Ninth place in the ranking of the most mystical places on the planet.

8. Heizhu Valley

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

Heizhu Valley, or black bamboo hollow, located in southern China, is considered one of the most mystical places on the planet. Many believe that this is the strongest anomalous zone, although no serious scientific research has been carried out here. The valley has a reputation as a mystical place, as many cases of disappearances are attributed to it. Eighth place in the list of the most mysterious places on Earth.

7. Hotel El Hotel del Salto

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

Hotel El Hotel del Salto, ranked 7th in the list of the most mystical places in the world, is located in the town of San Antonio del Tekendama on the Bogota River in Colombia. It was built in 1927 and closed in 1990. The abandoned building has become an attractive place for those who decide to commit suicide. It must be said that the appearance and the surrounding area do their bit – the hotel is made in the Gothic style and is located near the waterfall in a secluded place, which gives it a rather gloomy look. Despite its reputation, the abandoned hotel attracts many tourists.

6. Lake Roopkund

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

On the 6th place among the most mystical places in the world is Indian Roopkund lakelocated at an altitude of 5029 meters in the Himalayas. Every year, when the snow melts, hundreds of skulls and skeletons can be seen on its banks. Therefore, the second name of the alpine reservoir is “Lake of Skeletons”. Back at the end XIX century there were rumors that numerous human remains lay on its shore and bottom. It is said that they were first noticed by pilgrims who once every 12 years visit a sacred place called Homkund. Their path lies along the shore of Lake Roopkund. The researchers were able to reach the hard-to-reach place only in 1942. Rumors about skeletons were confirmed. After that, expeditions of paleontologists, anthropologists and geologists reached the lake. Hundreds (probably up to 600) skeletons were found on the shores and at the bottom of the lake. Their approximate age is from 500 to 800 years. After genetic analysis of the remains, it turned out that most of them belong to men.

Many hypotheses have been put forward for the reasons for the death of people near Lake Roopkund: an avalanche, an epidemic, mass suicide. Subsequently, when analyzing the bones, it turned out that the damage to them was caused by huge hailstones (up to 7 centimeters in diameter). A group of people walking along the coast of Roopkund hundreds of years ago died due to the strongest hail – this is one of the most likely versions of the appearance of hundreds of skeletons in this place.

5. Poveglia Island

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

Poveglia – the infamous island, located in northern Italy in the Venetian lagoon, takes 5th place in the list of the most mystical places in the world. AT XIV century, due to the attack of the Genoese fleet, the population of the island was forced to leave it. For a long time, Poveglia was empty, until a psychiatric clinic was opened on the island in 1922. It did not last long, until 1968, but since then Poveglia has been considered one of the most mystical and terrible places in the world. According to legend, during the Roman Empire, the island was used as a reservation for plague patients, who were buried here. Their souls inhabit Povelha even now, instilling fear in all the curious who come to the island for thrills.

4. City of Machu Picchu

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

On the 4th place among the most mystical places on Earth is the lost inca city machu picchu. It is hidden in the Peruvian Andes on a high steep mountain with a flattened top. He managed to avoid the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors. For centuries, the city was cut off from the outside world until it was found in 1911. As the researchers found out, Machu Picchu was not destroyed – its inhabitants just once left the city. What reason forced them to do this is still unknown.

3. Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, survived the millennia and still proudly towering under the sky of Egypt – in third place in the list of the most mystical places on Earth. They have been studied up and down, but so far scientists have not come close to unraveling their secrets. We do not know what these monumental structures were built for and how they were able to survive the ravages of time.

2. Paris catacombs

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

The territory, turned into a giant necropolis, cannot but have a mystery. Paris catacombs are considered not only one of the most mystical, but also terrible places in the world. A network of tunnels stretches under Paris for 300 kilometers. Initially, they were quarries for the extraction of limestone. Then, when the cemeteries of the growing city could no longer accommodate the dead, the remains from the burials were removed, cleaned and placed in abandoned quarries. The ashes of more than 6 million Parisians rest here.

1. Stonehenge

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

One of the most famous and mysterious places on Earth is Stonehenge. It continues to be a mystery to scientists and researchers. We do not know who and why built this giant stone complex. Whether it was the druids, the ancient peoples of Britain, or the great magician Merlin had a hand in the construction, Stonehenge continues to keep its secret.

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