Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

Australia is good not only for picturesque views, but also for a high standard of living, and this applies to everything: a mild climate, decent salaries, good ecology make the country’s inhabitants the happiest people. Many people associate Australia with kangaroos, and this is where the knowledge of the continent is over…

In fact, the country is amazing in every way, dangerous fauna is the only thing that stops you from moving. Many people know that in Australia you almost always need to look under your feet: you can meet poisonous spiders or dangerous snakes.

However, since Australia is quite developed, the probability of being bitten by a snake or a spider is minimal, so why not deny yourself, because of prejudice, the pleasure of visiting the Blue Mountains, “dive” into the Tasmanian Rainforests?!

Never miss a trip to Australia! And if you follow our advice, be sure to visit these most interesting places on the continent.

10 Penguin Parade

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

All tourists want to see this attraction and, of course, take unforgettable photos as a keepsake. Penguin Parade located on Philip Island. These cutest animals, associated with Australia, come to their burrows after fishing in the ocean. You can feed them and talk to them.

Also on about. Philip’s are a chocolate factory, a winery, a farm. On the way to the island, tourists like to go to Maru Park, where you can see wild kangaroos, koalas and other animals up close. The show starts every day at sunset, but photography is not allowed, because the penguins are afraid of camera flashes, perhaps we can solve this issue for a fee.

9. Royal Botanic Garden

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

The magnificent park is located in Australia, Perth. It is located on Mount Eliza and has a fantastic view! At the entrance to Royal Botanic Garden you can admire the eucalyptus trees. This park is the most visited in Western Australia: there is a botanical garden on the territory, as well as a bush.

The botanical garden has an amazing collection of plants and species endemic to the western continent. There are several memorials in the Royal Garden – some of its parts are connected by bizarre bridges, along which you can walk and enjoy the views. There are guided tours in the park, including free ones.

Interesting fact: The National Herbarium of Victoria, located in the park, was founded in 1853. Research activities are carried out here.

8. Tasmania island

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

Having been here, you will be charged with a lot of positive emotions that will go into your piggy bank of memories – it’s worth a lot! Tasmania island located in the ocean – here the Indian Ocean merges with the Pacific. It is all covered with greenery, first impressions: what a delicious air here! It turns out that it is considered the cleanest on Earth.

There are many national parks on the island – hotels are practically located in them. Right from your balcony, you can view and take pictures of kangaroos and wombats, enjoy the silence while drinking coffee … It is worth noting that food is more expensive on the island – there are few restaurants, and tables are booked in advance. You can save money by eating at the park diner.

7. Daintree National Park

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

In the north-east of Queensland is Daintree National Park, famous for its untouched tropical rainforest, which has existed for about 110 million years. As scientists are sure, the forest owes its longevity to the random drift of the continents.

Daintree National Park was founded in 1981, and in 1988 was included in UNESCO as a good example of the evolution of life on Earth. If you wish, you can go on a cruise here, where you will be introduced to the natural wonders of Daintree – this is best done at sunset, because the wildlife blooms at this time.

In addition to the rainforest, you should definitely visit the Mossman Gorge in the park, near which James Cook’s ship was wrecked.

Interesting fact: The main attraction of the national park is the Jumping Stones. It is believed that it is impossible to take them away from here, because they can bring serious troubles to the “thief”.

6. Great Barrier Reef

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

Great Barrier Reef is one of the natural wonders. The main attraction of Australia. It has a unique ecosystem consisting of small islands and coral reefs. It is not surprising that so many documentaries have been filmed about it – the length of the reef is 2 km, that is, it is located almost along the entire length of Australia.

Even a scientist could not describe all the wealth of the Great Reef: there are more than 1 different species of fish, octopuses and squids, etc. The reef is currently divided into 500 zones, some of which are available for tourists to visit, others are offered exclusively to scientists – researchers. And most of the corals are available for contemplation of the drivers – for them here is a real paradise!

5. Lake Hillier

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

On no other continent can you find such a variety of attractions as in Australia. Many of them look like scenes from a science fiction movie! Lake Hillier, located on Middle Island, has an unusual color – it is pink. The color is retained all year round, although the hue varies.

The water in the lake is very salty. Tourists are wondering – how to look at the lake up close? Is there such a possibility? The thing is that the reservoir is inconveniently located, and if you want to see it, you will have to pay a lot. According to tourists, you can negotiate with the locals and get to the lake by water.

4. State Library of Victoria

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

The lanes of Melbourne excite all tourists – these streets allow you to relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle. Melbourne conquers: slowness, unobtrusiveness, comfort. The streets tightly braid the heart of the city with its bars, cafes, boutiques. You never know what’s around the corner, but when you see State Library of Victoriayou definitely won’t want to miss it!

The repository will contain about 1,5 million volumes and 16 titles. Here you can find the works of James Cook, read the diaries of the founders of the city and more. The library was opened in 000, at that time there were not so many books, but the collection was gradually replenished.

3. Kakadu Island

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

This national park of Australia is the largest in the country; two Switzerlands would fit on its territory. Kakadu Island named so not at all in honor of parrots, but by the name of the tribe that once lived here. Experts found a rock drawing on the territory – it is at least 18 years old!

The island can be reached by boat from the center, it takes about 20 minutes. As you already understood, there are no cockatoos on the island – that’s just the name. To visit the island, you do not need to pay and do not need tickets. You only need to pay for the transport by which you will get to the island. Kakadu Island is history, listed in UNESCO.

2. sydney opera

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

If you are in Sydney, don’t forget to visit Sydney Opera, because it is quite original and with amazing acoustics. This institution is perhaps one of the most recognizable, despite the fact that it is young. The building is large, the halls are wide – comfort is guaranteed!

About 3 events are held in the theater a year, the choice is wide: you can visit a comedy show, listen to classical music or watch a movie. To visit here means to see exclusive performances by talented artists and other artists, to be inspired and, of course, to take home unforgettable memories after the trip.

1. royal canyon

Top 10 most interesting places in Australia and the main attractions of the country

It seems that nothing is as impressive as a canyon in the USA, however, those who have visited both there and royal canyon, they say that this is a more unforgettable sight. What will open your eyes? Unusual layered mountains and traces of fossils. The canyon is located in Vatarrka National Park, the cliffs rise to a height of more than 300 m, creating a rock labyrinth.

This stunning site is home to many animals and at least 600 species of plants. The landscapes are magnificent – reminiscent of frames from some science fiction movie! Tourists are advised to visit this place early in the morning, as it is very hot during the day and, of course, do not forget to take water with you.

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