Top 10 most interesting facts about France

France is a very interesting country. For hundreds of years of its existence, it has developed a unique culture, customs and history. Much is already known to everyone. For example, millions of tourists come to Paris every year to admire the Eiffel Tower and eat a croissant in a nearby cafe.

But just as much remains hidden from view. After all, a country is not only tourist destinations and advertised places. Arriving for a week in the city of love, tourists do not notice many interesting features.

We bring to your attention a list of the 10 most interesting facts about France for children in grade 3: short and amazing stories about the country.

10 Carrier pigeons in the army

Top 10 most interesting facts about France Carrier pigeons in France are still in servicedespite the development of new technologies. The main reason is that if all the necessary equipment fails, the pigeons will be able to quickly transmit information.

Most often, the descendants of those pigeons that still participated in military campaigns are in the service. They contributed to the outcome of events by passing on maps, letters and orders. Some were even used as scouts, attaching a camera to them, and then studying the resulting footage.

Currently, if a civilian in France decides to adopt a carrier pigeon, they are notified in which cases the military will ask to lend them this pet to maintain communication.

9. Home of the Gothic arts

Top 10 most interesting facts about France France is considered the birthplace of Gothic art., because Gothic was born in the North of this country around the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries. Its appearance is due to the fact that just at that time the unification of the country began.

Beautiful Gothic cathedrals made of stone became symbols of the centralization of the kingdom and the growing independence of the cities. It was there and at that time that Gothic cathedrals took on their classical form.

Since the very center of France, Ile-de-France, is considered the cradle of Gothic, here you can see the best example of early Gothic art – Notre Dame Cathedral.

8. 12 time zones

Top 10 most interesting facts about France France does not boast of huge size (although it is the largest of the EU countries). But, despite the occupied territory, it covers 12 time zones.

Yes, the country is located in the same meridian, but if you take into account all the islands that belong to it, then it becomes the champion among European countries in terms of the number of time zones occupied. The transition to winter and summer time is still practiced here.

France is in the zero time zone, but in order to avoid problems with the rest of the countries of Europe, Central European Time is used here.

7. The “fastest” king

Top 10 most interesting facts about France The “fastest” king is Louis XIX, this is the legitimate eldest son of Charles X. His father ruled for six years before the Second French Revolution (the event is also called “Three Glorious Days”).

King Charles X himself abdicated. Only he did not want to transfer all power to his son, but relied more on his grandson. Therefore, he demanded that Louis XIX abdicate.

Thus, Louis signed the necessary documents following his father on August 2, 1830, being king for 20 minutes.

6. The rooster is the unofficial symbol of the country

Top 10 most interesting facts about France Rooster, or rather Gallic Rooster, became an unofficial symbol of the country even at a time when France was not in sight. At first, these were the tribes of the Franks, who united in the state of “Gallia”. If we translate the word “gallus” from Latin, then it will have two options: “gall” or “rooster”. Therefore, the Romans only called the inhabitants of these places.

In the XNUMXth century, the rooster became the emblem of France thanks to one of the kings. And now it remains the unofficial symbol of the country, and the French proudly believe that it means independence and freedom, as well as arrogance and invincibility.

5. Love for baguettes

Top 10 most interesting facts about France Baguette and France are almost synonymous. Here they are sold everywhere, and you can notice fragrant long bread peeking out of a bag of groceries at almost every Frenchman walking from the store.

Interesting fact: why did they start making bread in such a strange shape? There is an interesting version that the first baguettes appeared in the years when the French subway was laid. Work was carried out slowly due to constant skirmishes between workers. These clashes were overshadowed by the fact that each worker carried a knife for cutting bread. It was then that bakers came up with a form that does not require a knife and is conveniently divided or torn into pieces.

4. 90% of French people drive their own cars

Top 10 most interesting facts about France A huge part of the French use cars made in their home country. The production of such brands as Peugeot, Renault and Citroen has been established here. It is not often possible to see other brands of cars on the street, although they are undoubtedly also present. But most often these are top-class cars in wealthy areas. But the average-income population prefers domestic manufacturers.

Interesting fact: the first license plate was invented and used right there, in France.

3. The Louvre is the most visited museum in the world

Top 10 most interesting facts about France The Louvre has become as popular a tourist destination as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral or Disneyland. It is not only the most visited, but also one of the largest museums in the world.. About 38 thousand works of art are exhibited in its halls, and another 422 thousand are stored in the vaults.

Initially, it was a royal residence, so it took a long time to build. Each subsequent king considered it his duty to complete something. This building was used as a museum in 1993, although before that some exhibits were kept there, including war trophies brought by Napoleon from other countries.

But, despite its already huge collection, the Louvre continues to acquire masterpieces of masters to show them to tourists in its halls.

2. World leader in jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes

Top 10 most interesting facts about France Perfumes, jewelry and cosmetics from France are on everyone’s lips. French perfumes have become the most popular souvenirs as gifts. And this is fully justified, because France is the standard of perfumery.

They say: “Paris is a city where fragrances are created for prestige. Grasse is a city where the best fragrant flowers grow. The Cote d’Azur is a place where professionals work, making the best perfume compositions.

Indeed, this country has everything to create the most magical aromas. For this reason, spirits have been professionally practiced here since about the XNUMXth century. During this time, many names, firms and smells have appeared and disappeared, but France has not lost its leadership to this day.

1. Leading place in the world in agricultural production

Top 10 most interesting facts about France One of the leading producers of agricultural products in the world is France. She has developed both cattle breeding and crop production. This country is one of the leading countries in terms of the number of cattle, pigs and poultry. One of the first in the lists for the production of milk, eggs and meat. It is also the leader among the countries producing grain crops: wheat, barley, corn. France has taken these positions not at the expense of large territories, but thanks to the development of technology.

Today, agriculture is very highly industrialized. It is through the provision of new technology that France has increased its level of self-sufficiency.

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