TOP 10 most fatal mistakes when working with the subconscious that will make it clear why it does not fulfill my desires

Hello dear blog readers! Once, when I first discovered ways to achieve my goals faster, I was very inspired. So much so that he began to do everything at the same time. And one day I asked myself: “Why does the subconscious mind not fulfill my desires, because I do everything right, following the instructions?” Over time, I discovered my mistakes and was still able to achieve a result, so I want to share information with you, suddenly someone had similar difficulties.

Top 10 Mistakes

1. Formulation of desire

Remember, in the article “TOP 10 methods for attracting success in all your endeavors”, I talked about the importance of thinking positively, because every thought we have has energy? So, in order not to create problems for your subconscious, it is also necessary to formulate your goal very briefly and clearly. Because if you say, for example, “I want to earn a lot of money to fly to Paris,” you are creating a very complex scheme, as a result of which the desire is not fulfilled. It does not know what to execute first and just hangs in anticipation of a more understandable task. And then, either to fly to Paris, or to earn a huge amount of money … It should be reformulated: “I want to fly to Paris”, and then the energy will go to the Universe to fulfill this dream.

2.Rigid frames

TOP 10 most fatal mistakes when working with the subconscious that will make it clear why it does not fulfill my desires

You should not set too rigid boundaries for fulfillment, and even more so be critical of how your subconscious mind fulfills your dream. So he should not be «crammed» with a clear plan, which he must adhere to. If initially everything does not go as you planned, this does not mean that the desired will not come true. We need every difficulty for something, sometimes failures are more promotional and resourceful than success. Therefore, learn to accept reality as it is, and then you will get much more than you expect.

3. A miracle

Let the miracle happen, don’t control the process. In addition, sometimes it happens that a person initially does not believe in the realization of a dream, thereby attracting exactly the scenario that he thinks about. The fault may be self-doubt, in your luck. No matter how such a person creates positive affirmations, if deep down there is a belief that he is a loser, it will be very difficult to really realize dreams. I recommend reading in this case my article «The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself.»

4. Concentration

Concentrate on one desire, if you give several different tasks at once — this will slow down the execution process. Therefore, one should think carefully in order to single out the most cherished and important dream, in order to energize only it daily.

5. Action

Having given an order to your subconscious, you should not just sit with your hands folded and wait for it to be fulfilled. It is also important to act, then by joint efforts everything will work out. For example, do you want to meet your love, but practically do not leave the house, thinking only about how to make the Universe fulfill your desire? Go for a walk, concerts, meet new people… Help yourself, don’t wait for your love to just knock on your door.

6. Circle of communication

TOP 10 most fatal mistakes when working with the subconscious that will make it clear why it does not fulfill my desires

Every time we tell someone about our dream, we waste some energy, so try not to waste it. I do not urge you not to share your plans with anyone, just do it selectively, and with those people who will be able to support you, and not devalue impulses and opportunities. Such people, on the contrary, will be able to inspire you not only for accomplishments, but also for the desires themselves.

7. Discipline

In the article “Why success depends only on the person himself and no one else,” I said that it is very important to be able to bring what you started to the end. Why am I doing this? And to the fact that if, for example, you started with positive affirmations, but pronounce them every other day, or abandoned after practicing for a week, you should not expect quick results.

8. Particle «NO»

There is one important secret — in your speech and thoughts, try to do without a particle of “not”. The fact is that the human subconscious skips it, does not notice it, therefore, if you tell yourself: “I will not get sick this year,” then you are programming yourself for the disease. Therefore, in order to correctly set yourself up and send the right message to the Universe, track exactly how you formulate your goals.

By the way, this also applies to wishes to others, especially on holidays, try to follow your speech in ordinary communication.

9. Thoroughness

Make real wishes, good ambitions, of course, are fine, but if you demand to fly into space, then this is unlikely to come true. The closer to reality your goal is, the faster it will be fulfilled. And in general, to begin with, think about what exactly will happen if you still get what you wanted?

Sometimes we dream of achieving something, thinking that then we can become happy. But, having received the expected, sometimes we feel disappointment, therefore, before inspiring some idea to the subconscious, carefully consider the pros and cons of its successful implementation.

10. Learn to wait

TOP 10 most fatal mistakes when working with the subconscious that will make it clear why it does not fulfill my desires

The Universe knows better when exactly the hour will come when it is better to fulfill your dream, how best to organize events so that you can notice opportunities and changes in life. If you are impatient, irritation will begin to grow over time, from which the strength and energy of the message will decrease. For example, imagine that at work your boss gave you a task, and throughout the day he constantly pulls about progress in performance, demanding to provide reports.

After some time, even if you had the inspiration to do this work, you will feel that you have no strength to continue in this spirit, and you will already force yourself to do it, spending tremendous energy, only to fight with yourself. So, do not change its vector, let it be productive and not be wasted on unnecessary processes.


We also recommend that you look at the article on the secrets of the subconscious.

That’s all, dear readers of my blog! I would like to remind you that everything is in your hands, and you are able to do some little things on your own in your life. Learn to hear your inner voice and correctly formulate your goals in order to help the Universe fulfill them. Good luck to you, follow the recommendations, and everything will work out for you.

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