Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

Alexander Nikolaevich – Russian playwright. He made a significant contribution not only to Russian, but also to world literature. During his life he composed 47 plays, many of which are very popular to this day. Performances are staged, films are made.

Ostrovsky’s first book was published in 1859. Even then, his talent was highly appreciated. He is remembered not only as a writer, but also as the founder of the Russian theater. Alexander Nikolaevich created a theater school and completely changed the concept of productions.

What is the secret of the popularity of Ostrovsky’s works? His plays depict ordinary situations that happen to ordinary people. Their dramas are banal, but still relevant today. Such stories happened 100 years ago, and our contemporaries are not immune from them.

We tried to choose the most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky.

10 Late love

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

Written in 1873, one of Ostrovsky’s most touching plays.

Gerasim Margaritov was a successful lawyer and a wealthy man in the past. Now only memories remain of the past. Margaritov is poor, he rents a room with his daughter Lyudmila. The girl is in love with the master’s son, frivolous Nikolai …

“Late love” shows what a person is ready for for their feelings. Ostrovsky answers an important question: “Is it possible, by sacrificing oneself, to change another person?”

9. For every sage, quite simplicity

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

Alexander Nikolaevich wrote this work in the late 60s of the XIX century.

The protagonist of the comedy Yegor Glumov is a poor Moscow nobleman. He dreams of a high position in society and is going to achieve his goal, using any methods …

In a play “Sufficient simplicity for every wise man” Ostrovsky ridicules wealthy Moscow society. There are no positive characters. Everyone thinks about their own benefit. Their morals and values ​​run counter to modernity, they are not ready for change. People live by their small interests, but meanwhile the state needs reforms. Unfortunately, in this case, one can only dream of progressive changes in the country.

8. poor bride

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

The play was created in 1850-1851. It was first printed in 1852, but Ostrovsky worked on it until 1859, bringing the work to perfection.

This is the story of Marya Andreevna, the daughter of a poor official. After his death, she was left with no one but her mother. Anna Petrovna hopes to marry off her daughter. Feelings are out of the question…

In this case, a good dramatic story would have turned out, but Ostrovsky had his own plans for “Poor Bride”. He did not describe the mental suffering of Marya, but made her an ordinary girl. She is afraid to confront her mother, society. She is satisfied with the position of the victim.

The main idea of ​​the play is that most people believe that everything in the world is bought and sold. The fate and happiness of a person depend on the amount of money.

7. Wolves and sheep

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

The play was published in 1875 in the journal Domestic Notes.

Evlampia Kupavina is a wealthy widow. A beautiful estate, vast lands, money – all this haunts many of Kupavina’s acquaintances. She dreams of simple female happiness – love …

“Wolves and Sheep” exposing the evils of society. Money is not always good, very often it destroys people’s lives. This work shows the hunt for wealth. Each hero tries to achieve his goal in various ways.

In three years the play will celebrate its 150th anniversary, but it is still not out of date. Ostrovsky is credited with the gift of a seer. History seems to be written about our contemporaries.

6. Poverty is not a vice

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

Created in 1853. The theme is the same as in many other works of Ostrovsky – the influence of wealth on the fate of people.

Lovers are in the center of the story. Lyuba is the daughter of a merchant, her father plans to profitably marry off his daughter. She has long loved the clerk Mitya. Will the girl be able to resist the will of her father?

“Poverty is not a vice” Ostrovsky thinks so. For him, a high financial position means nothing. Money will not make a person better. Much more important is a pure soul and conscience.

5. The marriage of Balzaminov

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

The play was written in 1861.

The main character Mikhailo Balzaminov is a poor official. Kind, naive, dreamy – he does not just live in a world where wealth is considered the main dignity of a person. However, he found a way. Balzaminov is going to marry profitably. True, he does not know how to do it. A matchmaker comes to the aid of an official…

In a play “The Marriage of Balzaminov” Ostrovsky created the image of a man cut off from reality and living his dreams. Passive contemplation, humility, flight into the illusory world – this is the whole of Mikhailo. Such people exist today. They are not ready to take responsibility for their destiny, to face difficulties. They just go with the flow.

4. Our people – let’s count

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

“Own people – let’s get along” (1849) – one of the first works of the playwright. She was warmly received in literary circles, but soon the work was banned by censors.

The head of the merchant family, Samson Silych, is not a poor man, but a greedy one. He is even ready for fictitious bankruptcy, just not to repay debts. His daughter Lipochka dreams of marriage…

In the play, the writer ridicules the Moscow merchant society. The main theme is the confrontation between fathers and children. To describe the work, the proverb is the best suited: “What you sow, you will reap.”

3. Snow-maiden

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

A fairy tale play written in 1873. Alexander Nikolaevich was inspired to create it by Russian folk art.

Beautiful poetic story Snow Maiden. She has long been bored in the dense forest, so the parents decide to send their daughter to the people, to the settlement of Berendeevka. The girl is so beautiful that her splendor drives all young men crazy. Will someone be able to melt the cold heart of the Snow Maiden, and how will this romantic story end?

The play stands out sharply from the works of Ostrovsky. The theme is unusual for his work – personal drama and love experiences.

2. Nedopredannitsa

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky spent four years creating the play (1874–1878). She gained popularity after the death of the author.

This is the story of the girl Larisa, homeless. She is beautiful and smart. The mother hopes that she will be able to marry her to a rich man, but only one fact spoils everything – poverty. She scares off potential suitors.

In this play, Alexander Nikolaevich touches not only on social, but also on psychological problems. Critics and ordinary readers took it rather harshly. People were not ready for Ostrovsky’s bold ideas. He clearly demonstrated that the world is ruled by money, and the rich are free to control the fate of less fortunate, dependent people.

1. Storm

Top 10 most famous works of Alexander Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky wrote the play in 1859, after a trip to Russia. He was struck by the suffocating atmosphere of small towns, where everything new was opposed.

The main character Katerina is married to a sissy. Tikhon is a good person, but his character is very weak. His mother, merchant Marfa Kabanova, treats Katerina badly and tyrannizes her. The girl is trying to find a way out of this situation …

“Thunderstorm” It is a world of cruelty and fear. Most of its inhabitants are uneducated. They are prudent and cruel, not ready for change. There is no place for sincere and spiritual personalities, but there is a choice in any situation. Fight or surrender – everyone decides for himself.

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