Top 10 most expensive substances in the world

Quite a few people think that the most expensive collections in the world are gold bars or some rich or rare antiques. But to the surprise of many, there are things in the world that are much more expensive than even gold. Compared to these substances, gold is not even close in value.

For a long time, mankind has been using various substances in various fields that were created by nature or science. Few people know about them, but they exist. Among these there are precious stones, and exclusive cosmetics, and much more.

In this article, we will look at the most expensive substances in the world. It is worth noting that the prices are indicated for 1 gram.

10 Platinum, $60

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Platinum considered one of the rarest substances. Its main part is located deep in the bowels of five countries of the world. Even earlier, platinum was known until the middle of the 16th century, but even then it was mined in various quantities.

For the first time, conquistadors were able to get acquainted with platinum. Also, in many books, the name and description of what kind of substance was published.

Outwardly, it is very similar to silver. And in translation, the word “platinum” means “small silver“. This name was given to the substance due to the fact that it was very difficult to melt. For quite a long time, the substance did not find a place for itself, no one could understand where it could be used. At present, it is considered very valuable and therefore expensive.

9. Plutonium, $4

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Plutonium considered one of the heaviest and most brittle radioactive metals. Externally, it has a silvery-white tint. Currently, it is very actively used in the manufacture of weapons, as well as fuel for nuclear reactors.

One day, an Italian physicist named Enrico, along with other university staff, discovered a strange element. It was then that plutonium was discovered. After that he became known to the whole world.

Today it is over 80 years old. In nature, it is already practically non-existent, and if it can be found, then in very small quantities. The price of a tiny piece of the substance is quite a lot.

8. Taffeit, $20

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Taffeit exists in different colors. But most often it is a gray mixed with a purple tint or a pure lilac color. It is also worth noting that there were also colorless variants of such a substance.

But, unfortunately, it is found very rarely. Even rarer than diamonds. To find it, you need to do the impossible. It is for this reason that almost no one knows about him.

One day in 1945, the stone was discovered quite by accident and was immediately sent to the laboratory for research. It was later identified as the most precious stone in the world.

7. Third, $30

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Tritium is one of the known isotopes of hydrogen. In nature, it can only be found in the upper atmosphere. In this case, it is formed only during the collision of particles of cosmic radiation with the nuclei of atoms.

But to meet him is unlikely. Most often, this substance is used to highlight inscriptions such as “Entrance” and “Exit”. It is also used by military and civilian forces when working with devices.

Since the substance is quite rare, the price for it is quite high. 1 gram of such a substance costs 30 thousand dollars.

6. Diamond, $60

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Diamond – the most famous stone in the world. Very often it is added in the manufacture of wedding rings, which is why they are sometimes so expensive and not everyone can afford.

A diamond can be found in the lithosphere or in meteorites that sometimes fall to our Earth. Such cases are not frequent, but they do happen. But nowadays a diamond can be found quite rarely. But even despite its rarity, people appreciate it as the most expensive and very beautiful mineral.

5. Americium, $140

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Americium – the element that was obtained artificially in 1944. It happened in one of the laboratories in the Chicago area. For a long time, its existence was completely classified for everyone, only very few knew about it.

Now this substance is used for testing nuclear weapons. For the first time such tests were carried out in 1945 and later.

Interesting fact: after the Chernobyl accident at a nuclear power plant, various substances were found among the wreckage that were sent for analysis, including americium.

Outwardly, americium is silvery white. It is very malleable and malleable. It is also currently one of the most expensive substances in the world.

4. Paynit, $300

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Payite It is one of the rarest substances. It is known that he was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Interesting fact: Until 2005, no more than 25 such stones were found in the world.

Currently, all found stones are kept in museums or in private collections. Several stones are now stored at the Institute of Technology in California.

It is worth noting that quite recently several pieces of this substance were found, but they were no longer pure. Scientists remain hopeful that large deposits of this substance will soon be found.

3. Lunar soil, $500

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Lunar soil, according to many reports, was delivered to Earth directly from the moon. About 382 kg of this substance was transferred to our planet. Most of it was made of large stones.

Lunar soil has been studied by many scientists for a very long time. Doctors from all over the world participated. Quite large and complex studies have been carried out. Another name for the lunar soil regolith.

The composition of regolith includes substances such as ilmenite, anorthite and others. But all the elements that were found during the work are on our Earth. It was previously known that a fairly large amount of lunar soil was sold at one of the auctions. The price is quite high, because the material was brought directly from the moon.

2. California 2522 million $

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world In second place on our list is a substance called Californium. This is a derivative material, it can be up to 40 kg per year. Every year, 8 grams of this substance is taken away.

Californium was once discovered by a scientist named Glen. He studied the split elements that were in a nuclear reactor. Since the reactor he studied was located in California, the substance was named that way.

Its main property is energy. Such a substance contains a huge charge of energy. The production of californium takes place only in special reactors. These are found only in Russia and the USA.

It is currently a very valuable metal on our planet. Its price is quite high.

1. Antimatter, $65 trillion

Top 10 most expensive substances in the world Antimatter – this is the most expensive and simply incredible substance in the world. It has a reverse charge. But it is worth noting that matter and antimatter are completely different particles, but when they interact, a huge amount of energy occurs.

Interesting fact: 1 gram of a substance can easily create such a huge explosion that can destroy almost the entire city.

Scientists have long concluded that antimatter could be used for space fuel. This substance is created in a natural way. This happens when atmospheric rays enter our earthly atmosphere. Therefore, the price for such a substance is very high, but it fully justifies it.

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