Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

You can join art in many ways: by watching video lectures, visiting museums, reading books on related topics, etc. A person who is poorly versed in painting may not understand why a painting with geometric shapes or “doodles” costs fabulous money, and art critics and connoisseurs of beauty understand and agree with their high cost.

It is interesting that each picture has its own story… And sometimes it is not at all joyful. Artists take up the brush at the moment of their suffering or crisis. No, this does not mean at all that everyone creates masterpieces only in times of suffering. However, pain, disappointment, experiences are an integral part of the “beautiful”. Do you agree?

We present you a rating of the most expensive paintings in the world: the top 10 famous works by Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, as well as contemporary artists. Valuable things stored in the Russian Museum and other houses of the world.

10 Silver Crash (Double) – $105,4 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Andy Warhole, year of creation: 1963

King of Pop Art Andy Warhol in 1963 created 4 paintings depicting disasters on the roads. The artist drew inspiration for his work from newspapers – he printed photographs of traffic accidents on canvas using the screen printing method (the artist’s favorite technique), using reflective paint in his work.

“Silver Crash (Double)” was purchased for $105,4 million. It is considered the most expensive among the other works of the artist ever sold at auction. There is one highlight in the picture: he left one of the sides of the “canvas” completely empty.

9. Nude, green leaves and bust – $106,5 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Pablo Picasso, year of creation: 1932

Pablo Picasso is a man who can be equally loved and hated. His paintings are admired and misunderstood. Be that as it may, Picasso is the artist who has written the most paintings in history.

His painting “Nude, green leaves and a bustwas sold at Christie’s on a Tuesday evening in 1932. The mystery shopper was bidding over the phone. Someone purchased an art piece worth $106,5 million.

On his canvas, the artist intricately painted his sleeping beloved Marie-Therese Walter in secret from his wife, who at that time was traveling with a friend somewhere near Paris.

8. Untitled, 1982 – $110,5 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Jean-Michel Basquiat, year of creation: 1982

Bidding around a huge canvas depicting a grinning face began with 57 million dollars and in 3,5 minutes reached 68 million. But then a man appeared at the auction who so wanted to buy the painting “Untitled”, which raised the price immediately by a million, which caused bewilderment among other participants. He paid $110,5 million for this painting. It turned out that Yusaku Maezawa is a big fan of Basquiat’s work, he admitted on Instagram that when he saw his painting, he experienced some excitement …

For your information: Jean-Michel Basquiat died young due to mixing heroin with cocaine – he was only 27 years old.

7. Young girl with a flower basket – $115 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Pablo Picasso, year of creation: 1905

Painting by Pablo PicassoYoung girl with a flower basket”- confirms the fact that in 1905 the “Pink Period” began in the artist’s work.

The painting depicts a fair-skinned girl with bright red flowers in her basket. The girl is completely naked and it is clear that her body has not yet been formed, but in her eyes one can feel the persistence characteristic of adult women. She stands sideways, but her face is turned to the master, and raises many questions …

In 2018, the painting was acquired by an anonymous person who paid $115 million for it. Prior to that, its owners were the Rockefellers.

6. Scream (4th picture of the series) – $119,9 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Edvard Munch, year of creation: 1893-1910

Even those who are not interested in art have probably heard and seen the painting “Scream» Edvard Munch. It depicts a man standing on a bridge. He holds his head and screams desperately. Above his head is a blood-red sky, and the landscape background is extremely generalized. It seems that everything around the screaming person is moving, while he himself froze and is in despair, loneliness and horror.

This is the 4th painting in the “Screams” series, causing concern. It is made in typical impressionism, characterized by the expression of emotions. The Scream was purchased by American collector Leon Black for $119,9 million.

5. Three sketches for a portrait of Lucian Freud – $142,4 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Francis Bacon, year of creation: 1969

Homosexual and gambler Francis Bacon is one of the most expensive artists of our time, for his work, without stinting, they give unimaginable sums.

His paintings “Three sketches for a portrait of Lucian Freudwere sold for $142,4 million at Christie’s. The owner of these works, which depict a man sitting in various poses, was Elaine Wynn, the owner of a casino network.

Each work of Bacon depicts his friend – Lucian Freud, with whom they were friends for 30 years, but ended their friendship in the mid-70s due to disagreements.

4. Reclining nude – $157,2 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Amedeo Modigliani, year of creation: 1917-1918

A painting by Amedeo Modigliani was successfully sold for $157,2 million at an auction held in New York. “Reclining Nudeare gladly welcomed in the largest museums in the world. Visitors to the London Institute of Art, the Metropolitan Museum, the Long Museum in Shanghai, the Guggenheim Museum in New York, etc. looked at it with pleasure.

Modigliani’s series of nudes includes 21 works – an elegant handsome man was the dream of many women, he attracted and attracted, having a natural charm. For women’s love, the artist paid with art.

3. When the wedding is $300 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Paul Gauguin, year of creation: 1892

French painter Paul Gauguin created his work “When the weddingin 1892 in Haiti. It depicts two young Tahitian women. Thanks to their depiction, the artist created a romantic image of a paradise island for his contemporaries and admirers of his art.

If you believe his paintings, then people in Tahiti now and then basked in the sun, indulged in love and were content with delicious fruits. His painting was sold for a record price of $300 million.

2. Algerian women – $179,3 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Pablo Picasso, year of creation: 1954-1955

Pablo Picasso once said:I want to live not rich, but with a lot of money in my pocket”, we can say that he was very successful in the latter. His paintings were successfully sold during his lifetime, and today they willingly give a lot of money for them.

«Algerian women”is a series of works on the plot of Eugene Delacroix. Interestingly, he painted his painting “Algerian women in their chambers” in 1834. Picasso traveled to North Africa, and the canvas was painted after the trip by an inspired artist.

Africa seemed to him flowery, festive, but what he saw changed his mind – the African world appeared before the eyes of the artist as patriarchal, immersed in everyday household chores. Picasso’s work was sold at Christie’s for $179,3 million.

1. Savior of the World – $450 million

Top 10 most expensive paintings in the world

Artist: Leonardo da Vinci, year of creation: 1419

There are no more than 20 works of Leonardo da Vinci that have survived to this day, which is the reason for such a high cost for his paintings. An anonymous buyer was found at Christie’s auction willing to pay $450 million for the painting.World savior“, and this can be understood. Leonardo da Vinci – not only the greatest master of the Renaissance, but for many centuries in the mass consciousness – artist No. 1, a key figure in the Western European picture of the world.

Christ is depicted in his picture – his left hand is occupied with the symbol of the universe – a transparent sphere, and he blesses with his right.

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