Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

A women’s fur coat is a wardrobe item that can be called special. It shows the position in society and the taste preferences of its owner like nothing else.

Celebrities and fashion designers seem to be competing, trying to buy or create a fur coat that impresses not only with its aesthetics, but also with its high cost.

Only rich people can afford wardrobe items made of rare and chic fur. This article presents photos and prices of the most expensive fur coats in the world.

10 Black and brown fox fur coat, up to $3

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur Products from silver foxes began to gain popularity among the fair sex in the last century. Such wardrobe items are distinguished by an exquisite dark shade, which remarkably emphasizes the white skin of ladies of an aristocratic type of appearance.

At the tips of the fur villi are black, in the middle they are white, and at the base they are grayish. Shades can vary from jet black to ashy, silvery.

Fur coats made of long, as if airy, thick fur provide reliable protection against frost, retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time and are distinguished by increased wear resistance.

Black-brown fox fur coat should not be worn every day, otherwise the fur will quickly begin to fray.

9. Fox fur coat, up to $6

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

Fox fur coats always beautiful. The most expensive is the fur of a bluish hue: this tone is rare, but it looks just magical.

Even ordinary polar fox wardrobe items look very impressive, so famous couturiers are very fond of including them in their collections. A fox fur coat is not only beautiful, but also very warm and comfortable.

Many consider such fur impractical. So that he does not cease to be beautiful, he must be carefully and regularly looked after. A fox fur coat is not suitable for everyone: such products are quite voluminous, so they usually do not look very good on full and short women.

8. Marten fur coat, up to $7

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

Kuniy fur is similar to sable, but it is less dense. Marten fur coat practical and durable. Such wardrobe items are beautiful and very warm. There are many shades of marten fur: from brownish to smoky, grayish.

One of the main advantages of fur coats made of such material is hypoallergenicity. These fibers are unique, their structure is ventilated, so dust particles do not collect in them.

The fur of the pine marten is particularly fluffy and soft. The color of such a pile is usually brownish. Tones range from dark to light, beige.

The fur of the wheatear (stone marten) is considered noble. It can be recognized by its light gray hue and higher, denser pile.

7. Mink coat, up to $15

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

A mink wardrobe item is always the perfect combination of price and quality, which is why such fur coats are very popular among representatives of all segments of the population.

Even not very wealthy ladies often prefer to spend time saving money, but to buy a fur coat made of such fur. Mink fur coat soft, light, but at the same time it perfectly protects from the cold in the winter season.

Such products are wear-resistant, they do not cease to look great even after years of regular use. Mink fur is easy to care for. It will always be a sign of high status, nobility and is unlikely to ever go out of fashion.

6. Marilyn Monroe ermine fur coat, $69

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

Marilyn Monroe was a big fan of furs. In her wardrobe there were a lot of items made of marten, arctic fox, fox and mink. One of Marilyn Monroe’s favorite things was a snow-white ermine stole, in which she dressed up before performing the famous song at the president’s birthday.

Since ancient times, ermine fur has been used by individuals of royal blood. Today it is bought by the richest people. Such fur is durable, soft, it symbolizes purity of thoughts and nobility.

Marilyn Monroe fur coat made of ermine many tried to copy. In the middle of the last century, she was a real fashion hit. After the tragic death of Marilyn, the stole lay idle for many years, and then it was sold at auction.

5. Alsu fur coat from chinchilla, $100

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

Many Russian stars are also owners of expensive fur wardrobe items. An example is Alsou coat from chinchilla. The star received this piece of clothing as a birthday present: it was presented by the celebrity’s husband, Yan Abramov.

Chinchilla fur has a very interesting color: it shimmers in several tones at once. Each villus has an uneven color. The bottom of the hair can be black with a bluish tinge, dark gray, the middle is snow-white, and the top is very dark.

Chinchilla coats are light, pleasant to the touch, very fluffy. They look especially interesting where they bend: in these places the fur shimmers and shines.

4. Lynx fur coat, $200

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

The fur of the Siberian lynx is considered the most valuable. To create wardrobe items, you can only use fur from the snow-white belly of the beast, which also has black spots.

The price of lynx fur coat largely depends on the number of such spots: the more there are, the more expensive the material. Everything is complicated by the fact that the lynx is not suitable for breeding, and you can only hunt it under a license. It can only be obtained by very large companies that specialize in fur harvesting.

Lynx fur is soft, but dense, it warms well even in extreme cold. Such a pile is very pleasant to the touch. It has a high wear resistance.

3. Sharon Stone fox fur coat, $200

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

Sharon Stone is very fond of natural fur products and often demonstrates such outfits in public.

Fur coat Sharon Stone from foxes looks like a very nice long cape. The celebrity wore it to one of the Roman events against AIDS.

It took about 40 fox skins to create such a wardrobe item. Although red fox fur is not considered very expensive, the design and size of this fur coat is truly Hollywood.

2. Vicuña fur coat, from 300 euros

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

Vicuñas are animals resembling llamas. Such creatures can be found exclusively in Peru, and not everyone can catch them. Vicuña coat there are very few in the world, Italians usually make jackets and coats from the wool of such animals. One of the companies that are allowed to create fur coats from such material is Loro Piana.

The vicuña has beautiful, pleasant to the touch, thin, but thick fur. In ancient times, only privileged persons could wear it, others were forbidden to touch it under pain of death.

Today, in order to become the owner of a vicuña fur coat, nobility of origin is not required, only wealth is enough.

1. Fur coat from Karl Lagerfeld, 1 euros

Top 10 most expensive fur coats in the world made from rare and high-quality fur

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has always been famous for amazing creations and mind-blowing collections.

At the Fendi show was demonstrated coat by Karl Lagerfeldwhich has become the most expensive in the world. It took 60 sable skins to create this designer masterpiece.

The fur of the Barguzin sable is richly dark, with a blue tint and a hint of gray hair. To create the most expensive fur coat, it was processed so that it seemed as if it was illuminated by the moon.

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