Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time

At first glance, it might seem that the higher the cost of the film, the more obvious its success. Highly paid actors, a film crew, the necessary equipment, special effects … You should get a high-quality movie that the audience will definitely like. This rule doesn’t always work. Among films with an impressive budget, there are many that failed or those that managed to cover the costs, but there was no need to talk about profits.

We present you the 10 most expensive films and cartoons in the world in the history of cinema. Record holders for the budget for 2019. You can find out if they were able to meet the expectations of the creators, and also what caused such “immodest” investments.

Please note that many film studios do not want to advertise their financial matters, so prices may vary. Our rating is based on information from one of the most popular movie sites. Let’s start.

10 John Carter (2012), $250 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $ 284.

Fantastic action-adventure about a veteran of the Civil War John Carter. He ends up on the planet Barsoom, where he is captured by four-meter natives. Against his will, he was drawn into a military conflict between two cities on the planet.

This film was a real failure for the Disney film studio. He was called “belated fantasy about mars“. By the way, in addition to $250 million, the company invested another $100 in advertising.

Unfortunately, Disney doesn’t provide any cost information, so it’s hard to say why the budget is so high. Although if you look at it, all questions will disappear by themselves – excellent visualization …

9. Spider-Man 3: Reflected Enemy (2007), $258 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $890,9 million.

The final film in Sam Raimi’s superhero series. Spider-Man again has to go through many tests. True, this time his enemy will not be quite ordinary. He will face the most powerful opponent in the world – himself…

It can be said that the filmSpider-Man 3: The Enemy in Reflection” met all expectations. The high budget made it possible to develop unusual special effects, the film turned out to be very spectacular.

In 2007, he took third place in the collections, and became one of the highest grossing. This is just the case when not only managed to “recapture” investments, but also make a profit.

8. Rapunzel: Tangled (2010), $260 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $591,8 million.

«Tangledis an American feature-length animation. Based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. Rapunzel was kidnapped by an evil witch as a child. The girl did not know that she was a royal daughter, the witch raised her in complete isolation from the outside world. Rapunzel has always dreamed of finding out what is beyond the tower, and fate gave her such a chance…

Most viewers are surprised that such an amount is allocated for the shooting of an ordinary cartoon. We assure you, it is not quite ordinary, it is anniversary. The fact is that this is the 50th full-length animated film of the Disney studio, which a priori had to be different from others.

By the way, animation owes its success not so much to money as to the talent of its creators.

7. The Lion King (2019), $260 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $1 million.

Another animation, a remake of a hand-drawn cartoon released in 1997. This is the story of Simba the Lion. Due to the betrayal of his uncle, he lost his father and was forced to leave the pride. In a few years, Simba will return and try to regain the throne…

The audience noted the excellent musical accompaniment, visual effects of the highest level. No wonder on the set “The Lion KingAn impressive amount was spent, a lot of work was done. If you look at the amount of fees, we can conclude that all this is not in vain.

The animation became the most successful (in its genre), took 2nd place in the box office this year and 7th in the list of the highest grossing in history.

6. Superman Returns (2006), $270 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $391 million.

«Return of Superman”- a continuation of the first two parts of the superhero series, although there were also the third and fourth.

He was not on Earth for about 5 years, but when he returns, Superman finds that life goes on as usual, people do just fine without him, even the closest ones. Soon everything will change, the superhero will again have to protect the world.

A good investment is not always a guarantee of quality cinema. It is not clear what such an amount was spent on, the film was called “poor for cool action“. In addition, the audience did not appreciate the creators’ attempt to start from the middle, that is, ignoring the last two parts of the series. The film failed at the American box office, but the worldwide box office was able to save the situation.

5. Han Solo: Star Wars. Stories (2018), $275 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $392,9 million.

An epic adventure film about space. The second spin-off of the famous movie saga. It tells about the adventures of Han Solo and his faithful friend Chewbaki.

The film became one of the most expensive in history and the most problematic of the entire series. The fact is that initially the directors of the project were Lord and Miler. They were fired due to a conflict situation with the studio and screenwriters.

New director Ron Howard re-shot almost 70% of the film, and it took a lot of money to do it. Unfortunately, “Han Solo: Star Wars. Stories‘ turned out to be a failure. The fees were record low compared to the fees of other series of the saga.

4. Justice League (2017), $300 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $657,9 million.

Superhero action movie based on the comic book of the same name. After the death of Supreme Man, a wave of crime is rising in the city. Metropolis needs new heroes, and they will not keep you waiting…

There is information that the creators ofjustice league” did not plan such investments. The film’s budget increased due to large-scale reshoots. It did not affect the result. The film did not make a big profit.

3. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007), $300 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $963,4 million.

«Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End“- the third part of the series about pirates. The British East India Company is heading for the destruction of pirate ships. Elizabeth Swann and Wil Turner try to get the map and ship from the pirate Xiao Feng. Captain Jack Sparrow is missing and they want to go looking for him.

With the help of The Pirates, Gore Verbinski has managed to make a name for himself. Johnny Depp also became famous thanks to this series of films. It is not surprising that the creators do not spare money on it. Investments are justified, although this film cannot be called super-profitable. But the audience got real pleasure from the special effects: ghosts, ships. Also, large sums are spent on the fees of the actors.

2. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) $321 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: 2 048, 4 million $.

A superhero film based on the Marvel comics. The Avengers protect the world from danger, but they don’t foresee a new threat coming soon: the intergalactic titan Thanos.

The four films in the series have earned a whopping $7,7 billion. Therefore, do not be surprised that the creators make such investments. In particular, “Avengers: War of Infinity” became the first box office in 2018, and he also took pride of place among the highest grossing films of all time.

1. Avengers: Endgame (2019), $356 million

Top 10 most expensive films in the world of all time Fees: $2 million.

The final Avengers film, the 22nd in the Marvel Universe. The surviving members of the Avengers team have no room for error. This time, they must come up with a plan that will guarantee their victory over Thanos.

Record amounts: $356 million production budget and $200 million advertising costs. The result was a spectacular film that pleased both the audience and its creators.

«Avengers: Finalbecame the highest-grossing film of all time. He brought his creators a huge profit, so the investment is more than justified.

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