TOP 10 most effective ways to make a guy fall in love with you

Good day to all! I will dedicate today’s article to girls, to whom I will open 10 ways to make a guy fall in love with me. And what you need to do to attract attention and arouse interest. It is believed that a man takes the first step and conquers a woman. But initially, the woman prepares the space for the man to notice her and take these very first steps. Ready to find out what it takes?

Top 10 ways

1.Open poses

It may sound hackneyed, but nothing is more repulsive than unnaturalness. Pay attention to how you sit, how comfortable are you? Do you remember in this article I talked about the fact that true emotions are read subconsciously, in an instant? Therefore, study exactly which postures indicate openness and readiness for interaction. Practice at home, take one of them and feel what has changed in your inner state?

2. Sincerity

It seems to be the same, such an old phrase “be yourself”, but it does not lose its relevance. If you have a sports interest, and it’s just important for you to fall in love with yourself, this is one thing, but if you like a guy and you want a relationship, you shouldn’t play and invent something. Feeling embarrassed? Then don’t act like a vamp at the moment, but just say directly that you are embarrassed, not forgetting to smile at the same time. Too much falsehood and far-fetchedness is not very appreciated, not only by representatives of the strong half of humanity, many women are also tired of pathos. In addition, having started to play a role, in the future you will either have to stick to it, or open cards that you are different …

3. Smile

TOP 10 most effective ways to make a guy fall in love with you

This is the best love spell that disarms and disposes to itself. There is a secret that if you smile and at the same time look into the guy’s eyes, or at the lips, it instantly conquers him.

4. Humor

If you remain serious during the entire communication, then warm, tender feelings, interest and excitement are unlikely to arise. Men love it when they laugh at their jokes, and especially if the girl herself takes the initiative and is able to joke subtly, even at herself. These are the first signs of a high level of intelligence, moreover, it may well defuse the situation when tension has accumulated and its retention only harms communication.

Have you noticed that after laughing heartily, we become more relaxed, confident and positive?

5. Interest

If you really liked him, do not hold back your interest, ask questions that concern you, find out about his life, dreams, attitude to something, tastes, preferences, and so on. We all love attention, and often it doesn’t matter to those around us what is happening inside us, what fears and anxieties poison our thoughts, or vice versa, what dreams inspire us to live. Such deep conversations create a foundation of trust, a sense of intimacy, and as a result, can evoke love.

6. Touch him

Slightly, by chance, it will cause the effect of slight excitement in him. If you are suddenly frightened of something — grab your hand, or take it under your elbow when you cross the road together, remove an eyelash or hair from your face, this will cause tender feelings.

The main thing is to do all this by chance, unobtrusively, as if it could not be otherwise. Such behavior can even return the former if you continue to just communicate.

7. Be a woman, weak, who needs male support

TOP 10 most effective ways to make a guy fall in love with you

For example, the fact that you know how to change the lock in the door yourself, you don’t faint at the word “punch” and you made repairs in the apartment with your own hands is, of course, wonderful, and it helps a lot in life, but you shouldn’t brag about it next to a man. After all, he is strong, and only he can change a burned-out light bulb, because you can’t even imagine how this is done. I am exaggerating this, but in fact, it is important for a guy to feel that there is a fragile girl nearby, who is important to protect and protect. Therefore, you should not lift something heavy with him, open the door yourself and show your strength and coolness. How can he fall in love with you if you provoke competition, and not inspire care?

8. Compliment

Yes, the representatives of the stronger sex also love compliments. Just do not flatter, but declare what you really like about him. This will cheer him up, give him more self-confidence, and, accordingly, the desire to communicate with you longer and more often.

9. Find something in common

You should not argue and notice the moments in which you hold different opinions, leave them for later, when the relationship is formed, and you will be able to hear and appreciate each other’s opinions. And now it is better to take care of those moments that can bring you closer. These are fail-safe and win-win tricks, because if you have common interests and hobbies, there will be more chances to conquer it and draw more attention to yourself. Just focus on what makes you feel similar feelings, sensations and thoughts. If you don’t understand something, go back to point 8 — ask.

10. Be polite and considerate

TOP 10 most effective ways to make a guy fall in love with you

And the best thing is to learn to catch the balance when it is worth sharing your story or something about yourself, and when it is better to remain silent and try to hear the interlocutor. This is a very subtle science, and how to understand what you like, or vice versa, what exactly alerted the companion? I recommend an article on non-verbal signs of communication between a man and a woman, practice and study them carefully, this knowledge will help you not only better understand your partner in the process of communication, but also project the necessary reactions onto him.


  1. Most of us want love, to be appreciated and accepted with all our flaws. Unconditional love exists only among parents in relation to children, but still, learn to accept the other as he is. Without trying to remake it, limit it and force it to live by your rules. Make an initial choice, are you ready to come to terms with the way the guy you decide to fall in love with yourself is, or will you still try to remake him? They value their freedom very much and most prefer to have power in their hands in relationships, so it will be very problematic to fall in love with him if he initially feels threatened by his usual way of life, interests and character traits.
  2. I also want to remind you that if there is an opportunity to chat with his friends, do not miss it, because this way you can get to know your chosen one better, understand what kind of people he surrounds himself with, what exactly he appreciates in others. And also, if you come out to conquer them too, then the man will definitely be in your hands, if only because your friends will treat you well and support the choice of their friend
  3. Appearance is of course very important sometimes in order to attract attention. But the main nuances are grooming and cleanliness, and their absence may well repel the guy you like.
  4. Appreciate his opinion and personal space, you should not fill all his free time with yourself. Trust and respect is a guarantee that you will be appreciated by choosing for a more serious relationship.
  5. Everyone has weaknesses and complexes, but it is important that their presence does not interfere with your self-confidence. After all, you must admit, it is difficult to love a person who himself does not believe that he deserves it. If at any time you feel in doubt, read the article on programming yourself for success.
  6. Develop, know yourself, then it will be easier to talk about what you like and what you don’t. If you pay attention to your emotional intelligence, that is, the ability to recognize your feelings and understand your actions, it will be much easier for you to conquer any man. Since conscious women are admired, and different from the majority.
  7. Refer to your experience, you must have already fallen in love with you, try to remember exactly how and with what you managed to conquer the previous guys? Mentally reproduce all the situations, how did you behave, how did you feel, what exactly did you say? What is your highlight and specialty? Based on previous experience, it will be easier for you to achieve your goal.

TOP 10 most effective ways to make a guy fall in love with you


That’s all, dear readers! And finally, try to imagine that you yourself have fallen head over heels in love (if this has not happened yet), this will help your body send the right signals, thanks to which your chosen one will simply “lose his head”. Subscribe to blog updates, there are still a lot of tools ahead of us to fully realize our potential. Bye Bye.

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