Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

A sore throat is a harbinger of a cold. And even if the disease process has already begun, it is very important to find a way to prevent pain before it becomes so strong that it hurts to drink. Fortunately, today you can find many medicines in stores – not all of them are effective, many popular remedies are just a marketing ploy.

In fact, it does not take much money to find a worthwhile throat spray, some of them are very cheap, but many times more effective than expensive drugs! Doctors, as a rule, also prescribe lollipops along with the spray – indeed, you can recover faster if you approach the issue comprehensively.

In this article, we will not talk about lollipops, but we will talk about effective sprays. We took the time to read the reviews, and by the looks of it, these sprays are really good. Take note!

10 Proposol

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 113 p.

For those who often have a sore throat, “Proposol” just a real lifesaver! Due to the alcohol content in it, the spray should not be given to children (be careful!) The only contraindication is the individual intolerance of components such as alcohol and propolis. It also contains glycerin.

The first 4-5 seconds the spray tears up the throat, but an adult, wanting to be cured, can endure. Inhalation is best done on inspiration. “Proambassador” works much more effectively after salt or soda rinsing.


  • the effect;
  • price;
  • economical consumption.


  • discomfort after taking;
  • the smell of alcohol.

9. Aqualor

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 495 p.

And here is another good spray, however, with a terrible taste. But if you want to recover as soon as possible, you can be patient! Aqualor Good for sore throat and dryness. By the way, its composition is safe for children.

Swiss spray is a clear solution with a pronounced salty taste. It contains sterile sea water, purified water, chamomile extract and aloe vera extract. It can be used as an antiseptic and for any sore throat.


  • it is possible for children;
  • can be pregnant;
  • natural composition;
  • the effect.


  • high consumption;
  • цена.

8. Inhaliptus

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 187 p.

When a sore throat occurs, then, of course, you immediately think about taking a medication or spray that will help relieve this pain. Speaking of the Ingalipt spray, he has long settled in many first-aid kits on an ongoing basis, and there is an explanation for this!

“Ingalipt” contains soluble sulfonamides, which destroy gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The tool is intended not only for the throat, but also for the oral cavity. Can be given to a child (negative effects have not been identified).


  • the effect;
  • can be combined with other antimicrobials;
  • price;
  • children can.


  • does not help in all cases.

7. Hexorhal

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 379 p.

Hexoral became a bestseller. If you often have a sore throat, this remedy will probably become a permanent resident in your first aid kit! The spray acts on 4 main causes of sore throat: viruses, bacteria, biofilms and fungi.

The active composition of the product: hexetidine. Auxiliary ones include sodium saccharinate, polysorbate, citric acid monohydrate, etc. The main thing to highlight is that the remedy perfectly heals the throat, but it does not have a very pleasant taste and, after injection, it tickles in the throat for some time.


  • well treats the throat;
  • Convenient spray bottle
  • pleasant taste.


  • price;
  • helps only in the early stages of the disease.

6. Cameton

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays Price: 86 p.

Spray for the throat “Kameton” can be used from 5 years. Its composition is harmless to the child. If you start treating the throat with early signs of the disease, then you can get by with the simplest drugs. This “pshikalka” is time-tested, plus the price pleases.

The tool is released without a doctor’s prescription, its active ingredients include levomenthol, eucalyptus oil, camphor, which has an antiseptic effect. “Kameton” can be used not only for the treatment of the throat, it can also be puffed into the nose, but if your mucous membrane is very sensitive, it is better to refrain!


  • price;
  • does not burn the throat;
  • pleasant taste;
  • the effect.


  • aggressive for the nose;
  • not for children under 5 years old;
  • helps only in the early stages of the disease.

5. Stopangin

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 242 p.

In search of an effective throat spray, many are considering buying «Stopangin». This remedy is great for a sore throat, but when you spray it stings. According to those who have tried the remedy, it helps with sore throat and relieves cough spasms.

For children, the remedy is harsh. Its active substances include hexetidine. Auxiliary consist of essential oils, as well as levomenthol, ethanol and glycerin. When spraying the throat, it begins to pinch not like a child, but passes quite quickly. The action of the spray is impeccable – after the 3rd spray, the throat begins to heal.


  • the effect;
  • convenient format;
  • action after the 1st application;
  • pleasant taste.


  • price;
  • action is accompanied by pinching.

4. Angidak

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 315 p.

This drug is cheaper than many analogues, but no less effective. “Angidak” it relieves sore throat well, after using it it becomes easier, you can safely eat. In addition to pain relief, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It becomes easier after the 3rd application. The active composition of the drug includes benzydamine hydrochloride, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component. The spray is suitable for both adults and children from 3 years. The taste of the drug is neutral.


  • helps with sore throat;
  • cheaper than analogues;
  • the effect;
  • it is possible for children;
  • pleasant to the taste.


  • does not help with severe colds;
  • the price in pharmacies is very different.

3. Tantum Verde

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 395 p.

Often this spray is prescribed by doctors, referring to its effectiveness. Is he as good as they say he is? Tantum Verde An excellent remedy for sore throats, which is suitable for both adults and children. After application, the result is felt already on the second day.

“Tantum Verde” is produced in Italy, its active ingredient is benzydamine hydrochloride, it also contains saccharin, purified water, menthol flavor, which gives the product a pleasant taste, polysorbonate and other components that are harmless to the child. The spray is used after meals.


  • convenient bottle;
  • the effect;
  • it is possible for children;
  • pleasant taste.


  • no.

2. Miramistine

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 423 p.

This tool does not need advertising – a great thing! “Miramistin” Helps with more than just a sore throat. This antiseptic is widely used in dentistry, dermatology, urology, etc. It can be used for children from 3 years old.

The volume of the spray is sold in a bottle of 150 ml, a spray nozzle is included in the kit. It helps to spray not only in the throat, but also on the lesions. The drug “Miramistin” has a very simple composition: benzyl dimethyl and ammonium chloride monohydrate. Excipient: purified water.


  • price;
  • large volume;
  • effectively treats the throat;
  • no taste or smell.


  • price;
  • big expense.

1. Lugol

Top 10 Most Effective Sore Throat Sprays

Price: 110 p.

And finally, let’s talk about the tool “Lugol”, which was registered on an ongoing basis in many first-aid kits. This drug is effective if the dosage is followed, but it tastes bad.

Before use, be sure to read the contraindications (the drug has many of them). For example, hypersensitivity to iodine. Speaking about the composition, the spray includes iodine, purified water, glycerol and potassium iodide. The tool perfectly helps with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.


  • the effect;
  • price;
  • helps with sore throat;
  • convenient dispenser.


  • many contraindications;
  • nasty taste of iodine.


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