Top 10 most confusing detectives

Detective is one of the most popular genres in both literature and cinema. Detective stories allow the viewer to strain all their “gray” cells in order to understand, even before the denouement, which of the characters will be the culprit of the crime.

Unusual methods of committing a crime and original ways of identifying the perpetrator from the circle of suspects captivate and completely absorb the viewer’s attention, creating an atmosphere of mystery. Such films are loved by intellectuals, lovers of action stories and fans of psychological dramas.

The best detective films are those whose plot is able to keep the viewer in suspense until the very end credits, without giving him the opportunity to predict the denouement.

We present 10 detective films with the most intricate plot, where even an intellectual cannot figure out “where the dog is buried” until the very end.

10 Time to kill | 1996

Top 10 most confusing detectives A grave crime was committed – a ten-year-old girl was brutally raped. Her father, blinded by grief, shoots the villains who committed this atrocity with his child. He is threatened with execution in the gas chamber.

Can a talented lawyer who never lost a case win his client’s acquittal?

9. He doesn’t even say the letters | in 2001

Top 10 most confusing detectives Elizabeth is a self-contained girl who periodically suffers from bouts of unmotivated aggression. No one knows the reason for her behavior.

This riddle awakened a professional interest in Nathan and he decides to cure Elizabeth, but after quite a bit of time, he realizes that Elizabeth and her illness are in some strange way connected with the threat looming over him and his family …

8. Sleepy Hollow | 1999

Top 10 most confusing detectives The action of the picture takes place at the very end of the XNUMXth century. Young Constable Ichabod Crane is sent to Sleepy Hollow.

In this ominous place, some kind of devilry began to happen not so long ago. A mysterious headless horseman strikes fear into the locals. He decapitates all his victims, while the heads disappear without a trace. But the most interesting thing is that the criminal cannot be killed with a bullet, he wins all the daredevils who volunteered to fight him.

Ichabod will have to figure out this complicated case and save his beloved from a terrible fate…

7. Crimson Rivers | 2000

Top 10 most confusing detectives The plot of the picture of the part is twisted around two experienced detectives. These are completely different people, but they have a common goal – to find and punish those responsible for committing terrible crimes.

Pierre Niemance arrives in the provincial town of Gernon in order to investigate a crime that is terrible in its cruelty. There, on a mountainside, a corpse was found in the fetal position, which had no eyes and hands. The victim of a sophisticated killer was a professor at the local university, Remy Quelua.

Meanwhile, his colleague unravels a rather strange crime: someone has unearthed and desecrated the grave of a ten-year-old girl. At first glance, these two crimes may seem to have nothing in common. However, this is only at first glance.

Now experienced detectives are forced to join forces in search of the killer. And in the course of the case, they will discover very surprising details for themselves …

6. Three days to escape | 2010

Top 10 most confusing detectives In the thick of things is an ordinary man named John. He is a single father. It so happened that his beloved wife Lara was behind bars for murder.

Her husband is trying to do everything possible to prove that his wife is not involved in this case. But all his attempts end in failure.

Then he decides to organize victories for his beloved. And he has only three days to carry out his daring plan.

However, suddenly he was visited by vague doubts. What if Lara really is the killer? This question haunts the hero, but he drives all these thoughts away from himself and continues to save his wife.

5. Game | 1997

Top 10 most confusing detectives Successful businessman, San Francisco resident Nicholas van Orton is tired of living. When his father was 48 years old, he committed suicide. Soon Nicholas will turn 48.

But suddenly, Nicholas’s brother makes an appointment with him in a restaurant and gives the hero a strange thing – a certificate for the services of the company “Entertainment Service”, which provides its customers with the opportunity to play a certain “Game” …

4. Mulholland Drive | 2001

Top 10 most confusing detectives Mulholland Drive is a legendary street where the mansions of Hollywood stars of the first magnitude are located. It would seem that this can happen here on a quiet night? Yet sometimes, even in this beautiful place, terrible things happen.

A charming brunette, passing by pompous “star” houses in a luxurious limousine, did not even guess that the car would suddenly stop and a gun would be pointed at her. However, everything ended well and her death was saved by a drunk driver who lost control of the limousine.

The girl woke up, not remembering who she was and how she got here. She temporarily chooses the name Rita for herself. She meets a girl who introduces herself as Betty, but later it turns out that they already know her, but not here, but in another reality…

3. Taking lives | 2004

Top 10 most confusing detectives The elusive serial killer has been taking on the identities of the victims of his crimes for twenty years. However, no matter how much the rope twists, there will still be an end.

Experienced FBI agent Illyana Scott takes on the search for a brutal killer. She will have to understand the motives of the criminal in order to predetermine further moves in this way.

But in some strange way, the maniac learns much more about the perspicacious FBI employee than she could imagine …

2. Big game | 2009

Top 10 most confusing detectives Experienced Washington Globe journalist Cal McCaffrey is conducting an independent investigation into the murder of a petty thief.

The chain from such an incomprehensible crime leads him to a seemingly completely unrelated case – the death of Sonya Baker, secretary-referent of Congressman Collins, and friend McCaffrey.

Collins cannot believe that the woman committed suicide and asks a friend to look into this matter and find out who is responsible for her death.

1. Goodbye baby, goodbye | 2007

Top 10 most confusing detectives 4-year-old Amanda McCready disappears in a Boston suburb. When the police stop looking for the girl, her aunt hires two private detectives, Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro, to start their search.

From the beginning, they reluctantly take on an initially hopeless case, but the facts that arose during the investigation make them risk not only their professional reputation, but also their lives …

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