Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world

Waterfalls are a bewitching miracle of nature, occupying a special place in travel. The noisy stream of falling tons of water will leave an unforgettable experience.

The waterfalls arose 20 thousand years ago, and some have no more than 10 thousand left to “live”. Therefore, when traveling, be sure to visit them. Some you have already heard about, and some have remained a mystery until now.

Want to know where the 10 most beautiful waterfalls are? We bring to your attention photos and videos of unforgettable places in the world with large mountains and clear water – unique impressions are waiting for you.

10 Nuranang

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world The first waterfall on the list is also called Bong-Bong – Indian miracle of nature. Peculiarity To Nuranan – it does not start from the rivers, but from the lakes and snowy streams of the Himalayas.

Milky rivers – this is about Nuranang, because its waters are milky in color. The waterfall is located in the middle of a picturesque forest. The area fell in love with Bollywood – the Indian film industry.

9. Havasu

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world The American Grand Canyon is famous not only for its rocky terrain, but also for its waterfall. Havasu one of the most visited places in the world. Copper rocks and blue-green water attract spectators from all over the world.

The waterfall is a true oasis among the drought and bare rocks of the canyon. At the place where the water fell, a small rocky beach was formed, where people relax and enjoy the blue waters.

Getting to Havasu is not easy. The place of departure is the only settlement in the canyon, the village of Supai. From here, a group is recruited and a mule trip or a helicopter ride begins.

8. Skougafoss

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world Icelandic waterfall Skougafoss – a place with a magical atmosphere. Scandinavian mythology and ancient legends immediately come to mind here. This mysterious atmosphere attracted directors as well. The films Thor, The Dark World, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty were filmed here.

The attraction is part of the Skoug River in southern Iceland. This river starts from the Eyjafjallajökull glacier. There, on the glacier, there is a famous volcano of the same name.

Since the area is not homogeneous, there are many other small waterfalls. Skogafoss is not the largest waterfall in the world, but it is not small either. Water falls from a height of 60 meters, and the stream is 25 meters wide.

An impressive wall of water rushes to the ground. A lot of water dust is formed, creating thick clouds of fog. Due to this amount of water droplets, rainbows often appear on Skogafoss, often double.

The attraction also has legends. So, the Icelanders say that once one of the first Vikings and, concurrently, the sorcerer Trasi Thorolfson left a treasure chest behind the wall of the waterfall. The treasure was bewitched, so no one could pull out the chest.

Local residents got only a pen, which is now kept in the Skogar Museum. So, if you want to visit a new, mystical and mysterious place, be sure to visit Skogafoss.

7. Banjok

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world Waterfall Baby (Banzyok) is the fourth largest in the world. Multi-stage, wide, shrouded in mist, in spring it acquires a scarlet color. The reason for this phenomenon is the cotton growing on the stones, which stains the water.

Banjok has three levels. The height of the fall is 120 meters, and the width of the attraction is 200 meters. A wide lake forms at the bottom of the avalanche.

China and Vietnam have long “shared” the miracle of nature, since it is located on the border of states. Only in 1999 this issue was resolved. Now the main part of the waterfall belongs to China, and the other part belongs to Vietnam.

To mark the border, people placed a conditional stone at the top of Banziok and made an inscription on it. A road leads to the stone, so you can look at it.

Infrastructure is developed on the territory near the waterfall. There are hotels and souvenir shops, viewing platforms and bamboo rafts. If you decide to look at a miracle, come from November to April, because during this period the waterfall is at its fullest.

6. Vernal

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world Another attraction of the United States is a waterfall Vernal on the Merced River, it is in Yosemite National Park. Millennia ago, the Yosemite area was cut by a large glacier. Rocks have arisen from which the waters of Vernal now fall.

From the Glacier Point observation deck, you can see not only Vernal, but also the Nevada Falls. From this angle, the two wonders of nature appear to be a staircase with giant steps.

Officially, Vernal is 97 meters high, but the US claims it is 73. The Mist Trail is so close to Vernal that visitors to the park are soaked through with water. You can visit the attraction at any time of the year, but in autumn and winter, tourists risk getting wet to the bone.

And by the way, traveling is not worth risking your life. At the top of the falls there is a small Emerald Pond with waters dark green with algae. In recent years, 10 people have died here. The last death was in 2007 when a tourist jumped from rock to rock and crashed. Swimming and experimenting in this way is prohibited, so don’t risk it.

5. Iguazu

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world brazilian waterfall Iguazu – a complex of 275 waterfalls. In sum, their width is 7,7 kilometers. So, Igasu beats the world record for the width of the waterfall.

According to legend, a certain god decided to marry the earthly girl Naipi. But she had a fiancé. The young couple tried to escape together in a canoe. God got angry and broke the river. The couple fell into the abyss. But the young people did not die. Naipi turned into a rock, and the groom into a palm tree. Every evening a rainbow appears between them – so that the betrothed can hug. By the way, this meeting can often be captured in a photo.

But geologists say that the record holder from Argentina was generated by a powerful volcanic eruption 150 million years ago. A deep abyss arose in the earth, into which water began to fall. The volume of water flow in the rainy season is about 13 thousand cubic meters.

Getting to Iguazu is easy because the infrastructure is well developed here. Including because the object is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

4. Niagara Falls

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world Знаменитый Niagara Falls located in Canada, Ontario. In fact, this is a complex of three waterfalls that separate the two states.

Although Niagara is small in height, its width is about 800 meters. Downstream, a bridge was built connecting two countries – the USA and Canada. The bridge is open to tourists.

Visitors admire the complex for hours. The two countries have done everything to attract tourists to Niagara. The place is equipped with viewing platforms and evening illumination. And by the way, if you want to look at the miracle of nature, you should know that the most favorable view opens from Canada.

3. Angel

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world The name of the waterfall comes from the name of the American test pilot James Angel, who died during an unsuccessful landing near this place. This happened on Tepuy, on the “mountain of the devil”, from which a stream of water falls.

Second name AngelaKerepakupai-meruwhich means “Waterfall of the deepest place“. The last name is given by the locals, the Pemon Indian people.

Local residents insist on the name Kerepakupai-meru. According to them, they enjoyed this miracle of nature even before the appearance of James Angel and have the historical right to determine the name of the waterfall.

Angel is the highest waterfall in the world. The height of the fall is about a kilometer, which is 15 times higher than Niagara. Due to such a difference in heights, when falling, the water breaks up into a thick fog that fills kilometers of space.

They get here only by river or air, there are no approaches for tourists. To show visitors this breathtaking phenomenon, excursions are organized.

2. Ruakana

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world Africa is a picturesque country full of amazing sights. Powerful waterfall Ruakana, as often happens, separates two states – Namibia and Angola.

You can visit not only the attraction, but also the local village of the ancient Himba tribe. Aborigines live in cone-shaped dwellings, worship fire and raise cattle. The height of Ruacana is 124 meters, and the width in high water is up to 700.

Falling water forms clouds of fog. The top and sides of this majestic natural wonder are surrounded by bright green savannah bushes. Due to the local soil, the clear waters of the river fall off the plumb line brown.

1. Victoria

Top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world The width of the famous waterfall Victoria – 1,7 kilometers, and the height of the water fall is 100 meters. During the rainy season, ten thousand cubic meters of water per second passes through here.

The miracle stands on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The natives called the waterfall “thundering smokedue to the noise of falling water and the fog that the stream creates when it hits the ground.

The natural wonder was named after Victoria by David Livingston, a Scottish traveler who discovered it at the end of the XNUMXth century – relatively recently. He named the falls after the then-reigning Queen Victoria.

Victoria is a visiting card of South Africa. The beauty and grandeur of the waterfall attracts crowds of tourists. And behind it opens a safe section of the river, along which both lovers of traveling along mountain rivers and beginners swim.

By the way, at the end of December 2019, Victoria became shallow to a thin stream of water. This is due to the severe drought in Africa. Due to the shallowing of the Zambezi River, many Africans were left without water and electricity. Ecologists are in no hurry to panic, because droughts for Africa are a frequent occurrence. Let’s hope that the Zambezi water level will recover, and we will again see the greatness of the Victoria Falls.

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