Top 10 most beautiful varieties of gladiolus

One of the most fashionable flowers are gladioli – they are given both separately and as an addition to the overall bouquet. One of the main advantages of these flowers is the variety of shapes and colors. From gladioli, you can create magnificent bouquets that the recipient will definitely like.

It is most appropriate to give gladioli:

  • on a date;
  • for a birthday;
  • for an anniversary;
  • on September 1;
  • for an engagement.

And they give them just like that, for no reason. Gladioli are also attractive for their unpretentiousness – a fresh bouquet will bring joy to the recipient for a long time with its beauty. Gladiolus are flowers suitable for both men and women, they symbolize mystery and emphasize attention from the donor.

There are many amazing flowers in the world, but since we settled on gladioli, let’s look at the most beautiful of them!

10 Borodino field

There is almost no information about this type of gladioli, but you can understand from the photo that “Borodino field” – the flowers are very beautiful, which will be a great addition to any holiday! These gladioli have rich bright crimson colors, and the tone is darker on the lower petal. Vigorous plant with excellent growth qualities.

The buds of these gladioli are well opened, and thanks to their coloring, they become desirable for any celebration. Gladioli go well with dahlias, orchids, chrysanthemums, lilies and others. Even a simple bunch of gladioli alone will bring a lot of positive emotions!

9. Tiflis Gate

“Tiflis Gates” – such an interesting name for gladioli, striking in their color! Gladiolus have a characteristic double color, the inner petals are crimson, with an orange border. Outer petals are raspberry-orange. These flowers may very well be desirable for any photographer interested in flowers.

The approximate number of buds is 17-18. For many, gladioli are favorite flowers just because of the variety of colors and their dignified appearance. Don’t know what kind of flowers the recipient likes? Choose these, you won’t go wrong! These flowers are perfect for birthday and wedding gifts.

8. radiant green

Look gladioli “Radiant Green” fresh, spring-like, this variety is the selection of Mikhail Kuznetsov. The flowers are very reminiscent of lettuce leaves, because they are similar in shape and color – light green. However, this flower looks harmoniously with any color scheme, adding variety to the festive bouquet.

They have excellent growth qualities, multiply easily, have a beautiful corrugation. The variety was obtained thanks to the work of Kuznetsov – in 2002. Since then, the variety has repeatedly been at various exhibitions, and it was recognized as the best in the price category.

7. Jiri Vaclavik

These gladioli look different from others – they are not so popular on the market, but definitely worth attention. Name “Jiri Vaclavik” received in honor of the breeder who created flower cultures at a professional level for many years. All varieties of Jiri grow well, multiply.

These gladioli have a beautiful color. Elegant gladioli have not large, but very original flowers of a dark red tone and a silver-plated border around the petals. So they ask for a festive event! All Vaclavik’s flowers have been tested – they grow well and have many buds in the inflorescence: 23–26.

6. prunes

Gladiolus “Prunes” 160 cm high, recognized as kings among flowers. This variety, with a successful landing, grows up to 160 cm in length, pleases the eye with a spike-shaped inflorescence until autumn. They also look amazing in a bouquet – often they become an addition to other flowers or add others to them.

The flowers of this variety are distinguished by their bright color: they have dark lilac purple hues, and also attract with the velvety of the lower petals, painted in purple-cherry. According to gardeners, prunes are gorgeous flowers, large with good bulbs. The flowers really do have a mesmerizing hue!

5. patterned snowflake

Surely gladioli with this name have an unusual, winter look! Is it so? “Patterned Snowflake” – this is another masterpiece of Mikhail Kuznetsov. The only variety awarded a gold medal at the International Flower Show, which took place in 2009. The variety is so named for its amazing decorative properties.

The inflorescences of the patterned snowflake consist of 22 buds that open in lacy flowers, the petals are strongly corrugated. The flowers are very reminiscent of a large snowflake. The variety is tall, reaches a length of 180 cm. The leaves of the variety are large, the ends are pointed. The variety is unpretentious in care and is characterized by rapid reproduction.

4. Dmitry Solunsky

These flowers are another creation of Mikhail Kuznetsov. Often used in natural landscapes: for flower beds, borders, group plantings. To the state register “Dmitry Solunsky” entered in 1996, these flowers have many advantages: good immunity, beautiful appearance, the ability to use for cutting.

Usually the gladiolus of this variety blooms profusely, but late. Pleases with its flowers at the end of August. Dmitry Thessalonica looks incomparable in a flower bed or when decorating a large flower garden. For some reason, they look great in the hands of a schoolboy who went to first grade – probably the whole thing is in the festive look of flowers!

3. Sadko

“Sadko” – Another interesting variety of gladioli, which has remarkable external characteristics. Gladioli have a beautiful, iridescent color, and are able to stay fresh for up to two weeks, of course, if you take extra care of them: for example, you need to change the water and throw aspirin into a vase – this helps to keep the flowers for a long time.

Their feature is powerful stems with large inflorescences that attract attention. The inflorescence consists of 22 buds, tightly adjacent to each other. Perhaps the greatest charm in these flowers is in the color of the petals. They are painted in a lilac shade, smoothly turning into purple.

2. Golden wedding

“Golden Wedding” – another amazing variety, pleasing to the eye with its colors and elegance! These are slender, magnificent flowers, handsome with the most delicate salmon-colored flowers. This is another creation of Kuznetsov, which he is probably proud of, because flowers can often be seen at festive events.

The flowers of coral-pink shades are 16 cm in diameter. The petals are elegant, corrugated, light. These gladioli look solemn, elegant, can decorate any event. Perfect as a gift for March 8 and birthday. These are bulbous perennial flowers.

1. Katherine

This variety of gladioli is strikingly beautiful! “Catherine” – delicate, lush beautiful flowers that reproduce well. The flowers are large and corrugated, they look very festive, even in spring. This variety is very family oriented. The original “curly” engraving gives the inflorescence airiness and splendor.

The uniqueness and special grace of the flower is given by a delicate pattern of raspberry veins – because of this, the petals seem darker. Kuznetsov is responsible for authorship. The height of the gladioli is 160 cm. Katerina’s flowers are ideal for decorating rabatkas, flower beds and, of course, any recipient will be delighted with them!

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