Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

On an ordinary weekday, people do not pay attention to the beauty of the world around them at all. For example, how often do they stop to admire the trees? These plants have become so familiar that they do not stand out from the general picture.

Although there are such specimens in the world that it is unlikely to pass by. Nature sometimes creates stunning masterpieces, and trees can also surprise. They do not look like birches or poplars familiar to Russian people, although it should be noted that these plants are also beautiful in their own way.

If you love everything unusual, our ranking of the most beautiful trees in the world will not disappoint you. Perhaps some of them will amaze your imagination so much that you want to see them live.

10 Royal delonix

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

Country of origin – Madagascar. At the moment, the plant is almost never found there. Distributed in countries of the tropical zone (Thailand, Southern Brazil, Caribbean Islands and others).

Royal delonix reaches a height of 15-20 meters. It is a robust, hardy plant with a thick trunk. Perfectly adapts to various weather conditions.

The tree is shaped like an umbrella. A large number of branches with large leaves form a lush crown. It is especially beautiful at the time of flowering. The arrangement of the petals is asymmetrical. Four are the same, and the fifth is different in shape and color. Color – bright red, yellow and orange. A unique feature of Delonix: in the dark, its leaves are folded.

Belongs to the legume family, pods are formed on it, the length of which can reach 60 cm.

9. silver acacia

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

Homeland silver locust – Australia, but at the moment it is distributed throughout the area of ​​​​Eurasia. In Russia, it is cultivated on the Black Sea coast.

The plant is evergreen, unpretentious, but does not tolerate cold. The maximum height is 20 meters. Acacia owes its luxurious appearance to the unusual color of the leaves (gray-green bloom) and yellow inflorescences, resembling fluffy panicles or balls. Not only do they look amazing, but they also smell very fragrant. Not surprisingly, the plant is often used for decorative purposes.

It bears fruit in August with small beans, they reach a length of 8 cm.

8. Blue spruce

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

Homeland – North America. At the moment, the tree is distributed throughout the world, including in many regions of Russia. It is beautiful, unpretentious, perfectly adapts to urban conditions.

Blue spruce capable of reaching a height of up to 20 m. Its dignity is needles, length up to 30 mm, color – shades of gray, green and bright blue. The crown has a pyramidal shape. The tree becomes even more beautiful when the cones appear.

This tree is one of the favorites of landscape designers and gardeners. There are many varieties, the tree does not require special care, it quickly takes root.

7. Wisteria

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

A tree-like subtropical plant native to China. Variety of deciduous vines. Common in Asian countries, but gardeners around the world are trying to grow wisteria. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds.

The plant is low (up to 18 m) with a spreading crown, often irregularly shaped. The leaves are long, up to 30 cm. Wisteria looks amazing only during flowering. Reminds me of bunches of grapes. Large flowers are collected in brushes of different shades: purple, pink, white. They smell very delicious. Sweet fragrance will not allow wisteria to go unnoticed. It is only after contact with it that you should wash your hands, as it contains toxic substances.

6. Mangrove

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

The plant is native to Southeast Asia. Also common in South America, Africa, Australia.

This is a real miracle of nature. The height reaches from 8 to 15 m. Usually they form a dense forest stand. Their difference from other plants is the roots that are located on the surface of the earth. Trees grow in the tide zone. They spend half their lives in both fresh and salt water.

Mangrove deciduous, evergreen.

Interesting fact: in Russia you can find a similar phenomenon – floodplain forests. Habitual poplars, alder and willow grow in the mouths of the Volga, Don, Dnieper, forming entire ecosystems with their own flora and fauna.

5. rainbow eucalyptus

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

Homeland – the island of Mindanao. Distribution zone – Northern hemisphere.

The trees are very tall, capable of reaching 70 m, and this is not the limit. It is a record holder in the plant world, as it grows by 10 m per year. However, rainbow eucalyptus – a unique plant. Among others, it is distinguished by the color of the bark. It seems that an abstract artist did his best here, and he did not spare the colors. Bright green, blue, purple, dark orange … The trunks of old trees are cast in all the colors of the rainbow. The most common ornamental plant in the tropics.

4. Baobab

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

Baobabs grow in the savannas of Africa.

One of the most powerful trees, the girth of the trunk can reach 10 m, and the height – up to 25 m. It looks like a low tower. This structure provides nutrition to the plant. Its roots go several meters deep and to the sides, and the incoming moisture is stored in the trunk.

The branches are thick, grow in a horizontal direction. The leaves are small and juicy. In a dry season, a tree can get rid of them. In this case, it will seem that the baobab grows upside down.

It blooms from October to December, for only one night, after which it forms edible fruits. Baobabs have many benefits for people and animals, they are used as a medicine, foliage and fruits are eaten, fish nets and mats are made from fiber.

3. Rosewood (Jacaranda)

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

The tree grows in Brazil.

Low plants (up to 20 m) are very popular not so much because of their beauty, but because of their valuable wood. However, there are species that are bred solely for decorative purposes. No wonder, because at the time of flowering Jacaranda looks like a lush purple cloud. The plant is branched, the flowers are collected in brushes. Their color is striking in a variety of shades of blue, purple and violet.

Trees are cultivated in the countries of Eurasia and Africa. Unfortunately, the climatic conditions of our country do not allow breeding rosewood.

2. Rhododendron

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

Ornamental plants are native to North America and Southeast Asia. Now it can be found in many countries of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In Russia, it lives in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.

The maximum height of a tree is 30 m. Although there are more than 600 species rhododendron, there are also creeping shrubs. They grow both singly and in groups. The leaves have a variety of shapes and colors. Beautiful lush crown, colorful caps of flowers of various shades. Out of competition lilac and pink. Such rhododendrons resemble large bright balls. You should be especially careful with them. Trees are toxic, and even a simple photo next to them can cause disastrous consequences.

1. Dragon tree

Top 10 most beautiful trees in the world with names and photos

Homeland dragon tree – Africa, Asia, Central America.

It reaches a height of 20 m, grows very slowly. It looks unusual due to the unique structure. At a height of several meters, branching of the trunks occurs. The tree also forms aerial roots. The leaves are hard and sharp, grow up, resemble needles. This tree is best viewed from above. It looks like a big mushroom.

Dragon tree juice is widely used in industry, homeopathy. Some varieties of the genus are used for decorative purposes.

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