Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world

The beauty of the sea is beyond words. It is always different. That is quiet and calm, covered with small ripples, reeking of azure and reflecting bright sunlight. And sometimes gray and cloudy, stormy, with waves hitting the shore. The sea surface fascinates, attracts the eye. Its beauty is well conveyed by marine painters, such as I.K. Aivazovsky or William Turner.

But you don’t have to be creative to enjoy sea views. Instead of going to an expensive and trendy resort, spend your holidays admiring the surf and incredibly beautiful landscapes, breathing in the healing sea air. We present you the most beautiful seas in the world: in Russia, Turkey, Greece, Crimea – top 10 photos with descriptions.

10 Lazareva

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world Near by the sea Lazareva there is not a single state, because It is located off the coast of Antarctica. In the east, it borders on the Riiser-Larsen Sea, but the border between them is conditional, it was drawn along the 14th meridian.

It is not very large, most often covered with drifting ice, the coast is icy, of a bizarre shape. When the polar summer comes, tons of ice with water descend into the ocean, forming incredibly beautiful canyons, channels, channels, sometimes carving shapes that look like geometric ones. Because of these unique views, the Lazarev Sea is loved by tourists visiting Antarctica.

Those who would like to admire the local landscapes, blocks of ice against the background of the sea and the sun reflected in them, should visit the seashore. It retains its original appearance, tk. there is strictly forbidden to litter and disturb the life of animals.

Here you can admire seals, penguins, watch sea birds, shoals of fish, killer whales and even whales, which also sometimes swim to the shores of the sea.

9. White

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world He is also called icy и Calm. In autumn White Sea there are storms when the wave height reaches 6 m. In winter, the weather here is very severe, the water is covered with ice.

The nature of the White Sea is unusually beautiful. There are unforgettable sunsets here. The coastline has an unusual structure, the incredible variety of colors of rocks and stones is especially striking when the sun begins to illuminate them.

A lot of greenery grows along the banks. There are stones, and even mysterious stone labyrinths, the origin of which remains a mystery.

8. Adriatic

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world The Adriatic is part of the Mediterranean Sea, between two peninsulas: the Balkan and the Apennine. On its shores there are such states as Italy, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Coast Adriatic Sea like a paradise, there are mountains and steep cliffs covered with orange groves, cypresses and various forests. The water in it is clean and transparent, even 40 meters from the shore you can see the bottom, this crystal clearness is mesmerizing.

The Adriatic Sea is very warm, in summer it heats up to 26 degrees, but in winter, when the weather is cloudy and rainy on the coast, the temperature does not exceed 13 degrees.

You can admire its beauties not only on the shore, but also under water. Diving enthusiasts can see crabs, sea urchins, mussels, octopuses, lobsters.

There are many resort towns on the coast of this sea, where cottages and hotels are built for tourists. They are buried in the greenery of parks and gardens.

7. Sargassovo

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world Sargasso Sea – the only one that has no shores. You will not be able to relax on this sea, because. only professional sailors can enter this part of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Sargasso Sea is one of the most beautiful, and at the same time mysterious. It is located between 4 currents: Gulf Stream, Canary, North Atlantic, North Tradewind. These currents create an anticyclone zone, so there is practically no storm in this area. This is the calmest sea, covered with a carpet of algae.

The water in it is constantly moving in a circle, so it is very difficult for ships to cross this territory. Now there are not so many accidents, but once sailboats that fell into this sea could not get out. It is in this place that the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is located, where planes and ships disappear without a trace, some of which were equipped with the latest technology.

6. Marble

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world It is located off the coast of Turkey, with the help of the straits it connects to the Black and Aegean Seas. The name of the sea comes from the island of Marmara, where marble was once mined.

Marmara Sea never freezes: in summer the water temperature is 29 degrees, in winter it does not fall below 9 degrees. It has a very beautiful coast: a rocky relief, on the surface of which there are forests. There are many bays and bays, and the reefs create unique scenic landscapes.

On the seashore there are sights left from ancient times. One of the disadvantages of the Sea of ​​​​Marmara is the water, which is not clean. A huge number of ships pass here, polluting the environment. But if you choose places to rest far from the port, then the water is cleaner there, and the situation is calmer.

5. caribbean

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world The sea washes Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, as well as the countries of the Caribbean. It is very beautiful, color from turquoise to green. The water in the sea is always very warm, around +26°C. There are many bays and bays on the coast. The coast is either rocky or sandy, in some places you can see amazing white sand.

The nature of this region is amazingly beautiful. The underwater landscapes are especially striking, because. there are extensive coral reefs. About 500 species of fish live here, ranging from the smallest to the largest.

Region caribbean called “heaven on earth”, because there is unearthly beauty, therefore tourism is the basis of the economy of local states.

4. Black

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world The inland sea, on the shores of which there are such states as Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Romania.

Despite the fact that it has long been called by the Black Sea, it is not dark at all: in the morning on a sunny day – bluish-blue, with a greenish tint, sparkles and plays. If a breeze blows, white scallops appear on the surface, but the water still remains clean and clear. When a storm begins, the sea becomes a steel or gray hue, the water becomes cloudy.

Palm trees, pine forests, alpine meadows, many remains of fortresses, dolmens, and settlements flaunt on the banks.

3. The Baltic

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world This is an inland sea, as closed as possible, there are only a few straits connecting it with the waters of the North Sea. It washes such countries as Russia, Denmark, Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

Baltic Sea incredibly beautiful, it is admirable, because. unbridled, raging, with “character”. Sometimes the water in it is bright, turquoise, snow-white seagulls harmoniously look against its background. Sometimes gray, the wind is raging, and the waves roll with a frenzy on a narrow strip of sandy beach. The Baltic is majestic and beautiful.

2. Aegean

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world This is one of the cradles of antiquity. Turkey and Greece are located on its shores. It is distinguished by its special beauty, has a unique bright blue color.

Over 2 thousand islands rise above its surface, some of which have become famous resorts. Between them are many sunken ships. Tours to them, diving – the most popular entertainment for tourists.

Beaches Aegean Sea unique, with white sand, bays, pine forests, palm trees, olive trees.

1. Japanese

Top 10 most beautiful seas in the world A sea in the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Japanese Islands. Japan, Russia, North Korea, the Republic of Korea are located on its shores. The weather on the Sea of ​​Japan is changeable, the bright sun can be abruptly replaced by a thunderstorm and a storm. But, nevertheless, it attracts tourists with the purest water, underwater reefs and picturesque nature.

Here you will see a variety of landscapes, from sandy beaches to rocky cliffs up to 400 m high, from bamboo thickets to impenetrable taiga.

Summer on the coast The Sea of ​​Japan foggy, it often rains, there are typhoons. Another plus is the diversity of flora and fauna. Given the transparency of the water and its relatively high temperature, it is not surprising that these places attract diving enthusiasts who cannot stop looking at the colorful underwater landscapes.

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