Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

Modern man is so spoiled that it is not easy to please him. This applies to all areas of activity, catering is no exception. People who want to start their own business should pay attention not only to the menu and quality products, but also to design. Especially when it comes to a restaurant. Visitors come there not so much to eat as to relax, enjoy the conversation and, of course, the beautiful interior. If it is unusual, the restaurant can do without advertising, so everyone around will talk about it.

We present you the most beautiful restaurants in Moscow in terms of interior, which are suitable for an inexpensive romantic dinner, a wedding – the top 10 cafes with a pretty veranda. Perhaps, after reading the article, you will want to visit one of them and get real aesthetic pleasure.

10 Brasserie Bridge

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

Quite popular and trendy place. The interior is based on the Parisian brasserie. These are small cozy cafes designed for a relaxing holiday.

The restaurant is located in a historic building, its style is Austrian Art Nouveau. The first hall is the main one, spacious with panoramic windows and many mirrors. The walls are decorated with stucco.

True pride”Brasserie Bridgeare antique chandeliers. The furniture is made in the same style: Viennese chairs, tables covered with snow-white tablecloths.

The second hall is a fireplace room, art deco style (one of the most exquisite in the early twentieth century). The decoration uses natural materials: wood, velvet, leather. The unique Parisian atmosphere is created by a fireplace with candles.

9. Zayceff

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

A small elegant restaurant located in the very center of the capital. The interior can be described in one word “respectability“. Calm tones, natural shades, natural materials. This is an Italian classic.

Each visitor of this establishment gets a unique opportunity to forget about the hustle and bustle of the big city. Massive furniture, crystal chandeliers… Details play a big role here. Mirror panels, sculptures, an open bar with stained glass windows, soft carpets. They create an atmosphere of solemnity.

It has already been noted above that the restaurant “Zayceff» small in size. Capacity – 52 people, there is also a karaoke room (30 people).

8. Kazbek

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

Restaurant «Kazbek” opened in 2016. This is a project of Andrey Dellos, a popular restaurateur in Russia. According to him, this is nothing more than an attempt to recreate youthful memories of a happy time spent in Georgia.

The restaurant is designed for 112 visitors. He is called “atmospheric Georgian apartment“. It attracts the attention of residents and guests of the capital with its color and special charm. It is located in an old building, the former Trekhgornaya Manufactory. Daylight, artificially aged walls and floor, wood-burning stove.

Kazbek has different seating options: tables for a different number of people, a closed office, a veranda, an open room for a small company. This is an ideal place for those who want to experience the real Georgian atmosphere.

7. Russian

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

The restaurant is considered the highest in Europe, its location is the 85th floor of the Oko skyscraper. The guests of the restaurant will be able to enjoy Russian cuisine (the author’s rethinking), there are also international dishes, although the decor “Russian“will make you forget about food.

Vanguard luxury. Only natural materials are used, calm natural shades. Of course, there are panoramic windows so that guests of the restaurant can admire the beautiful views of Moscow.

There are 4 zones in Ruski, each of them personifies a certain element. In the center of the hall there is a real Russian oven, its length is 8 meters.

6. A boat

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

Fans of Asian cuisine will definitely enjoy the restaurant “A boat“. Its founder is the famous Russian boxer Konstantin Tszyu. He admits that he himself is very fond of Asian cuisine, but there was no such place in Moscow where one could taste Chinese, Korean and Japanese cuisines at the same time. Although now there is a restaurant “Boat”.

Its name speaks for itself, the interior is made in a marine style. The interior is reminiscent of an expensive yacht. Portholes, leather furniture, shimmering twilight. Emerald shades are used in the decoration, the floor is laid out from narrow deck boards. In this institution, everyone can feel like a conqueror of the seas.

5. Turandot

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

Another project of restaurateur Andrey Dellos. Location – an old mansion of the XVIII century. It took 6 years to restore it! However, the result turned out to be stunning; in terms of luxury and wealth, the restaurant surpasses the royal palaces.

Interior decoration “Turandota‘ is not easy to describe. There are many different rooms. Each has its own idea and its own interior. The baroque style prevails. The main characteristics are luxury, pretentiousness. This restaurant is considered one of the most majestic and worthy establishments in Moscow.

4. White Rabbit

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

This restaurant is regularly included in the tops of the most famous not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Located in the historical center of the capital, on the 16th floor of the Smolensky Passage.

To the creators of “White Rabbit“There is much to be proud of. This is not only amazing Russian cuisine and a beautiful interior, but also the best panoramic view of the historical center of Moscow. The name of the institution translates as “White Rabbit».

The layout is two-level, both halls are decorated in the style of “Alice in Wonderland”. “White Rabbit” will help you plunge into the magical fairy-tale world. This atmosphere can be recreated largely thanks to the details: a fireplace decorated with decorative stucco, Victorian furniture, an unusual bar counter.

3. Laduree

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

«Ladureeis a luxury confectionery brand. Its history began in 1862. At the moment it is presented in 28 countries of the world. The restaurant of the legendary French confectionery has also appeared in Moscow. Due to its location (near Red Square) there is no end to visitors.

The Moscow “Laduree” meets all the standards for interior design. The institution is no different from similar ones located in other cities and countries. A romantic atmosphere reigns here: pastel shades, lots of pink, angels, natural materials, elegant furniture and chandeliers.

2. Plov project

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

The bright and stylish restaurant invites its guests to taste dishes from various cuisines of the world. It is located in the center of the capital.

«Plov project” is striking in its scale. These are two floors, about a thousand square meters. The restaurant is designed for 200 people. Do not be afraid, there is no “feeling of the crowd”, the space of the establishment is divided into many secluded corners with the help of live greenery and improvised golden cages.

This restaurant is like a fairy garden. In summer, a large veranda opens with 100 additional seats. Do you want to be in a fairy tale? Be sure to visit “Plov project”.

1. Red leaps

Top 10 most beautiful restaurants in Moscow by interior design

A luxurious institution located in the very center of the capital, in a high-rise building on Barrikadnaya. The building was built in the 50s of the twentieth century. The legendary Soviet grocery store was once located here. It took the designers and builders a whole year to realize the idea.

Majestic columns, antique chandeliers, stucco ceilings are amazingly combined with modern furniture, statues, fresh flowers, and a sophisticated lighting system.

The interior of the restaurantRed leaps” strikes with its luxury, too pretentious even by Moscow standards. This defiantly expensive establishment promises its visitors that they will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Cote d’Azur.

This is a piece of Europe inside Moscow, there is one “but”. Staff – foreigners, not a single waiter speaks Russian. There is no menu in Russian. For better or worse, everyone decides for himself, but most visitors do not want to return to this fashionable restaurant.

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