Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

It is difficult for modern people (especially residents of large cities) to imagine life without the metro, because it is the safest and most convenient way to travel. The first underground line was built in London and was 6 km long. Line work began on January 10, 1863. The first subway was nicknamed the Pipe for its unusual shape in the form of a cylinder.

Public transport can be not only functional – sometimes it impresses with its beauty and originality of stations. If you approach the construction of the subway with imagination and inspiration, you can get real works of art! Undoubtedly, such objects become the pride of the inhabitants of the city.

Do you want to know which is the most beautiful subway in the world? We present you the top 10 stations where you can arrange an amazing photo shoot. If you ever pass by, don’t forget to check it out!

10 Kyiv (Golden Gate)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: 31th of December 1989

The station is located in the city center, the ground lobby is built into a pre-revolutionary building and is located opposite golden gate (The Golden Gate is a monument of ancient Russian architecture, one of the sights of Ukraine).

The vaults of the station rest on round columns lined with white Koelga marble, the floor is made of gray granite slabs. An enchanting atmosphere reigns in the station, which is not surprising, because artists worked on the decoration – professionals in their field, who created complex mosaic paintings along the columns.

It is noteworthy that none of the mosaics is repeated (even very similar mosaics differ in details). The mosaic depicts the princes of Kievan Rus, the churches of Kyiv, as well as complex ornaments. Chandeliers in the subway with candles are reminiscent of Victorian style.

9. Munich (Kandidplatz)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: November 8 1997 city

The Munich underground station is located on the line between Wettersteinplatz and Columbusplatz stations.

Kandidplac is considered the most convenient station, and this is understandable, because a lot of escalators and transitions allow people to easily get to the place they need.

In addition to comfort, an enchanting unique atmosphere reigns here: strict lines, minimalism, lack of intricacy.

All Munich metro stations are different from each other and evoke a wide variety of feelings – some of them evoke memories of childhood and the impending rain, some make you think about space, and some make you want to immerse yourself in a fairy-tale world…

8. St. Petersburg (Avtovo)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: November 15 1955 city

Station Automatically was named after the village of Autovo, which is located in St. Petersburg. At the station, you can see a large number of chandeliers located on the platforms and in the center of the pedestrian zone.

The peculiarity of the station is that there are no escalators here, people move in a different way – along a spiral staircase, in the creation of which red marble was used.

The design of the station includes marble columns, mosaics, stucco moldings in the form of laurel branches and historical landmarks.

7. Toronto (Royal Ontario Museum)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: unknown

To the metro station, which is called Royal Ontario Museum, a must-see for those who travel to Toronto. After the station was reconstructed in 2008, it became like a museum.

Exhibits from the Royal and Gardiner museums located under it were really used to decorate the extraordinary station.

Passengers of the station have a unique opportunity to see the symbols of the cult of the very first inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, Canada, as well as the relics of Ancient Greece and artifacts of Chinese culture. It’s worth seeing!

6. New York (City Hall)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: 27th of October 1904

city ​​hall in neo-Romanesque style – a former New York subway station. It is represented by a side platform in a rounded form. It was this feature that played a cruel joke with the station. It was closed in 1945 for the reason that it was not suitable for train service.

The old trains were replaced by new ones – elongated ones, and all the platforms were simply extended, but the same could not be done with the City Hall. Passing by, and today you can see the amazing and abandoned New York City Hall station.

5. Lisbon (Olaias)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: 29th of December 1959

Olayas – a bright station that was built on the eve of the world exhibition Expo. Thomas Taveir was responsible for the design, and artists who you may have heard of – Rui Sanchez, Pedro Reis and Pedro Calapez – worked on individual installations.

Portuguese artists have created an amazing stained glass ceiling installation that evokes feelings of joy and positive emotions.

In general, the Lisbon metro consists of bright elements, the sight of which is impossible to tear yourself away from!

4. Naples (Toledo)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: November 2002, XNUMX

Italian designers are famous for being ahead of the times with their provocative works, which cause a lot of controversy and polar opinions, but after a while they become classics. This could not but affect the metro.

Station Toledo recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world, its design resembles an art pavilion – the mosaic walls and ceiling are illuminated with blue and silver hues, symbolizing the ascent to the 7th heaven … With the help of escalators!

It is noteworthy that the panorama of artists from Ukraine – Emilia and Ilya Kabakov – is used in the design of Toledo. The station of Naples is associated with a snow cave, it is truly mesmerizing…

3. Moscow (Mayakovskaya)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: September 11, 1938

Initially Mayakovskaya called differently Triumfalnaya square, but in 1936 it was renamed. The station, located in the Tverskoy district, was named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, a Soviet and Russian poet. It is decorated with marble, lamps that are hidden inside the oval recesses on the ceiling, as well as columns lined with stainless steel. It creates a feeling of grace and incredible lightness. No wonder Muscovites are so proud of her!

2. Paris (Ar-et-Metier)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: 19th of October 1904

Station Ar-et-Metier (translated from French “Arts and professions”) with interesting copper cladding, decorative volumetric screws and original photographs that would not look quite appropriate in a museum, but for the station these elements are a highlight!

Almost the entire metro station is art, it is noteworthy that it is located under the museum of the same name. A ride on the subway turns out to be a real adventure that cannot be forgotten. Walking in Paris, everyone should look at the Ar-et-Metier station – positive emotions are guaranteed.

1. Kaohsiung (Formosa Boulevard)

Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in the world

Opening date: November 2008, XNUMX

Station Boulevard Formosa in the city of Kaohsiung (Taiwan) is simply incredible! It looks like a massive technocenter of light. The ceiling consists of 4500 glass panels, because of the brightness of the glass installation, there was even a proposal to hold weddings in the subway.

One can only guess how proud the people of Kaohsiung are of this place. In addition, the station is considered a tourist attraction, where people take pictures with pleasure and linger to get a better look. And this is understandable, because after a walk through such a bright station, the mood rises and the soul becomes warmer.

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